
She appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was deceived by her mentor Zang Tianshuo, and was still alone at the age of 55

author:Haoyi information sharing

In the ocean of music, Ms. Siqingerile is like an indomitable sailor, with her tenacious will and unique musical talent, she continues to explore, innovate, and write her own musical chapter. Now, despite being over half a hundred years old, her musical heart is still young, and she has set sail again and stood at the top of the stage with a new band image.

Siqingerile, a grassland son from the Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia, has formed an indissoluble bond with music since he was a child. The spaciousness and boldness of the grassland have shaped her open-minded personality and given her a unique understanding of music. Her singing, like the wind on the prairie, is free and unrestrained, full of endless vitality.

She appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was deceived by her mentor Zang Tianshuo, and was still alone at the age of 55

On the road of art, Siqingerile has always maintained his love and pursuit of music. Not only did she enter an art school with excellent grades in college, but she also chose to leave her hometown after graduation and came to Beijing with her boyfriend to start her musical journey.

However, the road to music has not been easy. During her years in Beijing, Siqingerile and her boyfriend experienced all kinds of hardships and tribulations. They formed a band and tried to carve out a world in the sea of music, but eventually disbanded for various reasons. The sweetness and pain of love also made her taste the ups and downs of life.

She appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was deceived by her mentor Zang Tianshuo, and was still alone at the age of 55

Just when she was lost and helpless, a musical senior came into her life and showed her the way. Under the guidance and encouragement of this senior, Siqingerile rediscovered his musical dream. She began to experiment with different musical styles, integrating the vastness of the grassland with the prosperity of the city, and created many musical works full of personality and charm.

Today, Siqingerile has stood at a new height in his music career. She formed a new band and worked with like-minded partners to convey love and hope through music. Her singing, like the sunshine on the prairie, is warm and bright, illuminating the hearts of every listener.

She appeared on the Spring Festival Gala 5 times, was deceived by her mentor Zang Tianshuo, and was still alone at the age of 55

The story of Siqingerile tells us that no matter how old you are, no matter how many setbacks and tribulations you experience, as long as you have dreams and love in your heart, you can create your own glory. Let's look forward to Siqingerile continuing to shine on her musical path in the future!

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