
AWS Key Disabler: an AWS IAM user access key security protection tool


关于AWS Key disabler

AWS Key Disabler is a powerful AWS IAM user access key security protection tool that reduces the security risks posed by old access keys by disabling AWS IAM user access keys by setting a time limit.

AWS Key Disabler: an AWS IAM user access key security protection tool

The process by which the tool runs

AWS Key disabler is essentially a Lambda function that can be implemented through the following workflows:

AWS Key Disabler: an AWS IAM user access key security protection tool

Tool Requirements:

The current version of the AWS Key disabler script requires the following components:



3. AWS CLI command-line tool;

4. Enable SWS, verify the domain name, and remove the AWS account in sandbox mode;

Developer toolchain

AWS Key Disabler: an AWS IAM user access key security protection tool

Tool installation

Note that the following installation commands are only available for macOS, Windows, and *nix, and there may be some differences.

First, we need to clone the source code of the project locally with the following command:

git clone           

Switch to the /grunt directory, set up the Grunt task runner, and install the dependencies:

cd grunt/

npm install           

Then add the following information to the /grunt/package.json file:

1. Set the aws_account_number value of your AWS account.

2. Set the first_warning and last_warning, that is, the number of days and time for triggering the alarm email (sent to the report_to);

3. Set expiry, that is, the number of key timeout days, if it times out, a reminder will be sent to the user by email;

4. Set the serviceaccount, that is, the account username that needs to be ignored by the script;

5. Set the exclusiongroup, that is, the group name assigned to the user that needs to be ignored by the script;

6. Set the send_completion_report value to True to send notification emails via SES.

7. Set up report_to, that is, the email address used to receive alerts and reports;

8. Set report_from, that is, the email address used to send warning emails and reports;

9. Set the deployment_region, that is, the region that supports Lambda;

Next, make sure that the command line interface is successfully connected to AWS, and you can use the following command to verify that the connection is successful:

aws iam get-user           

In the command line interface, switch to the /grunt directory and run the following command to complete the tool deployment:

grunt bumpup && grunt deployLambda           

Tool use

Use the AWS CLI to manually call a Lambda function from the command line interface

We can call the Lambda function directly with the function name and store the output of the scan file in file:

aws lambda invoke --function-name AccessKeyRotation --region us-east-1           

    "StatusCode": 200


Use jq to view the contents of the file in the command line window:

jq '.'           

  "reportdate": "2016-06-26 10:37:24.071091",

  "users": [


      "username": "TestS3User",

      "userid": "1",

      "keys": [


          "age": 72,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",

          "accesskeyid": "**************Q3GA1"



          "age": 12,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is still young",

          "accesskeyid": "**************F3AA2"





      "username": "BlahUser22",

      "userid": "2",

      "keys": []



      "username": "LambdaFake1",

      "userid": "3",

       "keys": [


          "age": 23,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is due to expire in 1 week (7 days)",

          "accesskeyid": "**************DFG12"



          "age": 296,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",

          "accesskeyid": "**************4ZASD"





      "username": "apiuser49",

      "userid": "4",

       "keys": [


          "age": 30,

          "changed": true,

          "state": "key is now EXPIRED! Changing key to INACTIVE state",

          "accesskeyid": "**************ER2E2"



          "age": 107,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",

          "accesskeyid": "**************AWQ4K"





      "username": "UserEMRKinesis",

      "userid": "5",

       "keys": [


          "age": 30,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is now EXPIRED! Changing key to INACTIVE state",

          "accesskeyid": "**************MGB41A"





      "username": "CDN-Drupal",

      "userid": "6",

       "keys": [


          "age": 10,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is still young",

          "accesskeyid": "**************ZDSQ5A"



          "age": 5,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is still young",

          "accesskeyid": "**************E3ODA"





      "username": "ChocDonutUser1",

      "userid": "7",

       "keys": [


          "age": 59,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",

          "accesskeyid": "**************CSA123"





      "username": "ChocDonut2",

      "userid": "8",

       "keys": [


          "age": 60,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",

          "accesskeyid": "**************FDGD2"





      "username": "[email protected]",

      "userid": "9",

       "keys": [


          "age": 45,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",

          "accesskeyid": "**************BLQ5GJ"



          "age": 71,

          "changed": false,

          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",

          "accesskeyid": "**************GJFF53"






Use Sample 1

aws lambda list-functions

openssl dgst -binary -sha256 ..\Releases\ | openssl base64

aws lambda invoke --function-name AccessKeyRotation report.log --region us-east-1

jq '.' report.log

jq '.users[] | select(.username=="johndoe")' report.log

jq '.' report.log | grep age | cut -d':' -f2 | sort -n           

Use Example 2

jq 'def maximal_by(f): (map(f) | max) as $mx | .[] | select(f == $mx); .users | maximal_by(.keys[].age)' report.log

jq 'def minimal_by(f): (map(f) | min) as $mn | .[] | select(f == $mn); .users | minimal_by(.keys[].age)' report.log           

End-user output

AWS Key Disabler: an AWS IAM user access key security protection tool

License Agreement

The development and release of this project is under an open source license.

Project address

US Disassembler:Hattpus://


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