
Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

author:Night Fantasist

The Philippine government has expressed displeasure over China's activities in the South China Sea and has called for the expulsion of Chinese diplomats.

Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

According to the Philippine government, China's recent military deployment on the Spratly Islands has damaged the ecological environment of the region. At the same time, China has repeatedly sent warships and aircraft into what the Philippines considers to be its exclusive economic zone, seriously violating the Philippines' maritime rights and interests.

In the face of China's actions, the Philippine government reacted strongly. The Philippine side said that Nanhai Zhudao has been the territory and sea area of the Philippines since ancient times, and China's actions are a blatant provocation to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Philippines.

Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

To that end, the Philippines has sought to exert pressure on China by expelling Chinese diplomats in the hope of forcing it to change its hardline stance in the South China Sea.

However, China is firmly opposed to this. China believes that Nanhai Zhudao and its adjacent waters have been China's inherent territory since ancient times, and that China's construction and rights protection activities there are completely exercises of its sovereign rights. China also accused the Philippines of unilaterally illegally occupying part of the Spratly Islands and destroying the local ecological environment.

Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

The United States was also quick to get involved in the South China Sea dispute. The US side openly supports the Philippines' position and has repeatedly dispatched warships and aircraft to make trouble in the South China Sea and show off its military might. These moves by the United States are undoubtedly exerting military pressure on China in an attempt to sow discord on the South China Sea issue and achieve its strategic goal of containing China.

However, the Chinese government has responded resolutely. A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that China's activities in the South China Sea are legitimate and reasonable, and fully fall within the scope of China's sovereignty. The Chinese side demands that the Philippine Government guarantee the normal work of Chinese diplomats there and refrain from unreasonable disturbances.

Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

As everyone knows, the South China Sea issue is a complex issue left over from history. Since the fifties of the last century, China has had de facto control over some islands and reefs in the South China Sea. The South China Sea region is not only rich in marine resources, but it is also vital to China's sea lines of communication. Therefore, safeguarding the rights and interests of the South China Sea is the consistent position of the Chinese government.

We should be soberly aware that China and the Philippines are close neighbors geographically and are inextricably linked in the economic, cultural, and other fields. In the event of a fierce confrontation in Sino-Philippine relations, both sides will suffer serious losses.

Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

For example, the Philippines has a large number of tourists and workers in China every year, and if relations deteriorate, their interests will suffer. At the same time, China is also one of the largest trading partners and sources of investment for the Philippines, and any interruption of economic and trade cooperation between the two sides will be a huge blow to the economic development of the Philippines.

Therefore, the Philippine government should think twice about what it should do, and must not be fooled by the demagogy of some countries outside the region and make decisions that harm its own interests.

Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

In fact, although the United States ostensibly supports the Philippines, its real purpose is to use the Philippines to contain China's influence in the South China Sea and achieve its dominant strategic goal in the Asia-Pacific region. Once China-Philippines relations fall into confrontation, it will be the Filipino people themselves who will be hurt the most.

On the contrary, it is only through dialogue and consultation that differences can be properly resolved on the basis of mutual understanding and respect that the wisest choice is to do so. The Chinese and Philippine peoples have been friendly for generations and have the wisdom to resolve the contradictions in front of them.

Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

We should be more tolerant and patient, less impulsive and prejudice, manage differences in a peaceful way, and safeguard the overall situation of bilateral relations.

The Philippine government has ignored international law, wantonly violated the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, threatened to expel Chinese diplomats, and blatantly challenged China's sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. This is a naked act of hegemony and a flagrant challenge to the basic norms governing international relations.

Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

The spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry attaches great importance to this matter and issued a solemn statement, making it clear that it will never make concessions on the South China Sea issue. China has the will and strength to defend its legitimate rights and interests in the South China Sea. The Chinese side warned the Philippine side not to shoot itself in the foot, otherwise it will suffer losses and even lose its capital.

As we all know, the South China Sea has been China's territory since ancient times. In modern times, China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea have been seriously violated by some countries. However, no matter how much any country threatens or pressures it, China will never back down on this core issue.

Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

China is a peace-loving country, but it will never compromise on issues involving territorial sovereignty and core interests. China has a firm will, sufficient courage and strong strength to defend its territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests. Any attempt to wrest the South China Sea from China is doomed to be futile.

What the Philippine Government has done is undoubtedly sending an extremely irresponsible signal to the entire international community and is screwing the waters of the river in the tide of peace and development. The Chinese government has the determination and ability to defend its legitimate rights and interests in the South China Sea.

Chinese diplomats face expulsion from the Philippines, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is fighting back, and the Philippines is terrified?

We urge the Philippine side to earnestly respect international law and reality, stop provocative acts, resolve differences through dialogue and consultation, and maintain regional peace and stability. China will never make concessions on issues involving national sovereignty and core interests, and we have the confidence and courage to respond to all external challenges.

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