
Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: In this era of judging people by their appearance, not only women, but also men have begun to pay attention to their image and appearance. They are demanding more and more from their figure, because a perfect body not only enhances their image, but also attracts the attention of the opposite sex, keeps them healthy, and stays away from diseases.

But the fast pace of life and the immense stress of life have left many people trapped in a vicious cycle of overeating and lack of exercise, which increases the risk of obesity.

Looking at the stars in the entertainment industry, many male stars have also lost weight. Li Xian, Peng Yuyan, Guo Qilin, Wei Daxun and others, they used to be chubby, but with perseverance and hard work, they successfully lost weight and became the perfect male god in the hearts of many fans. This tells us that with determination and action, losing weight is not a difficult task.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

So, how to judge whether your figure is standard? Here is a standard weight benchmarking table for men of 152~188 cm, which can help you self-test.

But keep in mind that this is just a reference, and everyone's body type and health are unique. What's more, we should focus on a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and moderate exercise, rather than just chasing a number.

So, let's focus on our body and health from now on, and pursue a better version of ourselves. Don't blindly pursue slimming, but take health as the premise and enjoy the beauty of life. Because the real charm is not only in the appearance, but also in the inner peace and confidence.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

What causes obesity in men?

Improper diet

Modern life is fast-paced, and many male friends often choose high-calorie, high-fat foods such as fast food and takeaway because of their busy work. These foods tend to be nutritionally unbalanced and tend to lead to fat accumulation.

In addition, excessive alcohol consumption is also a common cause of obesity in men, alcohol contains a lot of empty calories, and long-term heavy drinking can easily cause body weight.

Lack of exercise

Many male friends sit in the office for a long time and lack exercise because of work. Long-term lack of exercise can lead to a decrease in the body's metabolic rate, and the body is more likely to accumulate fat.

In addition, some male friends also choose to stay at home in their leisure time, lacking outdoor activities and physical exercise, which further exacerbates the risk of obesity.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

Lack of sleep

Modern people's lives are stressful, and many male friends often lack sleep because of work, life and other reasons. Long-term lack of sleep will affect the secretion of hormones in the body, leading to increased appetite and easy to cause obesity. In addition, sleep deprivation can also reduce the body's metabolic rate, further exacerbating obesity.

Psychological stress

In modern society, competition is fierce, and male friends are facing pressure from work, family, and other aspects. Long-term psychological stress can lead to endocrine disorders, affect the body's metabolic and digestive functions, and easily lead to obesity. Therefore, learning to regulate psychological stress and maintaining a good attitude is of great significance to prevent obesity.

Genetic factors

Obesity has a certain hereditary nature, and some male friends may be prone to obesity because of family inheritance. However, genetic factors are not immutable, and through reasonable diet and exercise habits, the problem of genetic obesity can be improved to a certain extent.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

For men, it's important to know if their weight is within the standard range. To this end, we have provided you with a detailed weight comparison chart for men with heights ranging from 1.58 to 1.88 meters.

With this table, every man can easily check himself to see if his weight is within the ideal range.

If you happen to be the right weight, it's good news that you're in good shape and don't need to worry too much about losing weight or slimming.

However, if you are already weighing more than the standard range, then you need to pay attention to it. Because obesity not only affects physical appearance, but also poses a serious threat to physical health.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

To assess your weight status more accurately, you can refer to the following weight classification criteria:

  • If your weight fluctuates by about 10% above and below the standard weight, it is within the normal weight range;
  • If the body weight exceeds the standard 10% but less than 20%, it is considered overweight;
  • If the body weight exceeds the standard by 20% to 30%, it is considered mildly obese, and if it exceeds 30% to 50%, it is moderately obese;
  • If you exceed the standard body weight by more than 50%, you have entered the ranks of severe obesity.

Therefore, every man should check his or her weight regularly to ensure his or her health. If you find a problem, adjust your lifestyle and eating habits in time to maintain your physical health.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

What harm does it bring to the body if men are overweight?

Chronic metabolic diseases

Obese patients are prone to elevated blood lipids, increased blood viscosity, which can easily lead to hyperlipidemia, and the larger the waist circumference, the greater the risk of hypertension. In addition, obesity may lead to elevated sugar, an increased risk of diabetes, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Bone problems

Excessive weight increases the pressure on the bones of the whole body, especially on the knee joints and ankle joints, increases the burden on the joints, and easily leads to degeneration of both knee joints, and osteoarthritis occurs in severe cases.

Digestive problems

Excessive obesity can easily lead to the occurrence of hiatal hernia, and at the same time, intestinal peristalsis slows down, and patients are prone to constipation and hemorrhoids. Obesity can also lead to problems in the biliary system, such as excessive bile secretion and predisposition to diseases of the biliary system.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

Increased risk of cancer

Men who are extremely obese can easily lead to an increased incidence of cancer, such as colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer.

