
After looking at Dong Mingzhu and then at Xuan Jing, I found that strong and shrewd women have these 4 characteristics

author:Workplace insights
After looking at Dong Mingzhu and then at Xuan Jing, I found that strong and shrewd women have these 4 characteristics

When you mention Dong Mingzhu, what image will come to your mind?

Domineering, strong, and outspoken, these labels have almost become synonymous with her. But behind the shining halo is a little-known struggle.

After looking at Dong Mingzhu and then at Xuan Jing, I found that strong and shrewd women have these 4 characteristics

A closer look at the history of this business lady reveals that there are so many traits in her that are worth learning. Here, I've summarized the top 4 tips for strong women.

Tip 1: Dare to seize opportunities and accept challenges

Looking back on Dong Mingzhu's entrepreneurial history, she can be described as self-made. In 1990, 22-year-old Dong Mingzhu went south to Guangdong alone, and with a lot of hard work, he started as an ordinary salesperson.

In the face of fierce competition in the home appliance industry, Dong Mingzhu did not flinch, but bravely accepted the challenge. She put down her body and was seconded to the grassroots level to learn technology, and quickly mastered the professional knowledge.

After that, she decisively seized the opportunity and strongly recommended Gree to enter the field of air conditioning, opening the road to take-off of the enterprise. From an obscure small clerk to a well-known "head of Gree", Dong Mingzhu relies on the strength to dare to fight.

After looking at Dong Mingzhu and then at Xuan Jing, I found that strong and shrewd women have these 4 characteristics

Tip 2: Focus on the main business and persevere in research

Dong Mingzhu often says, "People who are focused will not have too bad luck." This quote speaks to the secret of her success.

In the 17 years at the helm of Gree, Dong Mingzhu has always focused on industry and intensively cultivated the main business of air conditioning. Even in the face of the temptation of the capital market, she was not distracted to diversify.

"Make the air conditioner to the extreme" is Dong Mingzhu's obsession. Under her leadership, Gree has established a strong R&D team and invests a lot of money in technological innovation every year.

Take Gree's patents as an example, as of May 2024, Gree air conditioners have applied for more than 72,000 patents worldwide, ranking among the top in the industry. Behind this is the perseverance of Dong Mingzhu and her team.

After looking at Dong Mingzhu and then at Xuan Jing, I found that strong and shrewd women have these 4 characteristics

Tip 3: Face adversity head-on and persevere

There is no smooth sailing in life, and strong women know how to face adversity head-on.

At the end of the 90s of last century, Gree experienced a life-and-death catastrophe: insolvency and on the verge of bankruptcy. As Dong Mingzhu, who is in charge of sales, is facing great pressure.

But instead of backing down, she risked being fired and advocated for a change in the marketing model. Dong Mingzhu's courage finally impressed the boss Zhu Jianghong.

The reform was a great success, Gree came back from the dead, and Dong Mingzhu also opened a new chapter in his life. Later, whenever the company encountered a crisis, Dong Mingzhu was able to respond calmly and face difficulties.

In her dictionary, there is never the word "give up". It is with this indomitable tenacity that she can lead Gree to break through again and again and dominate the industry.

After looking at Dong Mingzhu and then at Xuan Jing, I found that strong and shrewd women have these 4 characteristics

Tip 4: Maintain an independent personality and do not blindly follow authority

Dong Mingzhu is known for her outspokenness, which is her distinctive and unique personality. In her view, everyone is equal before the truth, and we cannot blindly obey authority.

In 2010, Midea "encircled and suppressed" Gree, Dong Mingzhu faced pressure from the board of directors and took the case: "Either let me do it, or I leave!" It is with this personality that she can lead Gree to break through.

Later, Dong Mingzhu spoke out in public many times, attacking the unspoken rules of the industry. In the face of the powerful, she is neither humble nor arrogant. This independent personality has won her the love of ordinary employees.

Under her influence, Gree has formed a unique corporate culture: only logic, not human feelings. This has injected a strong spiritual impetus into the long-term development of the enterprise.

After looking at Dong Mingzhu and then at Xuan Jing, I found that strong and shrewd women have these 4 characteristics

Write at the end

On the road to success, there is no shortage of doubts and ridicule. This is especially true for the strong Dong Mingzhu. But she proved with practical actions that women can also dominate the business world.

Opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. Dong Mingzhu often said: "There is no natural strong person in the world, only people who constantly create opportunities for themselves."

Her family history is without exception engraved with the mark of struggle. If you want to be the best in the crowd, you must dare to take the road that others dare not take, be more courageous, be more tenacious, and be a little more different.

Dong Mingzhu once sighed: "If you recognize one thing, you must stick to it, no matter what others think." Because only by persistence can we see results. "

These words revealed the ultimate secret of her success. It is also her advice to all those who struggle. As long as you work hard and forge ahead, even if you come from an ordinary background, you will eventually create infinite possibilities.

Dear readers, what qualities do you admire most about Dong Mingzhu? What other struggling women are you worthy of respect? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share.

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