
These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

author:Think more

There are thousands of vegetables in the world, which could have added new dishes to three meals a day, but because of the non-standard and unreasonable use of pesticides, the pesticide residues in the vegetables exceeded the standard, which caused many food poisoning incidents, and also caused the anxiety and anxiety of many people who love to cook.

For example, the last time I went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, because I visited his business many times, I didn't check much, and I paid for it when I saw it fresh. As a result, when I was choosing vegetables, I could smell a pesticide smell, which scared me and threw it aside. But after thinking about it, I bought all the vegetables and couldn't waste them, so I started to search for various cleaning methods. The following is the cleaning method that I worked hard to organize to share with you.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

1. Wash vegetables in lightly salted water: soak the vegetables in lightly salted water for 3-5 minutes, and then rinse them with water. This is also one of the methods used by most households, light salt water can not only play a role in sterilization, but also dissolve the formaldehyde residues that may exist in vegetables.

2. The effect of rice washing water to decompose phosphorus-containing pesticides is good: washing fruits and vegetables with rice washing water has a certain effect on reducing pesticide residues. However, it is best to use the first one or two rice washing water, because the surface of the rice contains potassium, so the first one or two rice washing water will be weakly acidic, which has a better effect on removing alkaline pesticide residues

3. Peel the vegetables that can be peeled as much as possible: basically the vegetables that can be peeled in my family will be peeled and eaten, because peeling can remove most of the pesticide residues.

Fourth, some vegetables can be blanched: vegetables that can be blanched must be blanched, and many pesticides can be volatilized and decomposed after encountering high temperatures.

After learning about the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, let's take a look at which 5 kinds of vegetable agricultural residues are high.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

1. Flowers and vegetables

It has a brittle flower stem, a fat flower sprout, and a tightly clustered ball flower bud. It is rich in nutrition and delicious, especially liked by insects, there are many insects, there are many eggs, and the dose of pesticides used is correspondingly large; The shape of the flower buds is dense and uneven, and pesticides can easily remain in them; Moreover, cauliflower is a very delicate vegetable, which is easy to be damaged during transportation, so vegetable farmers usually wrap plastic film to keep it intact, so that the pesticide is less volatile.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried meat with cauliflower

Stir-fried pork with cauliflower is an indispensable side dish, and the crispy texture and tender meat slices are really fragrant

Ingredients: Wash the cauliflower in salted water and cut into small pieces, slice the pork, slice the garlic, slice the ginger, and cut the dried chili into rings


1. Boil the water, pour in the lettuce, blanch for 30 seconds, then remove and set aside

2. Add oyster sauce, salt, starch, pepper and cooking wine to the meat slices and marinate evenly for 3 minutes

3. Add vegetable oil to the hot pan, pour in the marinated meat slices and stir-fry until 7 mature, then put out for later use, add vegetable oil to the pot again, add garlic slices, ginger slices, and dried chili peppers after the oil is hot and stir-fry the blanched cauliflower for 1 minute

4. Add 7 mature meat slices and stir-fry for 2 minutes, add 1 tablespoon of dark soy sauce to color, salt and pepper powder, mix evenly and remove from the pot.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the vegetables that use the most pesticides, and tomatoes are relatively "squeamish" vegetables, vegetables that have requirements for soil, temperature, and humidity. Before planting, the land should be sprayed with pesticides, the seeds need to be sterilized during planting, the seeds should be injected with hormones during the pollination period, the growth period should be injected with prototropin and bulking agents, and the preservatives should be used during transportation.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

Recommended recipe: Tomato gnocchi soup

In addition to stirring the flour into a flocculent shape, you can also mix it with the batter, take a small bowl of flour, add a spoonful of salt, mix the dough with cold water, add water while stirring, and mix into a viscous yogurt-like shape. Then use a colander to drain the batter into the pan.

Ingredients: flour, tomatoes, zucchini, beans, shiitake mushrooms, carrots, baby greens, eggs, salt, very fresh, sesame oil


1. Clean all the vegetables, cut the tomatoes into small pieces, and cut the greens into strips. Cut the other vegetables into small cubes and beat the eggs and set aside.

2. Small half a bowl of flour, stir while adding water, add a little less water each time, stir until there is no dry powder, and the flocculent is relatively small, as shown in the figure.

3. Pour oil into the hot pot, pour all the vegetables cut into the plate with hot oil, stir-fry constantly, you can add some water appropriately until it is cooked, and finally sprinkle some stirring evenly and set aside.

