
Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things

author:Yang Xuefei loves popular science

Introduction: Uric acid, a term that sounds quite unfamiliar, is actually a by-product of our body's metabolism, derived from the metabolic process of purines. The presence of this waste in the human blood has no benefit to our health, and may even become a potential health hazard.

There are two main ways of excretion of uric acid: one is excreted from the body through urine, which is the main way of uric acid excretion, and the other part is excreted through feces.

When it comes to gout, many people may be familiar with it, it is a common disease in endocrinology and metabolism. The production of gout is closely related to the disorder of purine metabolism in the body and the disorder of uric acid excretion.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things

When the level of uric acid in the blood exceeds its dissolved range, uric acid crystallizes, deposits and precipitates. Once these urate crystals are deposited in the joints, they can trigger local inflammation that can lead to the symptoms of gout as we know them. However, it is important to note that not all patients with hyperuricemia will present with gout problems.

Under normal circumstances, the uric acid content of the human body should be kept below 420umol/L. If the blood uric acid level is higher than this standard, but there is no joint pain, we call it "hyperuricemia".

Only when the uric acid level is abnormal and accompanied by symptoms of joint swelling and pain will the doctor diagnose "gout". Therefore, it is particularly important to manage and control uric acid, which is directly related to the health of our joints and the overall quality of life.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things


What is the need to take medication when uric acid is so high?

In general, the normal value of uric acid in adult males is 149~416μmol/L and in females it is 89~357μmol/L. When uric acid levels exceed this range, it needs to be brought to our attention.

However, whether or not you need to take medication depends solely on the level of uric acid, there are other factors to consider. For example, if the patient has already developed complications such as gout and urate nephropathy, then even if the uric acid level is slightly high, then it is necessary to consider starting medication. Because these complications can lead to serious health problems such as joint pain, kidney damage, etc.

In addition, for some high-risk groups, such as people with high blood pressure, diabetes, and people with a family history of cardiovascular disease, even if uric acid levels are within the normal range, they need to be closely monitored and, if necessary, given medication. This is because these populations are at higher risk of hyperuricemia and related complications.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things


Hyperuricemia is not simple, in addition to gout, there are 3 major harms

Kidney damage

Hyperuricemia is one of the important risk factors for kidney disease. Long-term high uric acid levels can lead to impaired glomerular and tubular function, which can lead to chronic kidney disease and, in severe cases, kidney failure.

Cardiovascular disease

Studies have shown that hyperuricemia is closely related to the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. High uric acid levels promote the formation of atherosclerosis, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

Increased risk of diabetes

People with hyperuricemia have a higher chance of developing diabetes. Elevated uric acid levels can affect insulin sensitivity, which can trigger or worsen diabetes.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things


Onions are the "catalyst" for high uric acid?

Uric acid is the end product of purine metabolism, and when purine metabolism is disordered, resulting in hyperuricemia, it will cause a series of health problems, such as gout, kidney stones, etc. So, is there really some kind of connection between onions and high uric acid?

In fact, onions, as a common vegetable, are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Consumption of onions in moderation is beneficial to human health. However, for patients with high uric acid, whether onions will be their "catalyst" needs to be further explored.

Onions contain a certain amount of purine substances. Purines are precursors to uric acid, and consuming too much of them may lead to elevated levels of uric acid. Therefore, for patients with high uric acid, if a large amount of onions is consumed, it may indeed increase the burden of uric acid metabolism.

However, this does not mean that onions are a "catalyst" for high uric acid, as purines are relatively low and the other nutrients in onions are also beneficial to human health.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things

In addition to this, the formation of high uric acid is related to a variety of factors, such as kidney function, dietary habits, genetics, etc. It is not accurate to simply use onions as a "catalyst" for high uric acid.

In fact, some components in onions, such as sulfides and flavonoids, have certain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, and may have certain health effects on patients with high uric acid.

Therefore, we cannot simply think of onions as a "catalyst" for high uric acid. For patients with high uric acid, it is okay to consume onions in moderation, but care needs to be taken to control the intake and cooking method.

At the same time, maintaining good eating habits and lifestyles, such as drinking more water, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, and limiting the intake of high-purine foods, are of great significance for the prevention and treatment of hyperuricemia.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things


Doctor's reminder: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things

Organ meats

Dietary modification is essential to control uric acid levels. Among the many foods, animal offal is one of the potential risks of elevated uric acid, so it is advisable to eat less or avoid excessive intake.

