
Zhang He fought against the eight fierce generals, Xu Huang fought against the top ten fierce generals, if Zhao Yun could win the double battle?

author:Min Min said gossip

During the Three Kingdoms period, the princes were divided and heroes were born. As one of the great powers of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Wei's military strength has attracted much attention. Under Cao Cao's account, there were outstanding generals known as the five good generals, who had their own strengths and were the backbone of Cao Wei's army. Zhang He and Xu Huang, as two of the fierce generals, although the performance of force in historical records fluctuates from time to time, they are undoubtedly important generals of Cao Wei. In that era of heroes, their war experience is full of legends. This article will explore in detail the records of these two generals and their potential showdown scenario with Zhao Yun.

Zhang He fought against the eight fierce generals, Xu Huang fought against the top ten fierce generals, if Zhao Yun could win the double battle?

Zhang He's legendary record

In the battle of Guandu, it was getting late, and the battle was raging. Dressed in iron armor and armed with a spear, Zhang He led the cavalry to charge. Facing Zhang Liao, the top general of the Hebei Army, the two confronted each other in the moonlight, fighting until late at night, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner from the loser. Zhang Liao shouted, swung the knife and slashed directly, Zhang He was agile, the tip of the gun turned, locked Zhang Liao's long knife, the two horses were staggered, and others saw sparks flying.

"Brother He, today's battle is really a hero!" Zhang Liao put away the knife and returned to the horse, and said to Zhang He with a fist.

Zhang He fought against the eight fierce generals, Xu Huang fought against the top ten fierce generals, if Zhao Yun could win the double battle?

Zhang He smiled slightly and nodded in greeting. After the war, Zhang He's reputation was greatly boosted and he became a reliable general in Cao Cao's eyes.

In the battle of Tongguan with Ma Chao, Zhang He faced the imposing Ma Chao, but he seemed slightly reserved. Ma Chao roared and rushed forward, the spear was like a dragon, and Zhang He steadily blocked a few combinations, but gradually felt powerless, so he chose to retreat strategically.

"General He, I will spare your life today!" Ma Chao sneered with disdain and watched Zhang He withdraw from the battlefield.

Zhang He fought against the eight fierce generals, Xu Huang fought against the top ten fierce generals, if Zhao Yun could win the double battle?

Xu Huang's tenacity

Xu Huang has a calm personality and a tough fighting style. In the confrontation with Zhang Fei, Xu Huang raised his big axe and faced Zhang Fei's eight-point steel spear. The two fought in the valley, axes and spears intertwined, and the sound shook the valley. Xu Huang took advantage of Zhang Fei's ventilation and slashed with a big axe, forcing Zhang Fei to retreat.

"General Xu really deserves his reputation, Zhang admires it!" Zhang Fei gasped and nodded.

Zhang He fought against the eight fierce generals, Xu Huang fought against the top ten fierce generals, if Zhao Yun could win the double battle?

Xu Huang's face was expressionless, he put away his axe and stood still, but he had respect for Zhang Fei's bravery in his heart.

The possibility of a double battle against Zhao Yun

Zhang He fought against the eight fierce generals, Xu Huang fought against the top ten fierce generals, if Zhao Yun could win the double battle?

Zhao Yun, as the top general of Shu Han, was known for his bravery and loyalty. Zhang He and Xu Huangruo teamed up against Zhao Yun, and the scene was undoubtedly extremely intense.

On the imaginary battlefield, Zhao Yunyin waved his spear and broke through the enemy formation. Zhang He and Xu Huang glanced at each other and shouted in unison: "Today, let's see who is the real king of the battlefield!" ”

Zhang He fought against the eight fierce generals, Xu Huang fought against the top ten fierce generals, if Zhao Yun could win the double battle?

Zhang He took the lead in swinging his gun and rushed towards Zhao Yun, his marksmanship was sharp, and every blow carried the momentum of wind and thunder. Zhao Yun's marksmanship was smart, easily defusing Zhang He's offensive, and with a backhand shot, Zhang He had to take a few steps back. At this time, Xu Huang swung his axe to join the battle group, and the axe brought gusts of wind, trying to break Zhao Yun's defense from the flank.

Zhao Yun blocked Xu Huang with his left gun, and hooked his right leg, skillfully making Zhang He lose his balance. The three of them went back and forth on the battlefield, fighting in the dark and dusty. Eventually, after hundreds of rounds of fierce fighting, all three of them were exhausted and withdrew their troops in unison, paying each other the highest courtesy on the battlefield - the samurai.

Zhang He fought against the eight fierce generals, Xu Huang fought against the top ten fierce generals, if Zhao Yun could win the double battle?

After the war, Zhang He and Xu Huang stood side by side, looking at Zhao Yun's distant back. Zhang He said softly: "Zhao Yun really deserves his reputation, today's battle is enough to go down in history." ”

Zhang He fought against the eight fierce generals, Xu Huang fought against the top ten fierce generals, if Zhao Yun could win the double battle?

Xu Huang nodded and responded: "Yes, I can fight with such a hero in this life, although I don't know whether I win or lose, I have no regrets." ”

The words of the two were full of respect and admiration for each other and Zhao Yun, and they knew that this battle would become a beautiful conversation among their martial artists.

Zhang He fought against the eight fierce generals, Xu Huang fought against the top ten fierce generals, if Zhao Yun could win the double battle?

In the long river of history, the stories of heroes are as bright as the stars. Although this virtual duel between Zhang He, Xu Huang and Zhao Yun is not historical, it shows the bravery and respect between the generals. The true hero is not only the victory on the battlefield, but also the awe and etiquette in the heart. Their stories inspire future generations not only to sharpen themselves with martial arts, but also to convince people with virtue. In this war-torn and chaotic era, the values and behaviors of heroes constitute a unique landscape, which makes people admire their martial arts and feel deep humanistic care.