
Looking back at the Centennial Road, the Party Zhizhao traveled south to present the "July 1st" theme series of activities

author:Overseas network

Source: China Economic Network

Lang Sheng praises the party song and appeals to loyalty

Poetry is written in words, and songs are expressed in love. The headquarters of the Southern Branch launched the "Song Centennial Song Centennial" song and poetry exhibition competition, and the employees with talents took turns to fight. The reciter's voice is sonorous and loud, and the words stir up the high party spirit. The singers carefully prepared their own masterpieces, and told their love and enthusiasm for the party and the country with their songs.

In the early stage of the competition, the participants were fully prepared through self-study, mutual exchange and discussion. The first round of the competition is a compulsory answer, and the representative teams answer in turn according to the order of the draw; the second round is a preemptive answer, and after receiving the host's preemptive answer instructions, everyone scrambles to answer the questions, and the fierce battle is very fierce. The contestants said that the competition and colleagues exchanged party history knowledge, deepened their understanding and memory of party history knowledge, and will pay more attention to party history study in the future, promote understanding with learning, and practice their mission in their posts.

Visit the History Museum of the Red Heritage

The Party Branch of the Fuzhou Rongqiao Mid-Levels Garden Project organized party members to visit the former site of the Fuzhou Municipal CPC Committee and the office of the New Fourth Army located in Sanfang And Seven Alleys. In front of different party history modules, the party members stopped to listen to the detailed explanations of the explainers, learned the general situation of the former site of the municipal party committee, and learned how the Fuzhou organization of the CPC was established and developed.

Re-read the oath of membership

During this visit, the party members of the project deepened their understanding of the red culture of the territory, and they were encouraged, and they shared that if they studied the history of the party, they would understand that the revolutionary construction of the party organization was carried out step by step, and only now had a strong fighting fortress. In the future organization and construction of party branches and the development of work, we must grasp the key points and pay attention to implementation, so that we can do a good job in our work.

Re-draft the Long March and cross the border again

Zhongshan City Adin Lai Bay District Bilingual School Project, launched the "Reconstruction of the Long March Road" group sports competition. Before the competition, Zhang Baochang, the representative of the party members of the project, analyzed the connotation of the Long March spirit for everyone, and encouraged the participants to carry forward the long march spirit of firm faith and close unity and actively participate in the competition.

Sports competitions mainly have the form of throwing sandbags, three-person four-legged and so on, the team members actively cooperate, tacit understanding, you chase me, the race was once glued. After the game, although everyone was already sweating, they were still enthusiastic. The employees lamented that although they were not in the long march situation, they still felt the atmosphere of crossing the five passes and cutting six generals in these activities, and at the same time, they also exercised a stronger team spirit in the competition, enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness, and worked more together in the future project construction work.

Sincere words to the party

The Southern Branch collected the true words that employees wanted to say to the party, and after sorting out, they made a group photo of the circle of friends of "True Words and The Party", which was placed at the front desk of the headquarters, and the headquarters employees came to take a group photo after work. Everyone held up the logo of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the logo of the "construction certificate", and so on, and proudly blessed the party's centennial birthday as a member of the China Construction People.

Happy Birthday with the Party

The Southern Branch specially arranged the employees' birthday party in the second quarter on the eve of July 1, giving the party a happy birthday in advance. Before cutting the cake, everyone expressed their blessings to the party' "centennial birthday star". Birthday employees in the second quarter are honored to be born with the party in the hot summer.

Other projects of China Construction Electric Power Branch will also successively carry out activities such as July 1st Movie Watching and July 1st Story Meeting to present gifts for the party's birthday. (Hosasha Chen Tengfei Hu Siwei)

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