
Li Jiaming: From CCTV celebrities to "small fights", success or failure?

author:Cold Fox Boy

In the entertainment industry, there is a phenomenon that seems to be the norm, and that is celebrity transformation

You see, these stars who were originally shining in a certain field suddenly decided to change their identities, which made people can't help but say: "Huh?" Among them, the one who has attracted attention recently is the former CCTV celebrity Li Jiaming

You imagine that Li Jiaming, who used to be smiling and humorous, is now quietly appearing in front of us, no longer a talented CCTV host, but looking for his new stage in a small show

Such a change is not just a simple stage change, but also the hidden professional pressure and personal growth behind it, which is worth exploring

Li Jiaming, a name, a story, a journey of transformation

From a CCTV celebrity to today's program host, his career transformation has brought a lot of surprises to people

Many people began to wonder why this host, who once shone brightly under the spotlight, chose a program that was "small fights"? Was it because his career had "deviated from his thinking"? Or was it because the stage of "the north and south of the country" was too crowded, so he had no choice but to come to the place where he "hid"? And behind this, what kind of professional pressure and personal growth did he have?

Li Jiaming: From CCTV celebrities to "small fights", success or failure?

Perhaps, we can start with Li Jiaming's career transformation

In the entertainment industry, celebrity transformation is commonplace, but Li Jiaming's step makes people can't help but take a few more looks

He gave up the CCTV stage and chose a seemingly niche program

Some people say that this is a "major adjustment" in his career, while others believe that it is a manifestation of his "struggle" in the entertainment industry

No matter how you look at it, such a transformation is not so easy

Perhaps in this process, Li Jiaming has endured a lot of professional pressure and experienced the tempering of personal growth

After all, from the "big stage" to the "small stage", it is not only the size of the stage that needs to be adapted, but also the taste of the audience and the atmosphere of the program

Li Jiaming: From CCTV celebrities to "small fights", success or failure?

As for Li Jiaming's personal growth, we may also have a glimpse of it

He was once a young man from Xinjiang who was born in poverty, experienced family pressure and social challenges, but burst out with dazzling light in the ups and downs

His career transition may have been part of his personal growth

In the training of the "big stage", he learned to laugh at life through thick and thin, and in the experience of the "small stage", he may be redefining himself and discovering more possibilities

As he once said: "The road is long, and I will go up and down to seek."

Li Jiaming may be realizing his higher pursuit and deeper growth through this transformation

Li Jiaming: From CCTV celebrities to "small fights", success or failure?

And what can we do about all this? Perhaps, we can find some inspiration from Li Jiaming's transformation

In our careers, we may also face various choices and challenges, but just like Li Jiaming, as long as we maintain our original intention, do not forget our original intention, and take that step bravely, we may also be able to find our own "small stage" and shine our own light

Because transformation is not the end, but a new beginning, a small step forward, but it can be a big step in life

Li Jiaming: From CCTV celebrities to "small fights", success or failure?

In this era of change and challenge, everyone is constantly exploring and trying

Li Jiaming's transformation may be a vivid example of telling us that no matter what time we are, we should not stop moving forward and not stopping the pace of pursuing our dreams

Because only by constantly trying and challenging ourselves can we continue to grow and improve

Li Jiaming: From CCTV celebrities to "small fights", success or failure?

Perhaps, for Li Jiaming, this transformation is a brave attempt and a new starting point

Perhaps, he will find more possibilities and harvest more achievements on this new stage

And for us, perhaps we can get some inspiration from Li Jiaming's transformation

When facing career choices and challenges, we might as well have more courage, be more patient, believe in our choices, stick to our dreams, and move forward bravely

Li Jiaming: From CCTV celebrities to "small fights", success or failure?

Everyone's life is a book, and every transformation is a page in a book

Li Jiaming's transformation may be just a small episode in his life, but this episode is full of meaning and enlightenment

Perhaps in the near future, we will encounter similar choices and challenges, but as long as we maintain our original intention, stick to our dreams, believe in ourselves, and move forward bravely, we will definitely be able to find our own "small stage" and shine our own light

Li Jiaming: From CCTV celebrities to "small fights", success or failure?

So, let's learn from Li Jiaming, be brave to try, brave to transform, not afraid of challenges, not afraid of failure

Because only by constantly trying, can we discover more possibilities, harvest more achievements, and embark on a unique life path of our own

Let us believe together that as long as we stick to our dreams and move forward bravely, we will be able to create our own brilliance!

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