
The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

author:Dr. Chua's health talks

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"Dr. Zhang, what the hell is going on?" Li Na sat in a chair in the consultation room, her voice tinged with unconcealable nervousness and unease. She and her daughter Xiaoyue were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the sudden bad news left the whole family in deep shock.

Dr Teo is an experienced family physician who understands how patients feel when they receive such a diagnosis. He looked up from Li Na's medical records and said slowly, "Li Na, we need to discuss the recent eating habits of your mother and daughter. ”

The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

Li Na is a secondary school teacher with a regular and health-conscious lifestyle, while her daughter, Xiaoyue, is currently a student at university. Li Na recalls that in the past two years, the mother and daughter have eaten persimmons as snacks almost every day. Persimmons are a common fruit in their homeland, cheap and sweet.

Dr. Zhang shook his head gently: "Persimmon is indeed a good fruit, but it contains a high amount of a certain specific compound, which may have a negative effect on the liver under certain circumstances. ”

The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

In fact, this compound in persimmons is safe under normal consumption amounts, but long-term consumption in large amounts may cause an increased burden on the liver.

Dr. Zhang went on to explain the dangers of persimmonol in detail: "Long-term consumption of large amounts of fruits rich in persimmon will gradually increase the metabolic burden on the liver. Although this effect will not manifest immediately, long-term accumulation can lead to liver cell damage and even liver cancer. ”

The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

He stressed that this risk is almost unknown in the public consciousness, so they are trying to raise awareness. In further conversations, Dr. Zhang also mentioned another lesser-known issue – chilled watermelon.

He said: "Everyone likes to eat some ice mirror watermelon in the summer, but in fact, it is also a challenge to the liver. Cold food can suddenly stimulate the liver and cause it to contract sharply, which is a big burden on the liver that is already diseased or metabolically stressed. ”

The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

Through this conversation, Li Na and Xiaoyue understand that although their eating habits seem healthy, they actually have adverse effects on their bodies. Dr. Zhang also showed them some specific cases of patients with health problems caused by similar eating habits, and they were deeply touched by these stories.

Dr Teo explained that the health benefits of food are often relative and depend on the individual's health status and consumption amount. For people with specific health problems, even foods that are generally considered healthy can be a health hazard.

The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

Dr Teo further elaborated on the importance of a balanced diet: "A person's diet should be tailored to their physique, health condition, and the needs of their daily life.

Excessive consumption of certain foods, even fruits and vegetables, can have adverse effects on the body. Li Na began to realize that a healthy lifestyle is not only about choosing "healthy" foods, but also about quantity control and nutritional diversity.

The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

She felt some remorse because in the past she believed too much in the nutritional value of persimmons and ignored the problems that an overdose could bring. He advised Li Na and Xiaoyue to increase their vegetable intake and reduce their consumption of high-sugar fruits, while introducing some foods that help liver health, such as green leafy vegetables and nuts containing healthy fats.

Natural foods can also contain ingredients that are not good for some people, especially in modern agricultural production, where even natural foods can pose a threat to certain groups of people after the use of various chemicals.

The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

After this in-depth exchange, Li Na and Xiaoyue have a clearer understanding of how to improve their diet. Dr. Zhang's explanations are not only based on his medical knowledge, but also incorporate a large number of actual cases, making his words even more convincing.

Eventually, Li Na and Xiaoyue thanked Dr. Zhang gratefully, and they decided to start adjusting their eating habits in the hope of improving their health.

The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

Dr. Zhang shared more knowledge about food and health during the follow-up visit. He stressed that even foods that are widely considered healthy, such as persimmons, carrots, and other foods rich in specific nutrients, must be consumed in moderation.

This experience taught Li Na and Xiaoyue a profound lesson. In the health talks organized by the school, Li Na also began to talk about how to look at various foods and nutrients scientifically, and how to avoid health problems caused by mistrusting the health labels of certain foods.

The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

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The mother and daughter were diagnosed with liver cancer one after another, and the doctor: These fruits are really not suitable for eating more

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