
Can I eat normally after cleaning, and what should I pay attention to in terms of diet?

author:Starry dreams


Can I eat normally after cleaning, and what should I pay attention to in terms of diet?

After teeth cleaning, many people suddenly become sensitive to hot and cold, sweet and sour, and even have blood in their mouths, and feel that the gap between their teeth becomes larger. Therefore, after teeth cleaning, you should pay extra attention to your diet to avoid causing discomfort.

1. Eat two hours after cleaning, because you have just finished cleaning, and scaling will inevitably have a certain impact on your gums. If you eat immediately, your gums will be irritated, and you will be prone to bleeding and discomfort.

2. Do not eat cold or hot food after teeth cleaning to avoid soreness and pain in the teeth. Depending on the individual's situation, it usually takes up to seven days for the condition to improve.

Can I eat normally after cleaning, and what should I pay attention to in terms of diet?

3. Don't eat dark-colored things for 1-2 weeks after cleaning, such as coffee, tea, chocolate, cola, soy sauce, etc. so as not to stain the color. Eat more white or light-colored things, such as millet porridge and milk.

4. Don't smoke for two weeks after teeth cleaning. Because it takes a certain amount of time for the teeth to calcify to protect the teeth themselves after cleaning, the nicotine and other components in tobacco are easily deposited on the surface of the teeth to form yellow smoke stains, which is very unsightly.

5. Don't drink carbonated drinks after teeth cleaning. Acidic substances are most likely to soften tooth enamel, erode teeth, and make teeth sensitive.

Can I eat normally after cleaning, and what should I pay attention to in terms of diet?

6. Eat less sweets after teeth cleaning. Adults often scare children: eating sugar is easy to grow bugs, and bugs will eat your teeth. Although there are no bugs, eating too much sweets does make it easy to cause cavities.

Also, if the tooth soreness is particularly severe after scaling, you can try using desensitizing toothpaste. If it doesn't work after a while, you should consider going to a regular dental hospital to have a look.

Scaling is a beneficial operation, don't hearsay, although you may not be comfortable for a while after scaling, but in the long run it must be more beneficial than disadvantageous.

Can I eat normally after cleaning, and what should I pay attention to in terms of diet?