
Is it good to walk regularly? Reminder: After the age of 60, pay attention to these 2 points when walking

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

After dinner, Uncle Li, the old man in the family, pushed away the chair and stood up, picked up his hat and crutches, and said to his family, "Let's go out for a walk!" His son frowned and reminded, "Dad, didn't you just finish eating?" I heard that walking too fast at this time is easy to be bad for the stomach. ”

Uncle Li waved his hand and said with a smile: "This little exercise is good for me, taking a walk helps digestion, haven't you been urging me to be more active?" This vignette sparked a family discussion about a walk after a meal.

Is it good to walk regularly? Reminder: After the age of 60, pay attention to these 2 points when walking

1. The benefits of walking after meals

Walking has long been considered one of the easiest and most effective ways to get fit. Not only the elderly, but also many young people have begun to arrange their own walks in parks and streets.

In particular, walking after a meal is often thought to help with digestion and relaxation. In fact, a study on the website of the American journal Prevention showed that in the first 5 minutes of walking, blood flow in the body increases, muscles are warmed up, and joint stiffness improves.

After 10 minutes, the heart rate gradually increases, the blood pressure rises slightly, and the energy expenditure can reach 6 kcal per minute.

And when the walk lasts for 20 minutes, the human body begins to sweat slightly, and the calorie burn per minute can reach 7 kcal. Such a physical change is undoubtedly very beneficial for those who wish to maintain their physical condition through light exercise.

Is it good to walk regularly? Reminder: After the age of 60, pay attention to these 2 points when walking

2. Precautions for walking after meals

However, a walk after a meal is not suitable for everyone, especially for seniors over the age of 60. From a medical point of view, the stomach is located in the upper left side of the abdominal cavity and is supported by several ligaments in its place.

A study by a medical university in Guangzhou pointed out that for people with high blood sugar, high gastric acid secretion, lack of exercise and obesity, it is recommended to take a gentle walk after meals, which can promote digestion and improve the excitatory/inhibition/regulation process of the cerebral cortex, which is beneficial to health.

However, this does not mean that vigorous physical activity immediately after eating is a wise choice. In fact, strenuous exercise may reduce the blood supply to the stomach and cause the surrounding ligaments to stretch, which may cause stomach muscle weakness and relaxation, which may eventually lead to gastric prolapse.

Therefore, you should wait at least 20 to 30 minutes after eating and wait until you are comfortable before starting a walk, especially in winter or on days when the temperature difference is large.

Is it good to walk regularly? Reminder: After the age of 60, pay attention to these 2 points when walking

3. Physical changes in walking

Walking is not only a simple way of exercise, but also an effective guarantee for physical health. As the length of the walk increases, there are a series of changes in the body that have a positive impact on health.

After a 45-minute walk, the brain releases endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that make people feel happy and relaxed. The release of endorphins not only relieves stress and anxiety, but also boosts mood, making people feel more happy and satisfied.

In addition, long walks can also promote fat burning in the body, which can help reduce weight and improve body shape. With consistent exercise, the body's metabolic rate increases, resulting in a gradual decrease in carbohydrate stores in the body, which helps to control blood sugar and reduce the accumulation of body fat.

Is it good to walk regularly? Reminder: After the age of 60, pay attention to these 2 points when walking

4. The positive effects of walking on mental health

Walking is not only good for physical health, but also for mental health. Numerous psychological studies have shown that regular walking can significantly reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and mood swings.

For example, a study from Stanford University found that people who participated in walks showed lower propensity for depression on psychometric tests and reported higher overall well-being.

Walking promotes the balance of chemicals in the brain, especially the release of endorphins, a natural chemical that brings pleasure and reduces pain.

In addition, walking can provide a way out of everyday stress, giving a person the opportunity to leave the closed indoor environment and get in touch with nature, which can bring about psychological release and recovery.

Is it good to walk regularly? Reminder: After the age of 60, pay attention to these 2 points when walking

5. The benefits of walking are combined with precautions

Despite the many health benefits of walking, there are a few things you need to be aware of when taking a walk to avoid adverse effects on your body.

First of all, pay attention to your posture and gait when walking, maintain a correct standing and walking posture, and avoid low back pain or joint injuries.

Secondly, for seniors over 60 years of age, special care should be taken not to overexert yourself when walking after meals, so as not to cause stomach upset or indigestion. It is advisable to take a walk 20 to 30 minutes after a meal and wait for the body to adjust to the digestive process after the meal before starting to exercise.

In addition, when choosing a walking path, it is better to choose an environment with flat terrain, pleasant scenery and fresh air. Walks in areas with heavy traffic or high levels of air pollution should be avoided as much as possible to reduce adverse effects on the respiratory system.

At the same time, you should also avoid hot weather during your walk to prevent the risk of heat stroke and sunburn.

Is it good to walk regularly? Reminder: After the age of 60, pay attention to these 2 points when walking

6. Suggestions for walking for different ages

Walking is a sport for all ages, but different age groups need to pay attention to slightly different things when doing it.

For teenagers and young adults, walking can be used as part of a daily exercise routine to help strengthen physical fitness, improve cardiopulmonary fitness, and relieve pressure at school and work.

It is recommended that they choose a proper walking time and route and avoid walking during the busy rush hour, so as not to affect their mood and physical health.

For middle-aged people, walking can be an effective way to relieve work stress and improve physical condition, especially between work or after dinner, which can help boost the body's energy level and mental state.

For the elderly, walking is an important means to maintain good health and delay aging, which can promote blood circulation, strengthen muscles and bones, and prevent the occurrence of senile diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and osteoporosis.

Is it good to walk regularly? Reminder: After the age of 60, pay attention to these 2 points when walking

7. The special significance of walking for the elderly

As they age, their physical functions gradually decline and they are prone to various chronic diseases and health problems. Therefore, for the elderly, walking is not only a way to exercise, but also an important way to maintain physical and mental health.

Studies have shown that regular walking can improve blood circulation, strengthen heart and lung function, and help prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.

In addition, walking can also improve the emotional and psychological state of the elderly, alleviate loneliness and depression, and improve quality of life and well-being.

Therefore, it is recommended that the elderly insist on taking a moderate amount of walks every day, choose the right time and place, and do it with family or friends, which can not only exercise, but also enhance feelings, and achieve the dual effect of physical and mental health.

Is it good to walk regularly? Reminder: After the age of 60, pay attention to these 2 points when walking


Walking is a simple and effective form of exercise that has many benefits for human health. By taking a walk for a long time, you can enhance your physical fitness, improve your mental state, prevent chronic diseases, and improve your quality of life.

However, there are also some things to keep in mind when going for a walk, especially for the elderly, to avoid overexertion and to choose the right time and place.

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