
Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!

Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!

Teacher Zhou talks about education

2024-05-25 10:35Published in Jiangxi

The footsteps of "June 1st" have quietly arrived, this day full of laughter and innocence, the school always does its best to create a wonderful program for the children, so that they can show their talents and style. In addition to these exciting programs, there is also a particularly important part, which is to hold a solemn and solemn induction ceremony for the new first-year students.

Many people may mistakenly think that primary school students will join the Young Pioneers once they enter school, but this is not the case, on the second semester of the first semester of primary school, on Children's Day, the school will carefully plan the joining ceremony, select students who have performed well in all aspects, and let them wear the bright and dazzling red scarves in the presence of the whole class or even the whole school.

Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!

And for those students who failed to join the team on Children's Day, they don't have to feel lost or frustrated. Because the school will organize a grand joining ceremony again around the "10.13 Team Building Day" in the first semester of the second grade.

Moreover, the proportion of students in the first batch is not wide, usually limited to 30% of the total number of first-year students, and some schools are even more refined, selecting only a few students with particularly good performance in each class. Therefore, the first batch of students to join the team is not only a rare honor for students, but also an affirmation and encouragement from teachers for their daily performance.

However, in the eyes of parents, their children are always the brightest star, and there will inevitably be some controversy and different voices for the first batch of places to join the team. Some parents are dissatisfied with their children's failure to be selected, and even question the teacher, hoping for a reasonable explanation.

Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!

In our school, 20% of the students in each class in Year 1 are selected as the first team members. After the list was announced, some parents expressed dissatisfaction, and some even asked the teacher directly in the group chat: "Why didn't my child become the first team member?" ”

In the face of parents' doubts, the teacher could only patiently explain, emphasizing that the first batch of students to join the team was evaluated according to the children's usual comprehensive performance, including learning attitude, classroom performance, ideology and morality, and enthusiasm to participate in campus activities. Since grade 1 does not allow for test rankings, grades are not the only criterion.

At the same time, the teacher will also encourage those students who are not selected not to be discouraged, because everyone has the opportunity to join the team in October. It is not that the students who are not selected are not excellent, but that other students are better and more well-rounded in some aspects. The purpose of joining the team in batches is to motivate students who perform well and set an example for other students, so that they can have a goal and direction for their studies.

Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!
Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!

Although the teacher's explanation is reasonable, some parents still find it difficult to understand and even doubt whether the teacher is objective and fair enough in the selection process. In this regard, we can only say that these parents' concerns may be excessive.

In fact, most children do not pay so much attention to whether or not to be the first batch of students to join the team. At the moment when the list is announced, some of the students who failed may express a sense of loss, but as time goes by, this sentiment will soon be replaced by other new and interesting things.

In contrast, parents are significantly more concerned about the matter. They seem to be more willing to fight for the so-called "first" places for their children, as if this will pave a brighter path for their children's future.

Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!

Some parents also expressed doubts about the school's practice of joining the queue in batches, thinking that since all students will eventually join the team, why artificially divide the first and second batches? Doesn't this invisibly increase the psychological burden of students and parents, and may even lead to the so-called "involution" phenomenon? Children in the first grade are not yet mentally mature, and labeling them as "first" or "second" too early can have a negative impact on their development.

In fact, children don't care as much about these things as we think. They may envy the first to join the team, but they will soon be attracted to other more interesting things. On the contrary, parents often regard this matter too important and constantly mention it in front of their children, causing unnecessary psychological pressure on their children.

Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!

A child's growth is not a sprint race, but a marathon that requires patience and wisdom. Performance at the beginning does not determine the final outcome of the game. Every child has their own pace of growth and flowering, and as parents, we should learn to wait and appreciate every beautiful moment in their growth.

At the same time, we should also see the strengths and strengths of other children, and encourage children to learn from them, rather than getting too entangled in small things. In this way, it can really benefit the all-round development of children.

Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!

Moreover, the first batch or the second batch to join the team will not become a stumbling block on the children's future path, let alone be written into their files and affect their life trajectory. Therefore, parents do not need to pay too much attention to this issue, but should pay more attention to the cultivation of children's hobbies, personality characteristics and comprehensive qualities. Only in this way can children face various challenges and opportunities more confidently and calmly on the road ahead.

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  • Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!
  • Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!
  • Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!
  • Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!
  • Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!
  • Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!
  • Parents angrily questioned: Why can't my child join the first team? Netizen: Don't be too curly!

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