Animal internal organs, such as liver, kidneys, brains, etc., are usually rich in purine substances. Uric acid is produced during the metabolism of purines in the body, so the intake of high-purine foods may increase the synthesis and accumulation of uric acid.

For people who already have uric acid-related diseases such as high uric acid or gout, excessive intake of animal offal may induce or aggravate symptoms, such as joint pain, redness and swelling.


Among the many vegetables, broccoli is a nutritious vegetable that is relatively high in purines. Therefore, in order to control uric acid, it is recommended to reduce the intake of broccoli in moderation.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things

While broccoli is a healthy vegetable that is rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber, it also contains relatively high purine content.

For people who already have uric acid-related conditions such as high uric acid or gout, excessive intake of broccoli may increase uric acid synthesis and accumulation, which can worsen symptoms or trigger new flare-ups.


Beer is a drink that contains a lot of purine substances, which produce uric acid during metabolism. At the same time, beer also contains yeast, which also contains purine substances.

Therefore, drinking beer will increase the amount of uric acid in the body, which will increase the burden on the kidneys, leading to the occurrence of diseases such as hyperuricemia and gout.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things

Therefore, if you want to control uric acid, in addition to eating less beer, you also need to pay attention to the balance and diversity of your diet, and only by maintaining good eating habits and lifestyles can you effectively control uric acid levels and prevent the occurrence of diseases such as hyperuricemia and gout.


If you want to control uric acid, eat less dessertsWant to control uric acid, please eat less desserts, this is the advice given by many health experts.

As a high-sugar, high-fat, and high-calorie food, excessive intake of desserts can lead to excess energy, which in turn can lead to metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes.

The occurrence of these diseases is closely related to the increase of uric acid level, therefore, controlling dessert intake is one of the important means to control uric acid level.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things


People with high uric acid in the body, keep the following 5 points in mind to avoid gout "one step further"

Control your weight

Obesity is an important risk factor for gout. Maintaining a proper weight can lower uric acid levels and reduce the likelihood of a gout attack.

Adequate hydration intake

Drink plenty of water and maintain adequate water intake to help excrete uric acid. It is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, especially during exercise or hot weather, to increase water intake.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things

Exercise regularly

Proper exercise can boost metabolism and accelerate the excretion of uric acid. It is recommended to choose low-intensity aerobic exercise, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., to avoid strenuous exercise that causes overwork.

Regular check-ups

Have regular kidney function tests to look for changes in uric acid levels. If uric acid persistently elevated, you should seek medical attention and adjust your treatment regimen.

Psychological adjustment

Maintain a good mindset and avoid excessive anxiety and nervousness. When psychological stress is too high, it may affect the body's metabolism and excretion functions, which is not conducive to the control of uric acid.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things


Read more: Does asymptomatic hyperuricemia need to be treated?

Asymptomatic hyperuricemia, as the name suggests, is when a patient has an elevated serum uric acid level but does not have the obvious symptoms associated with hyperuricemia. Whether this condition requires treatment has always been the focus of attention of the medical community and patients.

Let's be clear that asymptomatic hyperuricemia is not the same as harmless. Hyperuricemia is an important precursor to gout, and long-term hyperuricemia may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and many other diseases. Therefore, even if the patient is not currently experiencing symptoms, it should not be taken lightly.

Onions are the "catalyst" of high uric acid? Doctors remind: If you want to control uric acid, please eat less than 4 things

In addition, treatment of asymptomatic hyperuricemia should be decided on a patient-by-patient basis. If the patient's blood uric acid level is only mildly elevated and there are no other associated medical conditions, then uric acid levels may only need to be controlled by adjusting diet and lifestyle habits, such as reducing the intake of high-purine foods, increasing exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight.

However, if the patient has high serum uric acid levels or if other associated conditions are already present, then drug therapy should be considered. Commonly used urate-lowering drugs include drugs that inhibit uric acid production and drugs that promote uric acid excretion. These medications need to be used under the guidance of a doctor to ensure that they are safe and effective.

Finally, regular physical examinations and monitoring are very important for patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia. By regularly checking the blood uric acid level and other relevant indicators, changes in the condition can be detected in time so that the treatment plan can be adjusted in time.

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