
Women's menstrual hair washing, not only hurts the body but also causes cancer? Reminder: These are 5 things you really can't do during your period

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

In this age of rapid technological change, some old customs and beliefs are still ingrained in some families. For example, the saying that it is not advisable to wash your hair and take a shower during menstruation is still strictly observed in many traditional families.

However, when technology and medicine develop, the collision between old beliefs and modern research always inspires countless questions and thoughts.

Women's menstrual hair washing, not only hurts the body but also causes cancer? Reminder: These are 5 things you really can't do during your period

1. Medical analysis of hair washing and bathing during menstruation

"Don't wash your hair these days, be careful of getting sick with a cold." This is a phrase that many mothers often say when their daughters are menstruating. Where does this claim come from?

In ancient times, due to the limitations of living conditions and the lack of knowledge about women's physiology, people often regarded menstruation as an "unclean" period.

Coupled with the low status of women in the old society, the discussion of women's health was very limited, and this unverifiable statement quietly spread.

Modern medical research has shown that bathing and washing hair during menstruation is not a big deal, and it is important to maintain personal hygiene. In fact, proper cleaning can help relieve menstrual discomfort and prevent the risk of infection.

Of course, the water temperature should not be too hot or too cold when bathing, and a quick rinse is more recommended than a long soak. This cleanses the body and avoids discomfort caused by excessive changes in body temperature.

Women's menstrual hair washing, not only hurts the body but also causes cancer? Reminder: These are 5 things you really can't do during your period

2. Whether washing your hair during menstruation really hurts your body or causes cancer

The mention that washing your hair during your period can "hurt your body and even cause cancer" sounds like a very threatening statement. But where is the scientific basis?

Liu Zhaofen, a researcher at the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, pointed out that women's body temperature does fluctuate with the change of menstrual cycle, but this temperature change is mainly affected by hormone levels, rather than the warmth and coldness of the outside world.

The irritation caused by the temperature of the water during hair washing or bathing is not enough to cause a serious reaction in the uterus or endocrine system.

Further, there is no support for the claim that hair washing causes cervical cancer. The main risk factors for cervical cancer include HPV virus infection, unhealthy lifestyle habits, etc., and the correlation with menstrual hair washing is very low.

There is no doubt that there is no basis for blaming this serious illness on the act of washing hair.

Women's menstrual hair washing, not only hurts the body but also causes cancer? Reminder: These are 5 things you really can't do during your period

3. Changes in menstrual immunity and healthy behaviors

Menstruation is a special stage in a woman's menstrual cycle, during which a woman's body undergoes a series of physiological changes. One of them is changes in the immune system, which have an important impact on women's health behaviors.

During menstruation, a woman's immunity fluctuates to a certain extent, usually around the time of menstruation, and her immunity is low and she is susceptible to bacteria and viruses, so it is necessary to pay extra attention to personal hygiene and healthy behaviors during this period.

Diet-wise, stimulant foods such as alcohol and caffeine can have adverse effects on a woman's body, especially during menstruation. These foods not only affect a woman's sleep quality, but may also aggravate menstrual discomfort symptoms such as abdominal pain, headache, etc.

The caffeine in tea is also a factor that should not be overlooked, and excessive consumption may lead to problems such as mood swings and insomnia.

Therefore, it is recommended to avoid or reduce the consumption of caffeine and alcoholic beverages during menstruation, and choose light and easy-to-digest foods to help relieve menstrual discomfort and maintain the health of the immune system.

In addition, the presence of anaemia in menstruating women is relatively common. Anemia can lead to a decrease in the body's immunity and susceptibility to bacteria and viruses.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to iron and vitamin supplementation during menstruation to maintain the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels in the blood, thereby improving immunity and reducing the risk of infection.

Women's menstrual hair washing, not only hurts the body but also causes cancer? Reminder: These are 5 things you really can't do during your period

4. Contraindicated behaviors and activities during menstruation

Menstruation is a special period in a woman's menstrual cycle, and women should pay attention to avoid some specific behaviors and activities during menstruation, so as not to affect their health. First of all, water activities such as swimming, hot springs, and sitz baths should be avoided as much as possible during menstruation.

