
In 2002, after Zang Tianshuo smashed Naying's concert, he was beaten by some women, and he couldn't swallow this breath

author:Gossip about Ajiang

Heck, when it comes to Zang Tianshuo, you may think of the song "Friend", but his life is not only a little sweet, but also has a lot to do with it. In 2002, this guy actually smashed Na Ying's concert, and was beaten by a group of ladies later, which is unusual.

In 2002, after Zang Tianshuo smashed Naying's concert, he was beaten by some women, and he couldn't swallow this breath

Zang Tianshuo, this name may not be too loud among young people, but in the hearts of the post-90s and post-80s, his music has been the memory of a generation. The former rock star's life has been full of dramatic turns, especially the staggering events of 2002, which can be mentioned until now.

Let's talk about that concert first, one day in 2002, Zang Tianshuo made a big fuss at Na Ying's concert because of some unknown personal grievances. What's going on? It is said that because of some differences in cooperation and personal problems, Zang Tianshuo lost control of his emotions and was impulsive, which made the concert scene smoky. As a result, the concert was interrupted for a time, and the security and staff at the scene quickly intervened to try to control the situation.

In 2002, after Zang Tianshuo smashed Naying's concert, he was beaten by some women, and he couldn't swallow this breath

You might think that's the end of it, but there's more drama to come. After the concert, it is rumored that Zang Tianshuo was surrounded by several unknown women, who seemed to have some kind of connection with Na Ying, and they carried out a "unique" group beating of Zang Tianshuo. This chaos not only took a huge blow to Zang's self-esteem, but also caused his public image to plummet.

But Zang Tianshuo's bad luck doesn't stop there. In 2006, he was sentenced to six years in prison for his involvement with underworld figures. This is undoubtedly another blow to him. While in prison, he began to reflect on his actions, expressing his repentance and introspection by composing music. He hopes to give him a new lease of life through music and let the public see his changes.

In 2002, after Zang Tianshuo smashed Naying's concert, he was beaten by some women, and he couldn't swallow this breath

After being released from prison in 2014, Zang Tianshuo devoted himself to the preparation of his solo concert with this hope, hoping to take this opportunity to wash away the stains of the past. However, contrary to his wishes, his past actions have left an indelible impression on him in the public mind. The concert sold poorly and had few audiences, which became another scar on his soul.

Over the next few years, Zang's health began to deteriorate. In 2017, he was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. In the face of illness, this former rock star has shown unprecedented strength and optimism. He began to appreciate the time he spent with his family and friends even more, and despite his declining health, he was unusually peaceful.

In 2002, after Zang Tianshuo smashed Naying's concert, he was beaten by some women, and he couldn't swallow this breath

Zang Tianshuo, this name may not be too loud among modern young people, but for the previous generation, his music was a part of their youth. Not only is his music moving, but his life is also dramatic. Among them, the most memorable is his raid on Na Ying's concert in 2002, and a series of shocking follow-up developments.

In 2002, Zang Tianshuo had a fierce conflict at a concert in Naying because of some personal grievances. According to reports, Zang Tianshuo suddenly appeared during the concert and began to make a loud noise, trying to interrupt the performance. This act not only interrupted the concert, but also shocked and disturbed both the audience and the staff present.

In 2002, after Zang Tianshuo smashed Naying's concert, he was beaten by some women, and he couldn't swallow this breath

The aftermath of events was even more dramatic. After the concert, Zang Tianshuo was besieged by several women backstage. The women, who were said to be associated with Na Ying, verbally and physically attacked Zang Tianshuo. This unfortunate incident not only affected Zang's career, but also dealt a huge blow to his personal image.

This incident had a profound impact on Zang's musical career. His public image was tarnished, and many performance opportunities and musical collaborations were lost as a result. In addition, his personal life has faced major challenges. In 2006, Zang Tianshuo was sentenced to prison for other legal issues, during which time he reflected deeply and continued to make music in prison.

In 2002, after Zang Tianshuo smashed Naying's concert, he was beaten by some women, and he couldn't swallow this breath

After his release from prison, Zang Tianshuo tried to rebuild his life through music, but neither the public's memory nor the market's reaction was as expected. Tickets for his comeback concert did not sell well, showing public dissatisfaction and alienation from his past behavior.

In 2017, Zang Tianshuo was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer. In the face of life's severe challenges, he showed incredible strength and optimism. During this time, he valued his time with family and friends even more, and although his illness made him weaker and weaker, he was unusually peaceful.

In 2002, after Zang Tianshuo smashed Naying's concert, he was beaten by some women, and he couldn't swallow this breath

Zang Tianshuo's life and career is a picture full of ups and downs. From a music superstar to a controversial figure to an ordinary person who remains optimistic at the end of his life, his story is embarrassing. His music and life experiences remind us that each of us can go through the ups and downs of life's journey, and what matters is how we face these challenges and try to get out of them.

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