
What should I do if a thin person doesn't grow meat? Eat more of these 4 foods to gain weight quickly and become more likely to gain weight

author:Dr. Li from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology talks about health

Xiao Li is a young man with a height of 170 cm, but he weighs only 100 pounds, and is often ridiculed by friends for "falling down when the wind blows". Although he eats a lot every day and eats a lot of food, his weight has never grown, and his body appears very thin. Xiao Li tried various methods, hoping to make himself a little stronger, but the results were always unsatisfactory.

For thin people like Xiao Li, gaining weight is not only for better appearance, but more importantly for health. So, how exactly should thin people eat to gain weight quickly?

What should I do if a thin person doesn't grow meat? Eat more of these 4 foods to gain weight quickly and become more likely to gain weight

1. Millet porridge: enhance gastrointestinal absorption

For people with a thin body, the first thing that needs to be improved is the absorption function of the stomach and intestines. Millet porridge is a great choice as a nutritious and easily digestible food.

Millet porridge is low in calories, containing only 46 kcal per 100 grams, while containing almost no dietary fiber, which makes it easier for the stomach to absorb.

Millet porridge is rich in carbohydrates, protein, and a small amount of fat. According to the "Chinese Food Composition Table" (2019 edition), each 100 grams of millet porridge contains about 46 kcal of energy, 1.7 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of fat, 9.2 grams of carbohydrates, 0.3 grams of dietary fiber, 3 mg of calcium, 22 mg of phosphorus, 0.2 mg of iron, 3 micrograms of vitamin A3, 0.1 mg of vitamin E, etc.

What should I do if a thin person doesn't grow meat? Eat more of these 4 foods to gain weight quickly and become more likely to gain weight

2. How to properly make and consume millet porridge to promote digestion and absorption

In order to make millet porridge work better, it is not advisable to boil it too thickly, as too high sugar may cause gastrointestinal upset. It is best to boil the yellow millet in water until soft, but not too sticky.

It is best to eat it in the morning, drink 1-2 small bowls a day, and you can pair it with some carrots and red dates, which not only increases the taste, but also replenishes more vitamins and minerals.

Carrots are rich in vitamin A, and red dates are a good ingredient for blood and qi. Pairing these two with millet porridge can not only increase the nutritional value, but also improve the taste, making it easier for people to accept and like.

Many thin people may have lactose intolerance because of their weak digestive system, and drinking cold milk is easy to cause diarrhea. However, warm milk can reduce the lactose content to a certain extent, making it easier for the body to digest and absorb.

Hot milk reduces lactose intolerance and thus improves the absorption of nutrients from milk. Milk is an important source of high-quality protein and is rich in nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D.

According to the National Dairy Council, each 250 ml of milk (whole fat) contains 150 kilocalories of energy, 8 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, 12 grams of carbohydrates, 300 mg of calcium, 3 micrograms of vitamin D3, etc.

It is recommended to drink a glass of 250 ml of warm milk every morning or evening before going to bed. Not only will this help increase your protein intake, but it will also help improve your sleep quality.

Adding a spoonful of honey to hot milk not only adds to the taste but also further aids absorption. Honey helps improve the function of the digestive system and has a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, making it a very good supplement for thin people with weak digestive systems.

Through reasonable dietary adjustment, thin people can not only enhance the absorption function of the stomach and intestines, but also effectively increase weight and improve physical fitness.

What should I do if a thin person doesn't grow meat? Eat more of these 4 foods to gain weight quickly and become more likely to gain weight

3. Egg fried rice: the perfect combination of carbohydrates and protein

Egg fried rice is not only delicious, but also nutritious, making it a good choice for weight gain. Egg fried rice is rich in carbohydrates and protein, which can provide a lot of energy while also being easy to digest and absorb.

According to the Chinese Food Composition List (2019 edition), each 100 grams of egg fried rice contains 191 kcal of energy, 5.2 grams of protein, 5.3 grams of fat, 30.6 grams of carbohydrates, 0.6 grams of dietary fiber, 13 mg of calcium, 98 mg of phosphorus, 0.7 mg of iron, 12 micrograms of vitamin A, 0.7 mg of vitamin E, etc.

Egg fried rice is high in protein, which can provide the nutrients needed for muscle growth and help in weight gain.