During menstruation, the uterine opening is slightly open, which is susceptible to the invasion of external bacteria, and if you move in water, bacteria may enter the uterus, causing problems such as infection. Therefore, it is recommended that women try to avoid soaking in water or swimming for a long time during menstruation to avoid adverse consequences.

In addition, surgery and blood donation during menstruation are also carefully considered. During menstruation, a woman's endometrium is in the exfoliation period, and the uterine blood vessels are abundant, and the surgical operation can easily cause uterine bleeding, increasing the risk of surgery.

Blood donation, on the other hand, may lead to a decrease in the amount of blood in a woman's body, which in turn will aggravate the symptoms of anemia and affect physical health. Therefore, women are advised to avoid activities that may lead to significant blood loss, such as surgery and blood donation, during menstruation to avoid adverse effects on their health.

In addition, cycling and sex during menstruation also need to be carefully considered. When riding, the uterus is bumped and pinched, which can easily trigger uterine bleeding and abdominal discomfort.

Sexual activity, on the other hand, can lead to damage to the cervix and increase the risk of infection. Therefore, women are advised to avoid cycling and sex as much as possible during menstruation to avoid adverse effects on their health.

Women's menstrual hair washing, not only hurts the body but also causes cancer? Reminder: These are 5 things you really can't do during your period

5. Selection and suggestions of menstrual exercise

Menstruation is a special stage of a woman's menstrual cycle, and special attention is needed when it comes to exercise choices. In general, moderate exercise can help relieve menstrual discomfort, but not all exercise is suitable for menstruation.

During menstruation, a woman's body is in a more sensitive state, and too strenuous exercise may aggravate menstrual symptoms, such as abdominal pain, breast tenderness, etc. Therefore, it is important to choose the right type of exercise during your period.

Recommended menstrual exercises include low-impact exercises such as yoga, walking, and easy jogging. These exercises can relieve tension in the body, improve blood circulation, and reduce menstrual discomfort. Yoga, in particular, helps to soothe the mood, reduce pain, and improve physical comfort by regulating breathing and posture.

Walking and jogging, on the other hand, are an easy way to do it outdoors to get some fresh air, relax your body and mind, and relieve the discomfort of menstruation.

It should be noted that excessive strenuous exercise, such as heavy lifting, high-intensity aerobic exercise, etc., should be avoided during menstruation. These exercises may increase the burden on the body, leading to worsening menstrual discomfort and even menstrual disorders.

Therefore, it is recommended that women choose an exercise method suitable for their physical condition during menstruation, and pay attention to appropriate exercise to avoid excessive fatigue.

Women's menstrual hair washing, not only hurts the body but also causes cancer? Reminder: These are 5 things you really can't do during your period

6. Menstrual mental health and conditioning

In addition to physical health, menstruation also involves women's mental health. Before and after menstruation, due to the fluctuation of hormone levels in the body, women are prone to psychological symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, and irritability.

These negative emotions will not only affect women's quality of life, but may also aggravate menstrual discomfort, so corresponding psychological adjustment measures need to be taken.

First of all, women are advised to keep themselves in a good mood during their menstrual period and avoid excessive tension and anxiety. You can relax your mind by listening to music, reading, communicating with friends, etc., to relieve stress and reduce discomfort.

At the same time, maintaining good work and rest habits and ensuring adequate sleep are also important means to regulate emotions. A good night's sleep helps to restore physical strength, adjust the physical and mental state, and relieve menstrual fatigue and discomfort.

Secondly, women can also regulate their mood through exercise. Moderate exercise can release stress in the body, promote the secretion of endorphins in the brain, produce a sense of pleasure, and relieve anxiety and depression.

Therefore, it is recommended that women appropriately increase the amount of exercise during menstruation and choose an exercise method that suits them, which will help improve the level of mental health and reduce menstrual discomfort.

Women's menstrual hair washing, not only hurts the body but also causes cancer? Reminder: These are 5 things you really can't do during your period


Menstruation is a special stage in a woman's menstrual cycle and has an important impact on a woman's physical and mental health. The right healthy behaviors and lifestyles can help women get through this special period, reduce discomfort, and protect their health.

Hopefully, this knowledge will help women better cope with menstruation, maintain their physical and mental health, and enjoy a better life.

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