
In the first quarter, the city's industrial economy ran smoothly

author:Network information Anshan
In the first quarter, the city's industrial economy ran smoothly

On the 10th, the reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology that

In the first quarter, the city's industries above designated size overcame

adverse factors,

The added value increased by 0.5% year-on-year.

Iron ore mining, magnesite, chemical industry, equipment manufacturing, etc

The output value of key industries has achieved positive growth.

Since the beginning of this year, the city's industry and information system has been implemented in depth

Three-year action to comprehensively revitalize new breakthroughs,

In order to promote new industrialization and cultivate new quality productivity

Focusing on the "8+1+4" industrial development direction, optimizing stock, increasing increment,

Adjust the structure and promote upgrading,

Anchor the annual industrial added value above the designated size

The target of 6% year-on-year growth,

We will make every effort to promote the industrial economy to seek breakthroughs and reach a higher level.

In the first quarter, the city's industrial economy ran smoothly

In order to ensure the overall smooth operation of the industrial economy, the city's industry and information system has improved the system, optimized the stock, strengthened cultivation and increased increment. Focusing on the city's key industrial enterprises, enterprises with more than 100 million yuan, enterprises above the designated size and enterprises under the regulations, a city, county (district) and township hierarchical guarantee assistance system has been established to help enterprises solve problems. From the perspective of maintaining industrial security and strengthening the regional economy, we actively carry out the cultivation of large enterprises, and sort out 10 cultivation directions and 87 cultivation measures such as project construction, technological innovation, and digital transformation. Continue to strengthen the cultivation of "small upgrading" enterprises, decompose the task goal of achieving 100 small upgrading enterprises in the city, and guide all regions to formulate the cultivation library of upgrading enterprises.

In the first quarter, the city's industrial economy ran smoothly

Our city focuses on the construction of four trillion-level industrial bases and 22 key industrial clusters in the province, draws the industrial chain map in accordance with the "8+1+4" industrial development direction, scientifically formulates development goals and work tasks from the city's basic advantages and development needs, and sets up a special class for industrial and information project planning and double saddle integration project planning, and carries out project planning and packaging work. At present, a total of 486 packaging projects are planned, with a total planned investment of 279.6 billion yuan. Carry out project docking activities at the same time, do a good job in project services, communicate and coordinate in a timely manner to solve relevant problems in the process of promoting major industrial projects, and promote the early implementation of projects and start production as soon as possible.

In the first quarter, the city's industrial economy ran smoothly

On the basis of the achievements of the industrial "four reforms", the city continues to increase the promotion of the "four reforms" of enterprises, anchors the implementation of 240 "four reforms" projects throughout the year, and ensures the completion of the overall goal of investing 8.7 billion yuan. In the first quarter, 185 "four reforms" projects have been started and resumed, with an investment of 3.32 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 43%. At the same time, the "Work Plan for Cultivating Digital Workshops, Smart Factories and Application Scenarios in Anshan City in 2024" was issued to continuously improve the cultivation library of digital workshops, smart factories and application scenarios. Collect excellent digital scenarios in the manufacturing industry, take guidance and cultivation as an important support for accelerating the process of transformation and upgrading, and comprehensively carry out digital transformation work at the city, county, and enterprise levels, establish a cultivation library and dynamically adjust it.

In the first quarter, the city's industrial economy ran smoothly

The city's special class promotes the integration of "double saddle", jointly plans to promote 15 projects, a total of 20 projects under construction and to be implemented, 3 jointly promoted matters, and plans 15 types of key projects. Focusing on the upstream and downstream supply chain of Anshan Iron and Steel, 155 foreign suppliers from various counties and districts have negotiated with Anshan Iron and Steel and Anshan Iron and Steel Mining, and 18 enterprises have cooperation intentions. Accelerate the construction of key projects, build a "double saddle" supplier headquarters base with Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., promote the construction of a steel deep processing industrial park and a resource recycling industrial park, and promote the expansion of mining in the new mining area of Anshan Iron and Steel Mining.

The city has also formulated a gradient cultivation work plan for high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises in 2024, continuously improved the gradient cultivation system of "specialized, special and new" enterprises, and actively guided small and medium-sized enterprises to take the road of specialization, refinement, specialization and novelty through policy support and precise services, so as to enhance the independent innovation ability and core competitiveness of enterprises. In addition, it also built a platform for cooperation and exchange for enterprises, and successfully held the Anshan Equipment Manufacturing, Chemical Industry, Resource Comprehensive Utilization Industrial Chain Supply Chain Docking Fair and Anshan Consumer Goods Industry Supply and Demand Docking Meeting.

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