
At the age of half a hundred, I have gone through menopause, my body is no longer young, but my husband does not know how to deal with satisfaction

author:Mr. G with dreams

At the age of half a hundred, I have gone through menopause, my body is no longer young, but my husband does not know how to deal with satisfaction

Xiao Fang, a middle-aged woman with a plump figure and a delicate face, has entered menopause when she is over half a hundred years old, but her husband Xiao Ming seems to be indifferent to her changes. Their marriage was not without problems, but Xiaofang never thought that menopause would make the marriage so fragile.

Xiao Fang noticed that her body began to show some changes, her menstruation was no longer normal, and she began to feel uneasy about her body. She knows that she is over half a hundred years old and her body is no longer young, but she still longs to be noticed and loved by her husband.

Xiao Fang decided to communicate with Xiao Ming, hoping to get his understanding and support. However, when she opened her mouth to express her concerns to Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming looked indifferent.

At the age of half a hundred, I have gone through menopause, my body is no longer young, but my husband does not know how to deal with satisfaction

Xiao Fang: Xiao Ming, I have been feeling a little unwell recently, probably in menopause.

Xiao Ming (indifferent): Well, it's okay, I'm old, these are normal.

When Xiao Fang heard Xiao Ming's answer, she felt a little disappointed and lonely in her heart. She thought that Xiao Ming would care and understand her situation, but the reality was so cruel.

Xiaofang (disappointed): Don't you feel that our relationship has changed? I need your support and understanding.

At the age of half a hundred, I have gone through menopause, my body is no longer young, but my husband does not know how to deal with satisfaction

Xiao Ming (indifferent): Don't think about it, I'm very busy at work, so I don't have time to worry about this.

Xiao Ming's indifference made Xiao Fang feel even more disappointed, and she began to doubt her charm and worth. She used to think that marriage was based on mutual understanding and support, but the reality told her that marriage was not so simple.

Xiao Fang began to think about how to deal with her predicament. She knows that she can't always rely on others for support, and she needs to learn to face her own problems independently. As a result, she began to actively look for ways to adjust and change, hoping to regain her confidence and happiness.

After a period of adjustment and change, Xiaofang gradually accepted the changes in her physical condition and age. Although there are still difficulties in her marriage, she is not discouraged because she believes that as long as she works hard to adjust and change, the future is still full of hope and possibility.

At the age of half a hundred, I have gone through menopause, my body is no longer young, but my husband does not know how to deal with satisfaction

Through this experience, Xiaofang learned how to deal with her own physical changes and challenges in her marriage. She also understands that only through her own hard work and courage can she find true happiness and fulfillment.