
Some fruits are not sweet but are hugely fat? Expert tips: If you eat fruit like this, you can't get fat

author:Look at it all

May 11 is the "World Day to Combat Obesity", obesity, as a chronic metabolic disease, not only has a high risk of premature death, but also is associated with the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, stroke, coronary heart disease, hypertension and other diseases. Nowadays, many people have known the importance of weight loss and joined the "I want to lose weight 511" army, but the reporter noticed that as the temperature rises, delicious and nutritious fruits have become a hot topic for weight loss.

Some fruits are not sweet but are hugely fat? Expert tips: If you eat fruit like this, you can't get fat

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Dieters are afraid: "unsweet fruits" may be "giant bombs"

Recently, in a number of fruit lists circulating on the Internet, fruit calorie "assassins": coconut meat, avocados, durians, fresh dates, jackfruit, bananas, etc. are on the list; Coconut, longan, lychee and other fruits are included in the sugar "bursting" group. Among them, durian, fresh dates and other high-sugar and high-calorie fruits were directly labeled as "persuasive" and "forbidden to eat".

However, fruits that are sweet and calorie are on the line and are considered "honest fruits". And some fruits that are not sweet to taste, but have a high sugar content, such as dragon fruit, ginseng fruit, passion fruit, hawthorn, etc., are called "green tea fruits"; On the other hand, fruits that are sweet but contain little sugar: watermelon, strawberry, papaya, apricot, etc., are called "fruits that repay kindness".

Some fruits are not sweet but are hugely fat? Expert tips: If you eat fruit like this, you can't get fat

Fruit calories sugar list

The reporter noticed that fruits with a lot of sugar but not sweetness were the most discussed because of their "confusing nature". In the message area of the hot topic "Some fruits are not sweet but they are huge and fat", many netizens sighed: "I can't imagine that hawthorn is so sour and high in blood sugar", "Now except for small tomatoes, which fruit can be eaten", "I only eat dragon fruit at night, no wonder I can't lose weight"...... The "unsweet fruit" hidden so deeply is actually a "giant bomb", which makes many weight loss people shake their heads again and again.

Sweetness can deceive, fruits can be eaten like this during weight loss

"It's really inaccurate to judge the sugar content of a fruit by its sweetness." Jin Hui, director of the Department of Clinical Nutrition of Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, said in an interview with reporters that the sweetness of fruits is not only related to the fructose, glucose, sucrose, fruit acid, etc., but also related to its growth environment, low temperature state, storage methods and other factors.

So, is there a direct correlation between sugar and gaining weight? Director Jin Hui said that in fact, there is no direct correlation between sugar and gaining weight. Generally speaking, when the total calorie intake of the body is higher than the total amount consumed, it will gain weight. However, it is important to note that sugar is one of the important indicators that cause energy intake. For obese people, especially during weight loss, high-sugar fruits can be replaced with low-sugar-friendly fruits. "Because eating a fruit of the same size, relatively speaking, high-sugar fruits take in more sugar, but when you change to low-sugar fruits, the sugar is not only less, but in terms of quantity, you can also eat more appropriately, so that the stomach can also be supported."

Some fruits are not sweet but are hugely fat? Expert tips: If you eat fruit like this, you can't get fat

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However, experts emphasize that even during weight loss, high-sugar and high-calorie fruits are not meant to enter the "cold palace". "For some favorite fruits, we can count it in the calories of a day, for example, the target intake of 1500 calories a day, if the high-sugar and high-calorie fruits have consumed 400 calories, then the remaining 1100 calories will be eaten other foods." Jin Hui said that even if you accidentally eat too much, you can also consume it through exercise and other means.

For those who like to lose weight by eating fruits, Director Jin Hui reminded that weight loss first emphasizes negative balance, in fact, no matter what you eat, as long as you achieve negative balance, you can lose weight; Secondly, it is not recommended that everyone eat only a single food to lose weight, and we should ensure seven major nutrients every day: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, water, minerals, and dietary fiber. If you only eat fruits every day, it provides more fructose, fiber, water, etc., which is easy to cause nutritional imbalance. You may lose weight, but other problems may follow.

Source: Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Wang Menghang

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