
Children who are frequently sick in kindergarten? Kindergarten teachers admit that most of the responsibility lies with parents

author:Cream Mom

Recently, cream mothers have received a lot of parents' complaints, saying that their children are in good health at home, but they are sick as soon as they go to kindergarten, and they are frequently sick, especially in the autumn and winter, often 5.6 children in the class are suddenly sick, is it that the kindergarten has not done a good job of disinfection? Or the kindergarten teacher is lazy.

In response to this problem, cream mother specifically consulted a teacher who has nearly 10 years of preschool education work, and the teacher frankly said: Children frequently get sick in kindergarten, and the responsibility is mostly on parents.

Children who are frequently sick in kindergarten? Kindergarten teachers admit that most of the responsibility lies with parents

Why I say this, mainly has a lot to do with the reasons in these aspects.

First: The child's illness has a lot to do with separation anxiety.

Most parents are only concerned about whether their children can go to school on time, and they try to finish things as long as they send their children to kindergarten, completely fail to pay attention to the children's emotional problems, and ignore the children's crying, resulting in children's emotional depression, mental tension, and being surrounded by anxiety, fear, and nervous emotions.

Children simply can't enjoy the life of kindergarten, and there is no way to eat well, sleep, eat badly, sleep badly, the child's immunity will naturally decline, and the child's illness will be an inevitable phenomenon.

Children who are frequently sick in kindergarten? Kindergarten teachers admit that most of the responsibility lies with parents

How to alleviate your child's separation anxiety? Be sure to pay attention to it first, and the next article will explain it in detail.

Second: the problem of eating and drinking for children

Kindergarten children are sick, most of them have a lot to do with the child's gastrointestinal discomfort, the most common is food accumulation and diarrhea.

Many parents are worried that their children will not eat well and not enough to eat in kindergarten, so when they go home at night or when they are at home on weekends, they will change their tricks to make this delicious food for their children.

As a result, the child's gastrointestinal function is not perfect, and he simply does not have the ability to digest so much food, so after a few meals, it is either accumulation of food or diarrhea.

In addition, children do not have the habit of drinking water at home, and even some babies are accustomed to drinking drinks, which are very unhealthy eating habits, drinking less water, or drinking drinks as water, which will affect the child's physical development and cause the child to get sick.

Children who are frequently sick in kindergarten? Kindergarten teachers admit that most of the responsibility lies with parents

As the old saying goes, if you want to be safe, you have to stay hungry and cold.

Therefore, if the child has eaten dinner in the kindergarten before school, it must be remembered not to eat after returning home, in addition, be sure to let the child drink more water and add enough water to reduce the probability of the child getting sick.

Third: cross-infection

At the turn of the seasons, the temperature difference is large, the air humidity changes greatly, the children are prone to upper respiratory tract diseases, plus there are more children in the kindergarten, this cough, that runny nose, this touch, that lean on, it is particularly easy to cause cross infection.

So we must pay attention to the child's personal hygiene cleaning, personal hygiene, I ask for small cream, before eating and after the toilet to wash hands, before eating to wash hands, the first thing to do home is to wash hands, in accordance with the kindergarten teacher taught the 7-step hand washing method, seriously clean and disinfect the small hands.

Children who are frequently sick in kindergarten? Kindergarten teachers admit that most of the responsibility lies with parents

In addition, let the child insist on brushing his teeth morning and evening every day, which can not only maintain the hygiene of the mouth and throat, but also effectively reduce the breeding of bacteria and reduce the risk of respiratory infections.

If you want your child to strengthen their physique and reduce the chance of getting sick, parents must also do two things:

First: Encourage your child to exercise more.

Second, adhere to healthy eating habits.

After the child goes to kindergarten, due to changes in the environment, it will lead to a period of discomfort in the child, and even illness, parents should not be too anxious, or directly accuse the kindergarten teacher of irresponsibility, should carefully observe and analyze, find out the cause, the right medicine, is the best love for the child.

I am a cream mom, a family education instructor, like my content remember to like and share, follow me, on the road to parenting we grow together.

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