
Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

author:Yuehao narrated


Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

In our daily travel, in addition to driving, the most common choice is electric vehicles, which has become a very common thing for us.

Especially for some office workers, riding an electric car to work is the most comfortable choice.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

This is because electric vehicles have so many advantages and that is what many people love about them.

Whether in terms of price or composition, electric vehicles are undoubtedly the most convenient, which is why this is the case.

But after everyone buys an electric car, the first thing to do is to go to the local community office to get a license.

Today's electric vehicles, like cars, need to be registered by the public security traffic management department.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

However, many places have canceled the restrictions on the licensing of electric vehicles, as long as the following three points are met, our electric vehicles can avoid the risk of being checked.

So many people are curious about this, which three points are satisfied?

1. Three types of battery cars

Perhaps when they saw this title, many people were confused.

Aren't they all electric cars? How can there be electric vehicles that don't need to be checked? In fact, in our real life, there are really the following three types of battery cars.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

The first thing we need to understand is what type of electric car we are going to buy. The first type of electric vehicle is a new type of national standard electric vehicle, which is also a kind of non-motor vehicle.

The electric vehicle must be at least 16 years old to drive and have a green license plate.

It has a total of 15 digits of frame number, and if you want to ride this electric car on the road, you can ride it without a driver's license.

But everyone needs to pay attention to the fact that this electric car cannot be carrying people, if it is carrying people, it will face the risk of being fined if it is found by the traffic police uncle.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

According to the new regulations of our country, the new national standard electric vehicle can carry people, but not everyone can carry it, and there are very strict standards here.

The standard for carrying people is required to be under 16 years old, and over 16 years old is not compliant.

Based on this, many parents are worried that it is against the regulations to ride this new national standard electric vehicle to send their children to school.

In fact, many parents don't have to worry, they can take their children to school, and they only need to pay attention to the age of their children.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

The second type of electric vehicle we want to talk about is the new national standard moped. This type of car is too different from the above models, and this type of electric car requires an adult over 18 years old to drive, and it is a violation of road safety traffic laws to drive this electric car under the age of 18.

This type of license plate is blue, just like our ordinary motor vehicles, and its frame number is made up of letters and numbers, just like motor vehicles.

If you want to drive this type of car, you must be at least 18 years old and under 70 years old.

At the same time, you need to hold a D/E/F and other types of driver's licenses, and more importantly, this kind of electric vehicle cannot carry people, once caught by the traffic police, you will face the risk of fines.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

The last type of electric vehicle we talk about is a new type of national standard electric motorcycle, which basically belongs to the same requirements as motor vehicles.

It requires a driving age of 18 to be over 70 years old, and the driver undergoes a rigorous medical examination every year.

At the same time, this electric car has higher requirements for drivers, and it requires a type D and E license to meet such conditions.

Its license plate number is yellow, and the license plate number is formed by a 17-digit alphanumeric combination.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

If the driver wants to carry a person, then it needs to be carried by a person who is over 12 years old, and if he or she is under the age of 12, he will face severe penalties.

This kind of behavior is not only a kind of irresponsibility for the safety of the lives of the people being carried, but also a kind of contempt for the road safety traffic law.

Therefore, based on the above three electric vehicle requirements, you must see clearly what type of electric vehicle your home belongs to before traveling.

Whether it can meet its driving age and whether the electric vehicle it is driving can meet the requirements of carrying people.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

Therefore, when you buy an electric car, you must consult the relevant information clearly. The safest way is to distinguish the color of the license plate and the number of the structure, and after confirming this information, you can buy the electric car you want.

This is because today's electric vehicles already involve the attributes of many motorcycles, especially in terms of speed, and many electric vehicles have even caught up with the speed of motorcycles.

So many places today have met the requirements of not being inspected, so which of these three points are specific?

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

The specific content of the requirements of the second and third points

Nowadays, many places have lifted the inspection of electric vehicles, and these three specific requirements are as follows. The first point is that you must have the relevant driver's license, as we mentioned in the above section, D license can meet E and F licenses, and E license can meet F license.