What should I do if a thin person doesn't grow meat? Eat more of these 4 foods to gain weight quickly and become more likely to gain weight

4. Cooking tips: how to reduce gas and increase appetite at the same time

To make egg fried rice easier to digest and absorb, some vegetables such as carrots, peas, etc., can be added during the cooking process. These vegetables not only enhance the taste of food, but also provide rich vitamins and minerals that promote digestion and absorption.

In addition, less oil, less salt, less monosodium glutamate and other seasonings can reduce the occurrence of flatulence and increase appetite.

Egg fried rice can be paired with some green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, lettuce, etc., which can not only increase the taste of the dish, but also provide more dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, which can help strengthen the body's immunity and promote healthy weight gain.

What should I do if a thin person doesn't grow meat? Eat more of these 4 foods to gain weight quickly and become more likely to gain weight

5. Chicken breast: a source of high-quality protein

Chicken breast is one of the preferred ingredients for gaining muscle and weight because it is rich in high-quality protein and relatively low in fat, which can help lean people gain muscle and weight.

Chicken breast is rich in protein and rich in B vitamins and minerals such as potassium and magnesium. According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, every 100 grams of chicken breast contains 165 kilocalories of energy, 31 grams of protein, 3.6 grams of fat, 0 grams of carbohydrates, 8 mg of calcium, 233 mg of phosphorus, 0.5 mg of iron, 2 micrograms of vitamin A2, 0.6 mg of vitamin E, etc.

What should I do if a thin person doesn't grow meat? Eat more of these 4 foods to gain weight quickly and become more likely to gain weight

6. Cooking method: How to make chicken breast easier to ingest and digest

To make chicken breasts easier to ingest and digest, choose skinless and boneless chicken breasts, cut them into small pieces or slices, and soak them in water for a while to remove blood and odors. Then rinse it with clean water and marinate it with salt for a while to make it more tender and tasty.

During the cooking process, you can choose steaming, boiling soup or frying, try to avoid frying and excessive seasoning, and maintain the original flavor of the ingredients.

Chicken breast can be served with some carbohydrate-rich foods, such as pasta or brown rice, which can provide energy and meet the body's basic needs.

In addition, it can also be paired with some healthy salads, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, etc., to increase the intake of dietary fiber, promote digestion and absorption, and help to increase weight.

Through reasonable dietary adjustment, thin people can not only enhance the absorption function of the stomach and intestines, but also effectively increase weight and improve physical fitness.

What should I do if a thin person doesn't grow meat? Eat more of these 4 foods to gain weight quickly and become more likely to gain weight

7. Legumes: an ideal source of protein and fiber

Legumes are an integral part of a weight-gain diet because they provide a lot of protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. These properties make legumes an ideal food for increasing muscle mass and weight.

Legumes are rich in plant protein, fiber, and a variety of essential amino acids. For example, every 100 grams of cooked black beans contain 132 kilocalories of energy, 8.9 grams of protein, 0.9 grams of fat, 23.7 grams of carbohydrates, 8.7 grams of fiber, 35 milligrams of calcium, 2.1 milligrams of iron, 70 milligrams of magnesium, and 140 milligrams of phosphorus.

This combination of high protein and fiber helps increase feelings of fullness while providing essential nutrients to promote healthy weight gain.

What should I do if a thin person doesn't grow meat? Eat more of these 4 foods to gain weight quickly and become more likely to gain weight

8. Cooking tips: How to make beans easier to ingest and digest

To improve the digestibility and absorption of beans, beans should be soaked for at least 12 hours and then boiled until sufficiently softened. In addition, cooking with foods with high digestive enzyme activity (e.g., ginger, garlic) can further help reduce the anti-nutritional factors in legumes and increase their nutritional value.

Lean meats (e.g., chicken breast, lean beef) or other plant-based proteins (e.g., nuts, seeds) can provide the body with a range of complementary amino acids, which are especially important for muscle growth and weight gain.

For example, when making a bean stew, you can add some chicken breast or increase your daily protein intake through forms such as soy milk and tofu.

What should I do if a thin person doesn't grow meat? Eat more of these 4 foods to gain weight quickly and become more likely to gain weight


With these detailed eating strategies and cooking tips, lean people can effectively gain weight and improve their physical health.

Each food provides the body with the nutrients it needs, and with a variety of food combinations and cooking methods, you can make the diet richer and more enjoyable, while ensuring a balanced diet that supports healthy weight gain.

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