
Can you still eat moldy fruits, cut off the bad ones? Reminder: Keep your mouth shut! It's best not to touch a bite

author:Wisdom Drawing Board

In the field of medicine, there is an old proverb: keep your mouth shut and stay away from disease. This may be an exaggeration, but it does reflect the fact that eating a healthy diet is closely related to our health. Today, I would like to talk to you about a problem that is often encountered in daily life - whether moldy fruits can be eaten.

Can you still eat moldy fruits, cut off the bad ones? Reminder: Keep your mouth shut! It's best not to touch a bite

I remember a patient who was a middle-aged woman who loved to eat fruits. One day, she came to see me and complained that she had been feeling unwell lately, especially her appetite was not good, and she often felt nauseous. After careful questioning and examination, I found that she did not pay attention to the selection of fruits when eating, and often ate fruits with moldy spots. This caused problems with her stomach upset, which could have even more serious health effects.

In fact, the surface of the moldy fruit may only look partially contaminated, and we can try to cut off the mold and eat it. However, it is important to note that even if the mold is cut off, the surrounding part may be contaminated, and continued consumption may lead to gastrointestinal upset and even food poisoning. The best thing to do is to throw away the fruit as soon as it is found to have mold spots to avoid health risks.

In our daily life, it is very important to maintain a hygienic diet. By paying attention to the selection, storage, and handling of ingredients, we can effectively reduce the risk of food poisoning and other health problems. I hope you can start small things and protect your health.


Fruits are an integral part of our daily diet, but sometimes we find mold spots growing on the surface of fruits. These molds are actually produced by mold and can be a health hazard if left untreated. Mold growth on the surface of the fruit is usually due to the humid storage environment, suitable temperature, etc. Eating moldy fruits may cause digestive tract diseases such as diarrhea, vomiting, and even food poisoning in severe cases. Therefore, when you find that the fruit has mold, it is best not to take the risk of eating, and it is not completely safe to cut off the part around the mold, and it is best to throw away the entire contaminated part to avoid causing hidden dangers to your health.

Practical advice

Can you still eat moldy fruits, cut off the bad ones? Reminder: Keep your mouth shut! It's best not to touch a bite

Cutting out the broken part doesn't guarantee safety

Mold is not only present in mold spots, it may have penetrated throughout the fruit.

After the mold is cut off, the surrounding area may still be contaminated, and it is best to discard it entirely.

Don't touch spoiled fruits

After fruit spoils, the number of bacteria, molds, and toxins increases dramatically, which can lead to food poisoning when consumed.

Spoiled fruits can cause diarrhea, vomiting and other uncomfortable symptoms, which can be life-threatening in severe cases.

Keep your mouth shut and protect your health

Can you still eat moldy fruits, cut off the bad ones? Reminder: Keep your mouth shut! It's best not to touch a bite

When buying fruit, take care to choose whole, mold-free fruits.

When storing fruits, keep them ventilated and dry to avoid mold growth.

Clean the refrigerator promptly

Clean your refrigerator regularly to avoid mold cross-contamination.

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