
Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

author:Treasure powder is always with you


"I smoke for a relaxing time, not for a long time, and in my early years, when I got together with colleagues or friends, I would smoke one or two, which is not a big problem, and I don't smoke every day, and I don't smoke too much every time.

Don't say anything about smoking hurting your body, is that true?"

Tobacco as a form of relaxation was considered a healthy recreational activity in the early years, but how harmful is it?

Tobacco is said to have been discovered in the Americas as early as 25 B.C. to around 25 A.D., when Native Americans would grind tobacco into a powder and burn it in vanilla, and then inhale the resulting smoke into the body to achieve a relaxing effect.

Later, with the arrival of European merchants, they brought tobacco back to Europe and cultivated tobacco on the plantations established by the colonization of Latin America to make more profits.

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

1. Sources of tobacco.

In Latin America, tobacco was a luxury item that only a few wealthy or aristocratic people could afford to use, but it was not used at the time.

Because Latin America itself is fertile and has a humid climate, it is very easy to grow tobacco, so it does not cost a lot to grow a large area of tobacco in Latin America.

However, the situation was different in Europe, because the climate in Europe was not suitable for the growth of tobacco, and under the technological conditions of the time, the cost of growing a large area of tobacco was much higher than in Latin America.

So when tobacco was first introduced in Europe, it was not accepted by ordinary people because it was expensive, and only the rich or aristocracy could afford to buy it.

It wasn't until the 18th century that ordinary people began to be able to buy tobacco, and then in the early 20th century, tobacco began to flow into countries around the world on a large scale, and as tobacco was grown around the world, the cost gradually decreased, so that ordinary people could afford to buy tobacco.

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

However, at the same time as the tobacco epidemic, more and more people have begun to smoke for a long time, and many people have suffered from lung diseases such as lung cancer, and the public has gradually developed a fear of smoking.

2. Is smoking really harmful?

So is smoking really bad for your lungs?

In fact, smoking not only causes harm to the lungs, but also causes heart disease and other diseases, among which lung cancer is the most common disease.

Because tobacco contains thousands of chemicals, many of which are harmful to the human body, tar can be considered the most harmful substance to human health.

Tar is produced when tobacco is burned, and then inhaled into the lungs with the smoke, and then deposited in the microbronchial tubes of the lungs, forming small lumps that are not painful but gradually take up space in the lungs.

When the lump takes up more and more area, the symptoms of lung cancer eventually appear, and if left untreated, it can eventually become life-threatening.

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

In addition to this, tar can also cause cardiovascular disease, because tar can deposit fat particles in the blood vessels, which can form blood clots, which can clog the blood vessels, which can lead to diseases such as heart disease.

There is also a chemical called carbon monoxide, which when it enters the body, it binds to hemoglobin, which affects the blood's ability to absorb oxygen.

When the blood is unable to absorb oxygen effectively, it leads to a lack of oxygen throughout the body, and then a series of diseases can occur.

Therefore, the harm of tobacco to the human body is very great, but many people will have a question, since tobacco companies know so many harms, why do they continue to produce tobacco and sell tobacco?

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

In fact, in the 60s of the last century, there was a British tobacco company company in order to deny the harm of tobacco to the human body, trying to cover up the harm of tobacco to the human body, for which a very cruel experiment was carried out on 48 dogs.

3. Experiments conducted by tobacco companies.

The British tobacco company wanted to use the results of the experiment to deny the harm of tobacco to the human body, and then continue to produce and sell tobacco for more profit.

And the origin of these 48 dogs is very cruel, because of these 48 dogs, 24 are stray dogs that were caught, and the other 24 were sent to the dog farm because the owner could not take care of them.

When these dogs were still in the dog farm, their fate was still very tragic, because these dogs were often used to conduct experiments, and the methods of conducting experiments were also very cruel, and some dogs were even burned alive.

Before the tobacco company conducted the experiment, it gave the 48 dogs some physical examinations, took pictures of them, and then classified their physical conditions into three different degrees.

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

The 48 dogs are then divided into three groups, mild, moderate and severe, and then there will be 8 female dogs and 4 male dogs in each group.

The dogs are then sent to the lab, where they are experimented with by eight experimenters, two of whom are responsible for feeding the dogs under normal conditions.

In addition, six experimenters will be divided into two teams to perform the operation on the dogs, four of whom will be responsible for performing the operation, and the other two will be responsible for documenting the procedure.

The amount of tobacco that the dog will be given during the experiment is determined by two experimenters, and there are many types of tobacco, including one that is salmon-flavored and another that is smoked by ex-smokers.

During the experiment, the dogs will be fed four times a day, at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., 9 p.m., and 3 p.m.

The amount of each feeding will be decided according to the dog's physical condition, and in order to make the experiment more convincing, the dog will smoke 100 cigarettes every day, so the amount of smoke will increase.

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

Fourth, the truth is revealed.

On the seventh day, the dogs would go into the vascular surgery department for the experiment, and when the experiment went on the second day, a doctor found a very serious problem, that is, the dogs had been drinking for a day, but none of the dogs were drunk, which was very abnormal.

The doctor then strongly suspected that the dogs did not actually drink, but with the encouragement of the experimenters, they drank the wine into the pacifiers and then spit it out, so as to pass the experimenter's mistake on the dogs.

The doctor then told the reporter Dr. Claude Frederick Hughes about his suspicions, and Dr. Hughes later investigated his suspicions and monitored the experimenters.

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

During the monitoring process, they found something very unexpected, the experimenters of the tobacco company actually operated on the dog every two hours, so that the dog's body gradually produced alcohol, so as to achieve the purpose of making tobacco more addictive.

Later, when the experimenters conducted the experiment, it was also found that the dogs began to become aggressive, and then just six months later, the experimenters fired the worst performing dogs in the experiment, and the tobacco company destroyed the dogs.

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

5. Consequences of dog smoking.

After the 48 dogs ended their lives, the tobacco company finally released the results of the experiment, but the results of the tobacco companies were very different from the real situation, and the tobacco company said that before the 48 dogs ended their lives, they found that the dogs were in very good health.

And the dogs were not addicted to tobacco, so the tobacco company determined that smoking in these dogs did not cause addiction to the dogs, nor did it cause harm to the dogs' bodies, but this news was quickly denied by Dr. Hughes, who analyzed the tobacco company's experiments and found that although the tobacco company's experiments were true, the results were fake.

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

Because in the first two months of the experiment, the dog's nose has been cut off by the experimenter, if the dog's nose is cut off, the dog can not smoke through the nose, only through the mouth, but the dog will not smoke, but will spit out the smoke.

So these 48 dogs did not inhale smoke before ending their lives, so they will not become addicted to smoke and will not cause harm to their bodies.

When the news broke, tobacco companies were widely condemned, and the government immediately introduced laws restricting the sale of tobacco in the UK.

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years


But despite the proven health effects of smoking, the number of smokers worldwide is growing.

Tobacco smoke can also cause second-hand smoke to the people next to you, so when the people next to you are smoked, it is not harming the people next to you.

Although some people say that smoking is a kind of freedom, people cannot ignore that their own health is the freedom of others, so people should know how to discipline themselves and not bring harm to themselves without harming others.

Is smoking really harmful? The British Tobacco Company experimented with 48 dogs and pumped 100 dogs a day for 3 years

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