
Is drinking alcohol regularly, but not too much, good or bad for the body? What is the safe amount of alcohol to drink?

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Mr. Zhang and his friends sat around the hot pot restaurant, steaming hot, drinking constantly, and everyone had a happy smile on their faces. Mr. Zhang is not a drinker, but at the instigation of his friends, he also drank a few glasses.

It didn't take long for him to feel a burning sensation in his chest, his face turning from white to red, as if something was churning inside him. The night's party made him miserable the next day, and his whole body felt like he had been run over by a car.

This story may be common, but the medical principles behind it cannot be ignored. So, is drinking good or bad for the body? How much should the right amount of wine be?

Is drinking alcohol regularly, but not too much, good or bad for the body? What is the safe amount of alcohol to drink?

1. The impact of drinking: The harm of alcohol to the body is seen from examples

Alcohol is widely regarded as a social lubricant, but its physiological effects go far beyond that. As can be seen from Mr. Zhang's story, even moderate drinking can bring discomfort.

Scientific studies have shown that after alcohol enters the human body, about 10% is absorbed through the stomach wall, and the rest enters the small intestine and is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. In the liver, alcohol is first converted into acetaldehyde, a toxic substance, and then into harmless acetic acid.

Especially for those with low acetaldehyde dehydrogenase activity, the accumulation of acetaldehyde will be more severe. According to research, about 40% to 50% of the Chinese population are born with a lack of adequate acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which makes them more prone to symptoms such as flushing, nausea, and headaches after drinking.

Is drinking alcohol regularly, but not too much, good or bad for the body? What is the safe amount of alcohol to drink?

2. Alcohol metabolism and individual differences

Everyone's tolerance and metabolism of alcohol is different, and this is largely determined by genetic factors. As mentioned earlier, a deficiency of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase can lead to the accumulation of acetaldehyde during metabolism, increasing the risk of serious diseases such as cancer.

In addition, the results of an international study tell us that there is no such thing as a "safe value" for even small amounts of alcohol.

As a result, health experts recommend that the safest amount of alcohol to drink is "no dips" for people looking to avoid alcohol-related health risks.

At the same time, it is important to note that drinking alcohol not only affects the liver, but can also cause lasting damage to the brain. Studies have shown that even a one-time episode of drunkenness can impaired brain function over the next six weeks. This effect may be exacerbated in the case of repeated alcohol use, causing long-term effects on cognition and memory.

Is drinking alcohol regularly, but not too much, good or bad for the body? What is the safe amount of alcohol to drink?

3. Manifestations and health risks of alcohol consumption

The effects of alcohol consumption are not limited to liver damage or simple hangover symptoms. Studies have shown that long-term alcohol consumption, even in so-called "moderation," can lead to a variety of health problems.

First of all, alcohol is a carcinogen, and its metabolite acetaldehyde is highly toxic and mutagenic, which can directly damage DNA and increase the risk of many cancers, such as oral cancer, laryngeal cancer, and esophageal cancer.

Secondly, alcohol depletes a large amount of vitamin B complexes in the body, especially the depletion of vitamin B1, which can provoke serious neurological disorders such as peripheral neuropathy and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, which is a severe memory disorder.

In addition, alcohol is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. While studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption may have a protective effect on the heart, high blood pressure and irregular heartbeats caused by excessive alcohol consumption can more than negate these potential benefits.

Drinking too much alcohol can also cause acute pancreatitis, a potentially fatal inflammatory condition that can lead to pancreatic failure in severe cases.

Therefore, even moderate alcohol consumption should be alert to potential health risks. Drinkers need to recognize that any short-term pleasure that alcohol brings can have a long-term health cost.

Is drinking alcohol regularly, but not too much, good or bad for the body? What is the safe amount of alcohol to drink?

4. Alcohol dependence and difficulty in quitting alcohol

Alcohol dependence is a serious medical problem that involves not only physiological mechanisms but also complex psychological and social factors. Physiologically, long-term alcohol consumption causes changes in the central nervous system, so that the brain's reward mechanism becomes dependent on alcohol.

This dependence progressively increases the body's tolerance to alcohol, so more alcohol needs to be consumed to achieve the same effect.

In addition, withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety, tremors, insomnia, and even more serious conditions such as seizures occur after stopping drinking, which often prompt the dependent person to return to drinking.

Psychologically, many drinkers see alcohol as a means of coping with stress, anxiety, and depression. This psychological dependence makes it more difficult to quit drinking, as they need to find other healthy coping mechanisms to replace alcohol.

Social and environmental factors also play an important role in alcohol dependence and abstinence. Drinking culture at home, with friends, and at work can significantly influence an individual's drinking behavior and quit success rate.

A variety of treatments for alcohol dependence have been shown to be effective, including medication, psychotherapy, and social support. The process of abstinence from alcohol requires the full support of a professional medical team, not just the exercise of individual willpower.

For people with a tendency to become dependent on alcohol, early intervention should be made and professional help should be sought to avoid various health and social problems caused by alcoholism.

Is drinking alcohol regularly, but not too much, good or bad for the body? What is the safe amount of alcohol to drink?

5. The scientificity and effectiveness of hangover methods

There are a variety of theories and products on the market, ranging from hangover remedies to folk remedies, and their effectiveness and scientific validity have received widespread attention and controversy.

Scientific studies have shown that most hangover products lack adequate clinical trial support. For example, while some products claim to speed up alcohol metabolism or reduce hangover symptoms, most of these effects have not been rigorously scientifically proven.

Hangover products often contain B vitamins, C complex, and some herbal ingredients such as goji berries and ginseng. Although these ingredients have health benefits, they have limited effect on directly relieving the physiological effects of alcohol.

In fact, the only scientifically accepted way to alleviate hangovers is time – only time allows the body to naturally metabolize alcohol.

Additionally, staying well hydrated and taking proper nutrients can help alleviate some hangover symptoms. So, instead of relying on hangover products on the market, support your body's natural recovery process with proper hydration and a healthy diet.

Is drinking alcohol regularly, but not too much, good or bad for the body? What is the safe amount of alcohol to drink?


From the perspective of medical and social research, while moderate alcohol consumption may have certain social and cultural value, its potential health harm cannot be ignored. A proper understanding of the effects of alcohol, recognizing individual differences, and understanding its broader impact on society and families is essential to making healthy life choices.

Through scientific knowledge and positive action, we believe that everyone can enjoy a healthy and happy life, free from the risks and troubles that alcohol brings. May everyone make wise choices and have a bright future.

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