
Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: Sweet potato, a very common coarse grain product in daily life, has won the favor of many people who lose weight with its unique taste and health effects. Imagine holding a steaming sweet potato in your hand on a cold winter day, and the warm feeling not only comes from the palm of your hand, but also goes straight to the bottom of your heart.

According to Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is recorded: "Sweet potato replenishes deficiency, strengthens the spleen and appetizes, and strengthens kidney yin." "Traditional Chinese medicine has always regarded sweet potatoes as a valuable medicine.

However, despite their remarkable health benefits and soft and sweet taste, sweet potatoes are not suitable for everyone. While enjoying this delicacy, we need to pay attention to our personal physical condition, especially the following five groups of people, and we should choose food carefully.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion


Nutrients of sweet potatoes

Sweet potato, this potato food, is rich in nutritional value and can be called a treasure trove of nutrition. It contains not only carbohydrates as a basic source of energy, but also protein, fat, starch, and rich in vitamins and minerals.

In particular, the content of vitamin C and vitamin A is impressive. The content of vitamin B1 and vitamin B2 in sweet potatoes is several times that of rice, and its vitamin C content is even comparable to that of citrus.

Fresh sweet potatoes contain 13.6 grams of sugar per 500 grams, providing the body with sustained energy. At the same time, 12.7 grams of protein provides the necessary amino acids for the body's repair and growth.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion

In addition, sweet potatoes are also an excellent source of minerals such as phosphorus, iron, and calcium, containing 110 mg of phosphorus, 2.3 grams of iron, and 92 mg of calcium per 500 grams. These minerals are essential for bone health, blood circulation, and nerve conduction.

What's even more gratifying is that sweet potatoes also contain methylcellulose, which is 10 times more than flour and rice. After this fiber enters the body, it can enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, help nourish the stomach and protect the stomach, and prevent intestinal health problems. At the same time, fiber can also help remove waste and toxins from the body, and maintain the body's health.

In conclusion, sweet potatoes are not only delicious but also extremely nutritious, making them an indispensable part of our daily diet. Let's enjoy the food while also injecting a steady stream of nutrients and vitality into the body.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion


Sweet potatoes are delicious, full of treasures, what are the benefits of eating sweet potatoes often for the body?

Prevent constipation

Sweet potatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and improve digestive function. Dietary fiber can increase the volume of food in the intestines, help soften stools, and prevent constipation. At the same time, pectin and other ingredients in sweet potatoes can also adsorb harmful substances in the intestines and play a role in detoxification and beauty.

Slows down aging

Sweet potatoes are rich in β-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that helps to remove free radicals from the body and slow down aging. β-carotene can also be converted into vitamin A in the body, which plays an important role in maintaining eye health and enhancing immunity.

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium, which can help regulate blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular disease. Potassium can promote the excretion of sodium and reduce the sodium-potassium ratio in the body, which can help lower blood pressure. At the same time, ingredients such as vitamin C and folate in sweet potatoes also contribute to cardiovascular health.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion

Control your blood sugar

Sweet potatoes are also a low-calorie, low-fat food that is suitable for people who are losing weight. The dietary fiber in sweet potatoes can increase satiety and reduce the intake of other foods. At the same time, the starch components in sweet potatoes are converted into energy more slowly in the human body, which helps to control blood sugar fluctuations and avoid problems such as obesity and diabetes.

Maintain good health

Sweet potatoes are also rich in minerals and vitamins, such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin E, etc., which play an important role in maintaining good health. These nutrients can help enhance bone health, prevent anemia, maintain normal nervous system function, and more.

Prevent cancer

Sweet potatoes also have anti-cancer effects, and a variety of nutrients in sweet potatoes, such as β-carotene, dietary fiber, selenium, etc., all have anti-cancer effects. These ingredients can help remove carcinogens from the body and inhibit the growth and spread of tumor cells, thereby preventing the occurrence of cancer.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion


Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion

Patients with kidney disease

Sweet potatoes, as a common food, are loved by people. Its sweet taste and rich nutritional value make it a place on the table. However, for patients with kidney disease, sweet potato intake needs to be strictly controlled.

The reason why patients with kidney disease should eat less sweet potatoes is mainly related to the ingredients they contain, sweet potatoes are high in potassium, which is not a big problem for people with normal kidney function, but for patients with kidney damage, it can be a big burden.

Potassium is one of the important elements for maintaining the normal physiological functions of the human body, but the kidneys are the main organs that regulate potassium balance. When kidney function is impaired, the kidneys' ability to excrete potassium decreases, leading to an increase in blood potassium levels. Hyperkalemia is one of the common complications in people with kidney disease, and it can lead to serious consequences such as arrhythmias, muscle weakness, and even cardiac arrest.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion

Patients with stomach diseases

Patients with stomach problems should eat less sweet potatoes, because sweet potatoes contain high starch and fiber, which are easy to cause gastrointestinal discomfort, especially for patients with stomach diseases such as excessive gastric acid, gastritis, and gastric ulcers, which are more likely to aggravate symptoms.

However, sweet potatoes are also a nutritious food that is rich in many vitamins and minerals and is also good for your health. So, how can people with stomach problems balance their sweet potato intake in their diet?

