
Unspeakable: Ou Hao plays the role of an undercover policeman, and joins hands with Li Yitong to perform a suspenseful crime story


Gao Yang's kid, this mission is not covered, jumping into the wolf's den as an undercover agent, this plot is even more exciting than eating spicy strips! The drama "Unspeakable" is said to be a suspense crime, and it can be renamed "Heartbeat is unspeakable"!

In other words, this Gao Yang, played by the handsome and compelling Ou Hao, is a long leg as soon as he appears, with a cold sharpness hidden in his eyes, and it is not a fuel-efficient lamp at first glance. His mission is to infiltrate a criminal gang that makes people's scalps tingle when they hear it, and when you think about it, this job is a little more dangerous than climbing Mount Everest!

Unspeakable: Ou Hao plays the role of an undercover policeman, and joins hands with Li Yitong to perform a suspenseful crime story

And Gao Yang's master, Zheng Ying, this brother was not heard from halfway through the play, and finally sacrificed, this turn of events is simply heartbreaking. Zheng Ying's disappearance and death have become a big suspense in the whole play, and the audience is eager to dig out the truth, isn't this forcing us to continue chasing?

Unspeakable: Ou Hao plays the role of an undercover policeman, and joins hands with Li Yitong to perform a suspenseful crime story

Li Yitong is also a good hand in the play, and the interaction with Ou Hao is called a spark. I have to say that the acting skills of these two are online, and they interpret a tense atmosphere to the fullest, and my heart is pounding.

Unspeakable: Ou Hao plays the role of an undercover policeman, and joins hands with Li Yitong to perform a suspenseful crime story

Speaking of the plot, I have to mention the scene of "identifying the location of the hostages through the voice of the phone" in the first episode, Gao Yang's trick is too sharp, but it is also too easy to expose, right? Isn't this overtly telling the bad guys "I'm a cop"? Although this scene is very "burning", people can't help but complain: Is the boss of this criminal gang too easy to deceive? didn't even notice such an obvious clue, no wonder he could be played with by Gao Yang.

And for this black boss, his blind trust in Gao Yang is another ironic place. There are clues in the play that someone secretly sent a message to the black boss to reveal Gao Yang's true identity, but the boss chose to deny these truths completely because he had a personal grudge with the whistleblower - this operation really makes people laugh and cry.

The whole drama is not only a visual treat, but also a test of wisdom and courage. Watching how Gao Yang is comfortable in a dangerous environment, walking on the edge of life and death at every step, this excitement is more real than watching any blockbuster.

But to be honest, the show isn't flawless. For example, the IQ of those villains can occasionally be confusing, which makes the suspense of the plot seem a bit far-fetched at times. The audience watched the drama because they wanted to see a battle of wits, rather than a one-sided IQ crush.

In short, the drama "Unspeakable", both in terms of cast and plot design, is attractive enough. Although some of the plots make people feel that "this is too", overall, it manages to capture the audience's curiosity and tension. That's why, although there are shortcomings in the play, you can't help but watch episode after episode.

Finally, if you are a friend who likes to have a fast heartbeat and loves to watch cat and mouse games, then this show is undoubtedly tailor-made for you. Gao Yang and his team will take you into a world full of unknowns and dangers, where every turn could be a new surprise or an abyss. Let's sit on the sofa together, prepare the popcorn, and see how Gao Yang lifts the fog step by step, and finally leads us to the light.

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