Respiratory and psychological problems

Excessively obese men may also develop sleep apnea, which affects the respiratory system. In addition, obesity may also affect the psychological state, leading to problems such as depression and anxiety, and may affect employment and social interactions.

Other health problems

Obese men have reduced immunity and are susceptible to various diseases such as upper respiratory tract infections, pneumonia, gastrointestinal infections, etc. In addition, obesity may also lead to drowsiness, fatigue, and a higher incidence of coronary heart disease than normal people.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

Men who are too thin can also be a health hazard

Weakened immunity

Being too thin can mean malnutrition, where the body lacks the necessary nutrients to support the proper functioning of the immune system. This leads to a decrease in immunity, making the body more susceptible to viruses and bacteria, increasing the risk of disease.

Bone health problems

Lean bodies often don't have enough fat reserves, which can affect bone health. Bones need enough fat to maintain their strength and stability, and people who are too thin may be at increased risk of osteoporosis or fractures.

Psychological problems

Being too thin in the body can be psychologically stressful. Society tends to have a certain bias about body shape, and people who are too thin may feel inferior, anxious, or depressed. These psychological problems may affect their social, work, and daily lives.

Vulnerable to injury

Lean bodies often don't have enough muscle and fat to protect internal organs and bones. This may increase the risk of injury, especially when doing physical activity or sports.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

How should male friends lose weight properly?

Set reasonable weight loss goals

Before losing weight, it is very important to set a reasonable goal for yourself. This goal should be specific and measurable, such as losing 10 kilograms, reducing body fat percentage, etc. At the same time, this goal should also be in line with your physical condition and health needs, and avoid blindly pursuing rapid weight loss.

Adjust your diet

Diet is the most critical part of the weight loss process. Male friends should pay attention to balanced nutrition and consume more nutrients such as protein, vegetables and fruits. At the same time, reduce your intake of high-calorie, high-fat, and high-sugar foods and avoid overeating. You can try to divide meals into 5-6 meals a day, and control each meal within a certain calorie range.

Increase your physical activity

Exercise is another great tool for weight loss. Male friends can choose the exercise method that suits them, such as jogging, swimming, fitness, etc., at least 3-4 times a week, each time lasting more than 30 minutes. Exercise not only burns calories, but also boosts metabolism and helps the body detoxify better.

Maintain a good routine

Routine is just as important for weight loss. Male friends should ensure 7-8 hours of adequate sleep every day and avoid staying up late and overexertion. At the same time, maintain a good mindset, learn to release stress, and avoid adverse effects of mood swings on weight loss.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

How can men eat to lose weight? These foods help you lose weight


Cucumbers are low-calorie, high-moisture foods that are ideal for consumption during weight loss. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that can help you replenish the nutrients your body needs without burdening your body.


Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which can help you boost your metabolism and speed up fat burning. In addition, tomatoes are also rich in fiber, which helps to promote digestion and reduce fat absorption.


Apples are a good choice for weight loss, they are rich in pectin and dietary fiber, which can help you feel fuller and eat less. At the same time, the malic acid in apples can also promote lipolysis and help in weight loss.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat


Spinach is a nutritious green leafy vegetable that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. These ingredients can help you boost your metabolism and speed up fat burning, while also helping you keep your bowels open and reduce the occurrence of constipation.


Carrots are rich in carotene and vitamin A, which can help you protect your eyesight, while also boosting metabolism and accelerating fat burning. In addition, the fiber in carrots can also help you feel fuller and eat less.


Kiwi is a fruit rich in vitamin C and fiber, which can help you boost your metabolism and speed up fat burning. At the same time, the pectin in kiwifruit can also help you feel fuller and eat less.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

Read more: These 2 small points in the body make it easier for men to live longer

The neck size is smaller

The neck is the part that connects the head to the torso, and its size is related to health. One study found that men with thinner necks had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

This is because neck thickness is related to the inner diameter of the blood vessels, and a thinner neck may mean a smaller inner diameter of the blood vessels, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, neck thickness has also been linked to diseases such as metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Therefore, keeping the neck size small may help men maintain cardiovascular health and longevity.

Male 152-188cm standard weight comparison table, if you "meet the standard", congratulations, not fat

The waist circumference is smaller

Waist circumference is a measure of belly fat accumulation, which is associated with the risk of several chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.

Studies have shown that men with smaller waist circumferences have a lower risk of developing these diseases. In addition, a smaller waist circumference may also be associated with a higher metabolic rate and a lower inflammatory response, both of which contribute to the maintenance of good health and longevity.

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