Patients with stomach problems should control the intake of sweet potatoes, do not eat too much at one time, and can eat sweet potatoes as part of the staple food in small amounts each time, which can reduce the irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. Secondly, patients with stomach problems can choose to cook or steam sweet potatoes, which can reduce their fiber content and reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

People who are recovering from a serious illness

People who are recovering from a serious illness should eat less sweet potatoes out of special consideration for their physical recovery stage. Sweet potatoes, as a starch- and sugar-rich food, are highly nutritious, but in some cases may not be suitable for everyone. Especially for patients who have just recovered, their bodies need more meticulous and gentle care.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion

After a serious illness, it often takes a while for the body's digestive system to regain its function. The high fiber and starch content in sweet potatoes may increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, leading to indigestion or discomfort.

During the recovery phase, the individual's diet should be light, easy to digest, and nutritionally balanced. Sweet potatoes can be taken as a supplement in moderation, but not too much. At the same time, it should be paired with other vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc., to ensure nutritional diversity and balance.

People with diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common digestive problem that usually manifests as more frequent stools and loose stools. During diarrhea, people have weak gastrointestinal function and need to pay special attention to their diet so as not to aggravate the symptoms. As a nutritious food, sweet potatoes are high in dietary fiber and pectin, but during diarrhea, they need to be properly controlled.

Dietary fiber is a beneficial nutrient that can help promote intestinal peristalsis and increase stool volume, thereby relieving problems such as constipation. However, during the diarrhea period, the intake of dietary fiber needs to be appropriately reduced, because too much dietary fiber will increase the burden on the stomach and stimulate intestinal peristalsis, thereby aggravating the symptoms of diarrhea. Sweet potatoes contain high dietary fiber, so people with diarrhea should eat less sweet potatoes.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion

In addition, sweet potatoes also contain ingredients such as pectin. Pectin is a polysaccharide with good water solubility and viscosity, which can help regulate the water and electrolyte balance in the intestines. However, during diarrhoea, pectin intake also needs to be controlled in moderation, as too much pectin can increase the amount of water in the intestines and further aggravate the symptoms of diarrhoea.

pregnant woman

As a nutritious ingredient, sweet potatoes are loved by a wide range of people. However, for pregnant women, excessive consumption of sweet potatoes may come with some adverse effects.

Sweet potatoes are high in sugar, and pregnant women are inherently prone to blood sugar fluctuations during pregnancy, and excessive sugar intake may increase the risk of gestational diabetes. Therefore, pregnant women should control their intake when eating sweet potatoes to avoid high blood sugar.

In addition, sweet potatoes contain a substance called oxalic acid, and excessive intake may affect calcium absorption. Pregnant women need a lot of calcium during pregnancy to maintain their own and fetus's bone development, so they should pay attention to calcium intake. When consuming sweet potatoes, pregnant women can pair them with some calcium-rich foods such as milk, tofu, etc., to balance nutrition.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion


Can you still eat sprouted sweet potatoes?

Many people may find that sweet potatoes are starting to sprout when they are stored. So, are sprouted sweet potatoes safe to eat?

What we need to understand is that sprouting a sweet potato does not mean that it has gone bad or is inedible. In fact, sweet potatoes are a root vegetable, and their germination process is different from that of vegetables such as potatoes. After the sweet potato sprouts, it does not produce harmful substances, so it will not cause harm to human health.

However, although sprouted sweet potatoes can be eaten, there are still some issues that we need to be aware of, and the taste and nutritional value of sprouted sweet potatoes may be affected to a certain extent. During the germination process, the nutrients of the sweet potato are transferred to the young shoots, resulting in a decrease in the nutritional value of the sweet potato itself.

Additionally, the sprouts may have a different texture than ripe sweet potatoes and may be more crisp or have some bitter flavors.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion


Remember 4 taboos, it's not too late to know now, and remember to tell your family after reading it

Consume in moderation

Although sweet potatoes are highly nutritious, excessive consumption may cause bloating, diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended that the amount of sweet potatoes consumed every day be controlled within a certain range, and appropriate adjustments should be made according to the individual's physique and digestive ability.

Avoid eating raw

Sweet potatoes contain a lot of starch, and eating them raw not only tastes bad, but also makes them difficult to digest and may even cause food poisoning. Therefore, be sure to cook or roast sweet potatoes before eating them.

Serve with food

Although sweet potatoes are rich in nutritional value, they cannot meet all the nutritional needs of the human body. Therefore, while eating sweet potatoes, we should also pay attention to other foods, such as vegetables, fruits, meat, etc., to ensure a balanced intake of nutrients.

Caution Save

The storage conditions of sweet potatoes have a great impact on their taste and nutritional value. If not stored properly, it may cause sweet potatoes to spoil and even produce harmful substances. Therefore, it is recommended to store sweet potatoes in a cool and ventilated place, away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion


Read more: What's the deal with eating sweet potatoes and farting a lot?

Regarding the phenomenon of eating sweet potatoes and farting a lot, this is actually related to the ingredients in sweet potatoes and the human digestive process.

Sweet potatoes are a food rich in starch and dietary fiber, and when these components are broken down by microorganisms in the human intestines, they produce a large amount of gases, such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen, etc. When these gases accumulate in the intestines to a certain extent, they are excreted through farting.

Doctor's advice: These 5 types of people usually try to eat as little as possible, don't listen to persuasion

In addition, sweet potatoes are high in dietary fiber, which can increase the residence time of food in the intestines, so that the microbes in the intestines have more time to break down the food, which in turn produces more gas. Therefore, when you consume a lot of sweet potatoes, the number of farts may increase accordingly.

Of course, the amount of fart is also related to the individual's eating habits, gut health and other factors. If your farting persists or is accompanied by other uncomfortable symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, etc., then it is recommended that you seek medical attention promptly to rule out possible intestinal diseases.

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