
Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

author:Aim at Meow Films

In the domestic drama circle in May, suspense dramas are like the mysterious magician who can always make people can't help but take a few more looks, and the audience seems to have been enchanted.

Everyone squeezed their heads to find out, prompting the suspense drama to become a sweet spot for everyone's after-dinner discussion.

While "Faint Fire" attracted the attention of the audience with its suspenseful plot and "New Life" with youthful vitality, the new challenger "Unspeakable" also quietly appeared, joining the competition of this audio-visual feast with its secrets and mysteries.

This series brings together a large number of actors who are familiar to the audience.

Especially Liu Yijun, the role of the gang boss he plays in the play, every time he appears on the stage, he has a shocking aura.

It's like an underworld giant who controls everything.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Zhang Guoqiang is out of the way, he threw aside his previous honest image and turned into a "grassroots hero".

With a little wit and a big heart.

Watching him struggle with the quagmire of the bottom society on the screen, don't say it, his acting skills are really eye-catching, as if telling us: "Look, I'm versatile!" The audience couldn't help but want to give him a "Transformation Master" award.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

And young actors such as Li Yitong and Hu Lianxin also showed their excellent acting skills.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Of course, in this drama, Ou Hao's performance is undoubtedly a highlight.

For example, in one of the eating scenes, the delicate expression management and emotional transmission make people feel the taste and texture of the food.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Ou Hao's acting skills in the dinner scene exploded, and the audience was stunned

Speaking of Ou Hao, he has experienced years of hard work in the film and television industry, and the transformation path he has taken is indeed different from that of other idols.

The movies he starred in were like box office magnets, drawing the wallets of the audience into their hands and making them pull out their coins to vote.

Each work gives birth to several memorable classic shots, and the audience is very enthusiastic about these scenes.

It's like having a big "famous scene" party.

But if you ask critics what they think, they might shake their heads and sigh and say that the film's reputation is like a slide down, all the way down, and it's unexpected.

But even if the sky falls, Ou Hao can be as calm as if he is playing a mobile game, and in the face of those controversies, he is like a lazy cat who is too lazy to move, only occasionally raising his eyelids, as if to say: "Oh, is there such a thing?" So what? Then he continued to nap him.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

For the art of acting, although Ou Hao has not been trained by a professional acting school, his progress is obvious to all.

Especially the scene where he performs eating, the kind of real and delicate interpretation makes people can't help but brush it several times.

It's as if you can smell the aroma of food through the screen.

Not only natural, but also full of emotion, which makes him stand out among young actors in the mainland and become a rising star.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

For example, there is such a scene of eating.

Ou Hao turned into a hungry beast and devoured this hard-won delicacy with an almost fanatical gratitude.

Hands seem to be vying for the favor of food, one clutching the warm steamed buns, and the other keeps pouring colorful dishes into the mouth.

It seems that every bite of this is a hymn to freedom.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

As soon as Liu Qing stepped into the house, he noticed the man at the table.

And the other party was enjoying the delicacies on the plate and had a strong appetite, but at this moment, he seemed to feel some subtle change in the atmosphere.

Then the action came to a sudden halt.

Before the food in his mouth was completely chewed, he slowly raised his head, a subtle hint of vigilance flashing in his eyes.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

At the delicate first meeting, although each other's names have not yet been exchanged, Liu Qing broke the unfamiliar barrier with the warmth of a meal.

There was an unspoken dignity in the other party's temperament, which made Ou Hao's heart ripple, and he decided to keep a guarded heart in this brief encounter, and carefully explore this nascent relationship like a guardian.

Liu Qing handed him a glass of water, he was like catching a time bomb, and he was so nervous that he was afraid that the next second would be "water" all over Jinshan.

I have to say that it can be seen from the details in the picture that Ou Hao's performance this time is really amazing, and he plays the psychological activities of the characters extremely delicately.

His mouth was stuffed full, like a warehouse, and then he drank water with a blank face, and the posture was almost like saying, "Dude, don't try to play any tricks with me, I'm a professional." ”

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

As the story unfolded, Ou Hao's heartstrings tightened, and his instincts told him that the atmosphere around him had quietly changed.

His eyes, like the ice on a lake in winter, exude a chill.

Chewing food unconsciously in his mouth, he tried to struggle to sit upright, but at that moment, he was swallowed by a dizzy whirlpool, shaking his body weakly, looking for balance.

Ou Hao's performance at this moment is very delicate, which shows that his acting skills are getting better and better.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

There is also a scene depicting the eating scene is also excellent, and its excitement is not in the way of eating, but in the dialogue with Lao Li.

His eyes were misty, as if his thoughts were wandering in the distance, and he didn't seem to pay much attention to the fried rice in front of him.

However, his hands uncontrollably put a spoonful of fried rice into his mouth again and again, a knee-jerk action that reveals his instinctive pursuit of food.

Although he didn't have the enthusiasm and focus he had before, this unconscious enjoyment of his was unexpectedly complemented by the relaxed and pleasant atmosphere around him.