Therefore, it is recommended that you can go directly to get a D driver's license, so that any type of electric vehicle can drive it, and you don't have to worry about whether your driver's license type is unqualified.

At the same time, if you have a D driver's license, you can also ride a motorcycle on three wheels, and you can engage in some commercial activities.

Having a driver's license is equivalent to having a permit to drive on the road, and you also have the identity of a driver.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

However, it is important to remind everyone that even though you have obtained this driver's license, you still need to bring your driver's license with you before you hit the road.

If you encounter some special circumstances, you can also take out your driver's license for inspection, which can help you save yourself a lot of trouble.

The second point is that you must license your electric car, if your electric car does not have a brand, then there is no qualification for the road.

Therefore, after purchasing an electric vehicle, you must go to the local license plate office for license plate processing according to your electric vehicle type, so as to ensure that your electric vehicle is licensed on the road.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

With the development of the times, many new regulations have emerged. Some of these electric vehicles can be licensed directly in the same place after purchase.

The most is the new national standard electric vehicle, and today all stores selling electric vehicles can directly complete the work of licensing.

However, the latter two types of electric vehicles need to go to the local vehicle management office for licensing, and some cities also have a series of requirements such as physical examination.

The third point is that it is necessary to purchase compulsory traffic insurance, which is mandatory on the mainland. Whether we are buying an electric car or a car, it is necessary to have this type of insurance after the purchase. Of course, this regulation only applies to the second and third types of electric vehicles.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

This kind of insurance is actually a kind of compulsory insurance, and the reason why we make it compulsory to buy it is also a kind of protection for our life safety and our own interests.

However, the price of this type of insurance and car insurance is completely different.

According to the current price, the price of compulsory traffic insurance is basically not more than 500 yuan, so it does not cost everyone too much.

Based on this, after meeting the above three conditions, our electric vehicles do not need to be inspected, and we can drive on the road with peace of mind.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

Third, the actual situation

Perhaps after seeing these messy requirements, many of us will find such requests very troublesome. Some people think that it is just to ride an electric car, why do you need such complicated procedures and measures?

Therefore, based on this problem, the mainland traffic management department implemented the measure of exempting from inspection.

From an overall point of view, the formulation and implementation of such measures completely saves the time of our masses of the people and their time on the road.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

Many of us originally chose electric vehicles in order to save some costs or avoid car jams.

At the beginning, when electric vehicles were not required to be licensed, the traffic environment in various cities was very poor, and the frequency of traffic accidents was also very high.

It is precisely for the sake of the safety of the masses and road traffic safety that the mainland has begun to implement this series of policies.

Nowadays, when we drive on the road, we will find that road safety has been greatly improved, and the probability of traffic accidents has also decreased.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

With the passage of time, more and more people believe that it is very important and necessary for the state to implement this policy.

In fact, the last brand is not so complicated, it is just a protection of our safety and interests.

Seeing this, you may have understood the good intentions of our country, and the core point of view is to protect our personal safety.

We often see videos of people who ride their electric bikes too fast and lose their lives.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

Thinking of this, everyone may think of the ghost fire boy. In order to show off his handsomeness or show off how fast his motorcycle is, he lost his life.

It is precisely the frequent occurrence of such cases that the mainland has also made a request to limit the speed. Today's electric cars must not exceed 25 kilometers per hour.

Although it may seem a bit slow, it is actually a kind of protection for our safety.


For the safety of your own life, you must follow the corresponding road traffic rules when riding an electric vehicle.

Many places have canceled the restrictions on electric vehicles, and the three requirements have been met, can the people really accept it?

When you buy an electric car, you must buy one that meets the national standards and requirements, and don't buy those illegally modified electric vehicles.

The core idea of the new regulations issued by the state is to protect our personal safety and consider our own interests.

Nowadays, even though the policy has been formulated very strictly, there are still some people who want to succeed and end up making themselves suffer.

Based on this, we must strictly follow the relevant national requirements.

Information sources:

Electric vehicles have been restricted, and new regulations have been ushered in in many places, as long as the three major conditions are met, there will be no inspection or punishment on the road

2024-05-09 10:46Longnan Wenxian release

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