
Dandelion kills 98% of cancer cells in 2 days? Reminder: What really cures cancer is these 3 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Xiao Li's grandmother is busy in the small garden of the house, and she is digging for dandelion roots. While digging, Grandma recalls a time from years ago, when her old neighbor Lao Liu died of pancreatic cancer, and the family tried to save him from boiling soup with dandelion roots.

Although Lao Liu eventually passed away, the legend of dandelion curing cancer has been spread in the village. Time has passed, and the legend of dandelion is still widely spread among the people, but what is the truth? Let's find out.

Dandelion kills 98% of cancer cells in 2 days? Reminder: What really cures cancer is these 3 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine

1. The truth that dandelions kill cancer cells

Dandelion, a weed that can be seen everywhere in the fields, has long been known as a miraculous plant that can "cure all diseases". Especially about its anti-cancer effect, there has been a hot topic.

Rumor has it that dandelion root kills 98% of cancer cells within 48 hours. Such a statement sounds undoubtedly shocking, but what does scientific research say?

In fact, researchers in Canada found under laboratory conditions that dandelion root extract did show a killing effect on certain types of cancer cells. However, most of these experiments are performed in vitro, i.e., in test tubes or Petri dishes.

How dandelion root extract works in the human body, as well as its safety and effective dosage, is still not supported by sufficient clinical data. Therefore, while this finding is very promising, it is still too early to apply it to actual cancer treatment.

Dandelion kills 98% of cancer cells in 2 days? Reminder: What really cures cancer is these 3 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine

2. Introduction to Chinese medicine that truly fights cancer

In traditional Chinese medicine, there are indeed some drugs that have attracted attention for their anti-cancer effects. However, these drugs are often toxic and need to be used under the guidance of a medical professional.

First, arsenic trioxide, a highly toxic substance, has been clinically proven to treat leukemia. Its mechanism of action is to fight poison with poison, which can be widely distributed in the body and have a lethal effect on cancer cells. However, due to its strong toxicity, its use needs to be strictly controlled.

Let's talk about triptolide, which is an ingredient extracted from the traditional Chinese medicine tripterygium wilfordii. Triptolide can control the synthesis of glutathione associated with Nrf2 protein, effectively kill cancer cells with target protein mutations through oxidative stress, and show therapeutic potential for hematological tumors.

Finally, salidroside, a natural compound, has been shown in recent studies to effectively inhibit nicotine-induced aggregation of N2-type neutrophils, which in turn reduces the risk of metastasis to certain cancers.

All three herbs have shown some anti-cancer potential, but it should be noted that their use must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor to avoid adverse reactions and toxic side effects.

Dandelion kills 98% of cancer cells in 2 days? Reminder: What really cures cancer is these 3 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine

3. The principles of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of cancer

When discussing the effectiveness of TCM in the treatment of cancer, we cannot ignore the complexity of its treatment principles and practices. The application of traditional Chinese medicine in the field of anti-cancer follows the principle of holistic treatment and syndrome differentiation, which is fundamentally different from the targeted therapy and chemotherapy of Western medicine.

The first emphasis of Chinese medicine in the treatment of cancer is to reconcile the balance of yin and yang in the body and strengthen the righteous qi in the body, so as to help fight against the disease. This strategy does not rely solely on the toxic effect of a certain drug, but through the compatibility of a variety of medicinal materials to achieve multi-faceted regulation of the disease.

For example, on the one hand, drugs that clear away heat and detoxify are used to inhibit tumor growth, and on the other hand, drugs that replenish qi and nourish blood are used to improve patients' immunity and quality of life.

When using traditional Chinese medicine for cancer treatment, reasonable medication and dosage control are particularly important. Excessive or inappropriate use of Chinese herbal medicines may lead to unwanted side effects or aggravation of the condition.

Therefore, the TCM physician will adjust the treatment plan according to the patient's constitution and the specific type and stage of development of the cancer. In addition, TCM treatment also requires long-term follow-up and adjustment to adapt to changes in the condition and changes in the patient's physique.

TCM treatment for cancer is not an overnight process, it requires patience and persistence from patients, as well as careful preparation and monitoring by doctors.

Therefore, when choosing TCM as an anti-cancer strategy, patients and doctors need to communicate well to clarify the expected effects and possible risks of treatment.

Dandelion kills 98% of cancer cells in 2 days? Reminder: What really cures cancer is these 3 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine

Fourth, other effects and precautions of dandelion

While dandelion's effects in fighting cancer have not been widely scientifically proven, its other health benefits cannot be ignored.

Dandelion is widely used in traditional medicine to treat problems such as indigestion, liver disease, and edema. Dandelion is rich in vitamins and minerals that have diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying properties.

However, when using dandelion as any treatment, one needs to be aware of its side effects and indications. Although dandelion is safe, it can still cause allergic reactions, especially for people who are allergic to Asteraceae.

In addition, dandelion has a certain diuretic effect, and for patients with severe kidney disease or heart disease, it should not be used arbitrarily without the permission of a doctor.

In addition, while dandelion may have some adjuvant therapeutic effects on certain cancer types, it is not a substitute for traditional cancer treatments such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.

Therefore, it is important for patients to have a detailed discussion with a medical professional when considering the use of dandelion as an adjunctive treatment to ensure safety and optimal treatment outcomes.

In this way, patients can take full advantage of the benefits of dandelion while avoiding its potential risks, leading to better health outcomes.

Dandelion kills 98% of cancer cells in 2 days? Reminder: What really cures cancer is these 3 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine

5 Current status and prospects of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of cancer

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has attracted much attention in recent years as an alternative therapy for anti-cancer. However, its position in clinical practice is still not stable enough, and there are many challenges and controversies.

First of all, due to the complex and diverse components of traditional Chinese medicine, its pharmacodynamic mechanism and therapeutic effect are often difficult to accurately grasp, and there is a lack of standardized treatment regimens and dosage standards, which leads to the uncertainty and instability of clinical application.

Secondly, the clinical efficacy of TCM in the treatment of cancer needs more clinical verification and scientific research support. Although some studies have shown that some traditional Chinese medicines have a certain inhibitory effect on cancer, the specific mechanism is not clear, and the clinical trial data is relatively insufficient.

Therefore, how to better combine traditional Chinese medicine with modern medicine and give full play to its maximum therapeutic potential is one of the problems that need to be solved urgently.

In addition, the treatment of cancer with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is facing doubts and challenges from both the Western medical and academic communities. Some Western medicine doctors and experts believe that TCM treatment for cancer lacks scientific basis, has certain risks and uncertainties, and should not be used as the main treatment.

Some academics have pointed out that the treatment of cancer with traditional Chinese medicine needs to pay more attention to science and standardization, and avoid blindly following trends and abusing them.

In the future, we need more clinical studies and scientific experiments to verify the exact efficacy and safety of TCM in the treatment of cancer. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the clinical practice of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, give full play to their respective advantages, and jointly provide more comprehensive and effective treatment options for cancer patients.

Dandelion kills 98% of cancer cells in 2 days? Reminder: What really cures cancer is these 3 flavors of traditional Chinese medicine


Dandelion, as a common wild plant, has long been said to treat cancer among the folk. Although scientific studies have not yet fully confirmed its therapeutic efficacy for cancer, its other health benefits cannot be ignored.

Therefore, for cancer patients, it is important to be cautious when choosing treatment, not blindly following the trend, and should choose the appropriate treatment plan according to their own condition and the doctor's advice.

Both Western medicine and Chinese medicine should put the health and life of patients first, and work together to contribute to the treatment and prevention of cancer.

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