
Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

author:Cold Fox Boy

In this confusing music world, who would have thought that a person who looked more like a chef than a singer could set off such a sensational story

Yes, what we are going to talk about today is the chubby, honest and honest Beijing rock singer - Zang Tianshuo

This strange man in the rock industry has completely subverted people's perception of the profession of "singer" with his music career and a series of bizarre experiences

Read on to uncover the dramatic life of music

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

Zang Tianshuo, the name sounds like a character who came out of a costume drama

But don't be fooled by the name, his musical path is not an old story, but a modern legend that makes people laugh and tear up

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

The beginning of the story originated from an ordinary family

Zang Tianshuo was born in Beijing, the son of an ordinary worker and a former teacher

Although they have no background in music, their love of music is what their families have in common

So, under their care, Zang Tianshuo began to contact various musical instruments since he was a child, went to music training schools, and worked hard to hone his musical talent

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

The young Zang Tianshuo, like many enthusiastic young people, embarked on a long road of music with a dream of music

His rock 'n' roll dreams started on the piano keyboard and stepped step by step to the center of the stage

However, it was on this challenging musical path that Zang Tianshuo met a rock star named Cui Jian

Yes, you heard it right, it's the legendary creator of "Nothing".

Zang Tianshuo once followed Cui Jian, as a keyboardist, drifting on major stages, feeling the passion and charm of rock and roll

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

However, life is often unsatisfactory, and Zang Tianshuo is no exception

Perhaps it was a passion for music, or perhaps a desire for a career, he decided to set up his own business and began his own musical journey

As a result, one band after another emerged under his leadership, from "tumbler" to "white angel", and then to "1989", Zang Tianshuo was like a dazzling meteor, crossing this sky that belonged to him

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

However, what really made Zang Tianshuo famous was not his demeanor on stage, but a song called "Friend".

This song, like a shining star, instantly ignited the enthusiasm of fans all over the country, making Zang Tianshuo's name a well-known and well-known existence

It is said that the lyrics and lyrics of this song are all his masterpieces when he was drunk, full of sincere emotions and intriguing melodies, which make people can't help but sway along with the beat

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

However, success often doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing

On Zang Tianshuo's music road, he also encountered a lot of ups and downs and setbacks

In order to expand his music career, he opened a bar called "Friends Di Bar", but the business did not go as well as he wanted

The bar's business was dismal, and it was often subjected to various troubles and disputes, which eventually led to the closure of the bar

Just when he was in trouble, a mysterious figure named Lu Changchun appeared, who seemed to give Zang Tianshuo a glimmer of hope, but also led him to the dark abyss

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

In fact, the appearance of this "godfather of the underworld" not only did not save Zang Tianshuo, but instead plunged him into a deeper quagmire

With the help of Lu Changchun, Zang Tianshuo fell deeper and deeper, and was finally caught in the whirlpool of gangsterism, facing the double collapse of life and career

His music career was seriously affected, his reputation plummeted, and he was even criticized and reviled a lot

The scenery of the past is gone, leaving only the endless exhaustion and confusion in the depths of his soul

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

But even so, Zang Tianshuo did not give up his love and pursuit of music

In the ups and downs of life, he re-examines his musical dreams and redefines his life values


Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

It was during this difficult period that Zang Tianshuo found his inner strength and firm belief

He began to reflect on his past choices and mistakes, and gradually realized that success is not only about money and fame, but also about inner satisfaction and love of life

So, he decided to pick himself up and start again

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

The regrouped Zang Tianshuo did not choose to escape from reality, but bravely faced his past and challenges

He began to re-examine music, re-examine his own creations, and strive to tap into his inner emotions and inspirations, and use music to express his heart and emotions

He returned to the stage and re-devoted himself to the ocean of music creation, infecting every audience and warming every heart with his singing and music

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

Although the glory of the past has become a thing of the past, Zang Tianshuo does not regret his choices and experiences

He believes that every setback is a growth, every failure is an experience, and every fall is a rise

It is these experiences that have made him stronger and more mature, and made him more appreciative and grateful

Played by Cui Jian? Zang Tianshuo's counterattack inside story revealed!

Today's Zang Tianshuo may no longer be the peerless elegance of the past, but his music is still full of power and appeal

His singing still touches people's hearts, and his music still resonates

Perhaps, this is the real music, which is not limited by time and space, and will always be in people's hearts

In this noisy world, Zang Tianshuo's story may be just a small corner of many life stories, but it teaches us many precious truths

It tells us that success is not the only option, that failure is not terrible, and that difficulties are not the end, but the beginning of a new life

The story of Zang Tianshuo is a story of courage and perseverance, a story of music and life, and the epitome of everyone's pursuit of dreams and persistence

Perhaps, in this world, each of us will encounter all kinds of challenges and difficulties, but it is these challenges and difficulties that shape our character, temper our will, and make us stronger and braver

Just like Zang Tianshuo, let us face life bravely, firmly follow our own path, believe in ourselves, believe in the future, continue to chase the dreams in our hearts, and write our own legends with our own actions!

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