4. Pour oil into the hot pot, pour in the tomato pieces in the hot oil, fry until the sand comes out, as shown in the picture, add water, and boil.

5. Bring the soup to a boil, stirring while pouring in the dough. When the dough is almost cooked, pour in the greens and bring to a boil.

6. After boiling, pour in the fried vegetables, taste the taste, add an appropriate amount of salt, and stir well with a spoonful of extremely fresh flavor (adjust the bowl to heat). Screw in the egg liquid: Finally, screw the beaten egg liquid into the pot, wait for the egg liquid to solidify, stir evenly, drop a few drops of sesame oil, and then you can get out of the pot.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

3. Cucumbers

It takes more than 50 days for root cucumbers to bloom to be marketed, but in order to promote rapid growth of cucumbers, a growth hormone called "cytokinin" may be used, and it takes only 7 days to mature. Ripening cucumbers have three characteristics: a slender tail, a small round ball on the head, and a straight one. "Cytokinin" causes the cucumber's tail to grow longer and longer, and a small ball to emerge from the head. Cucumbers that grow very straight and large are likely to have the "cucumber green, crisp and straight" hormone.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried meat with cucumbers

Don't cold the cucumber anymore, the fried meat is really crispy, the "crunchy" is not an exaggeration at all, and it is also very delicious! Friends who are in the fat loss period can also eat it, so let's learn it quickly!

Ingredients: cucumber, lean meat, ginger, garlic, millet spicy


1. Cut the cucumber into strips, add salt and sugar to marinate for 15 minutes, clean and set aside after killing the water (this is the key to the crispy cucumber), cut the lean meat into thin slices, add soy sauce, oyster sauce, dark soy sauce, ginger shredded starch and mix evenly, then add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to lock in the moisture and marinate for 15 minutes

2. Stir-fry the marinated meat slices in the pot until they change color, add shredded ginger, garlic and millet to stir-fry until fragrant, then add cucumber strips and stir-fry, add an appropriate amount of soy sauce and light soy sauce to taste, and stir-fry evenly.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

Fourth, water spinach

Water spinach is planted in summer, and due to the high temperature in summer, the pest infestation is more serious, and vegetable farmers have to constantly use pesticides. Moreover, only the most tender part of the water spinach is picked, and the roots will continue to grow in the soil, which leads to the continuous accumulation of pesticides on the roots of the water spinach, and the leaves of the water spinach will also be sprayed with pesticides.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

Recommended recipe: Stir-fried water spinach with minced garlic

Water spinach is a seasonal vegetable in summer, and it is also one of the must-eat vegetables in our family, whether it is fried spicy or not, it is very popular.

Ingredients: water spinach, minced garlic, chopped chili


1. Wash the water spinach and set aside

2. Put oil in the pot, add more oil or fry with lard to make it more fragrant, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, add water spinach and stir-fry, add a little light soy sauce, chop the chili pepper and continue to stir-fry, add salt after frying, and season the chicken essence to serve it on a plate and eat! It's a very simple home-cooked stir-fried vegetable.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

5. Chinese cabbage

During the growth period of cabbage, different types, times and quantities of pesticides are sprayed to control pests and diseases. The sprayed pesticides will more or less gather above the roots, because this part is a good bearing surface, and pesticide residues will be enriched here over time.

These 5 kinds of vegetables are high in pesticide residues, and they are all commonly eaten, keep in mind the 4 tips for removing pesticide residues, and benefit from them as soon as possible

Recommended recipe: cold cabbage

Ingredients: 2 small Chinese cabbage, 1/3 green onion, 1 chili pepper (optional), 1/3 tablespoon salt, 1/2 tablespoon garlic paste, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 2 tablespoons sesame seeds


1. Blanch the cabbage for about 30-40 seconds and take it out. Cool the cabbage in cold water, squeeze out the water, and cut it into convenient sizes with a knife.

2. Cut the green onions and chili peppers into small pieces. If you don't like spicy food, you can leave it out~

3. Grind the sesame seeds a little finer~ This is more fragrant and delicious~

4. Put cabbage in a bowl, put 1/3 tablespoon of salt, 1/2 tablespoon of garlic, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds, stir it, taste salty, if it is a little light, put a little salt, so that the light cold cabbage is particularly appetizing. Suitable for summer.

Committed to using the simplest ingredients, to share the most delicious dishes for you, the above 5 kinds of vegetable practices, have you learned, learn to try to make it at home,! Welcome to like, follow, retweet and favorite, thank you for your support! We'll see you next time.

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