The audience can really feel the action of the character "eating" through his performance.

Whether it's because you're hungry, or because you're in a bad mood and take food out of your anger, Ou Hao can play the science of "eating" to a full score.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Of course, in addition to Ou Hao's outstanding performance, the role played by Zhang Guoqiang in the film is also impressive.

In the plot, the character of Lao Lei did not arrange a formal dining scene, he always seemed drunk and drank a little wine alone.

Observing his performance, you will find that what he eats is carefully designed by himself.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Unscrewed the cap of the wine bottle and reached out to grab a handful of peanuts, and the little golden ones seemed to be looking forward to a good show.

The character's appearance is honest but his eyes are a little fierce, and this unique contrast not only shapes his complex character, but also brings an unexpected sense of detail to the audience.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Looking at the acting skills of the actors from the eating scene, the gap is clear at a glance

In the world of film and television, "eating drama" is revered as a serious challenge to the acting skills of actors.

The actors don't just pretend to enjoy the food in front of the camera, they have to go through every delicate movement, every chewing sound.

to convey the character's psychological state and emotional fluctuations.

This performing art requires a high degree of professional skill and a deep understanding of the role.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

However, some actors are also a little inadequate when performing such scenes, such as Lau Ho-cun.

I still remember the narrative picture of the screen work "One Second", in which she interpreted the hungry wanderer, although the image was vivid.

But it didn't fully capture that unforgettable hunger and thirst.

In contrast, Zhang Yi uses a bowl of oily noodles as a medium to deduce a poignant slice of life, and the difference in performance between the two is in stark contrast.

Zhang Yi's acting skills deeply moved the audience, but in comparison, Liu Haocun's performance was a little immature.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors
Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

There is also Shen Yue's "eating scene" in the popular drama "Meteor Garden", which was originally to show the character's personality and emotional state.

However, this drama has unexpectedly become a negative teaching material for the industry.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Her way of eating is quite special, the chopsticks follow her movements, and the food seems to be swallowed without chewing in her mouth.

And her eating appearance is too exaggerated for onlookers to believe.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Looking at "Special Warfare Glory" again, Yang Yang's apple eating scene also aroused heated discussions among the audience.

He munched on an apple in front of the camera, and every movement seemed too exaggerated, and the deliberately created dramatic effect made people feel a little stiff.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

As for Lin Gengxin, he still has to pretend to be tender in front of the camera and stage an "invisible steamed bun" drama, which is really unbearable.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

In contrast, Zhao Liying has a lot of them, people really eat meat, this acting gap is just like the face slimming effect in the Internet celebrity filter, in comparison, Lin Gengxin's "air steamed bun" immediately appeared, the audience has to keep their eyes open, don't miss this good show.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors
Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Of course, there are also actors who can express the action of "eating drama" extremely realistically.

But in any well-choreographed script, even the actors' dining scenes aren't just about satisfying the appetite.

Every bite of food, every chewing action, needs to be carefully designed to ensure that they fit seamlessly into the character's personality and the progression of the story.

For example, in "Dear, Loved", the character played by Yang Zi won the love of the audience with his sincere emotions and delicate performances.

Especially in a soup scene, her acting skills are excellent, showing the inner world of the character to the fullest.

However, attentive viewers may find that in the clip where she tries to sell cuteness, Yang Zi's performance is slightly unnatural, and it seems to be a little out of place with her usual acting style.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

It can be said that under the spotlight, the actors are carefully shaping the characters like sculptors, and they are in the delicate interpretation of "eating plays".

Dancing the delicate boundaries between truth and fiction.

Therefore, their performances can neither be too pompous so as not to lose their realism, nor too contrived, so as not to cut off the harmony and unity with the characters.

The goal is to immerse the audience in the story, connect with it, and resonate with it.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

In film and television dramas, food is often the catalyst of the plot and the carrier of emotions, which is far more than just satisfying physiological needs.

It requires the audience to believe in its authenticity and relies on the actors' acting skills to reveal the character's inner emotions.

However, imagine that some actors treat themselves in front of the camera as if they were dealing with a precious work of art.

Even chewing a potato chip has to be like a silent ballet, for fear that it will accidentally become a hot search headline of "ugly food".

I have to say, it's really hard for them.

You know, this kind of performance is crucial to the creation of the character, and sometimes it can even determine how deeply the audience is impressed with the character.

Watch the actors' acting skills from eating dramas! Ou Hao ate "steamed buns" and ripped off the fig leaf of many actors

Unfortunately, in the production of domestic TV dramas, there are very few young actors who can master this kind of acting skills.

Many of them seem to be more concerned with how to maintain their glamorous image in front of the public, and neglect the honing of their acting skills and the in-depth digging of their characters.

However, among the many actors who chase fame and fortune, Ou Hao is a rare exception.

Not only is his acting superb, but his dedication to each role has reached an admirable level, and this dedication and love for art has been widely recognized.

While he may not be the brightest rising star, his acting skills are maturing.

So, I don't know which actor in front of the screen do you think the eating scene is the most vivid?

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