
The three of my sister and brother don't interact with each other now, so it's better to be a stranger, and it's a joke to say that my sister and brother are relatives

author:Mr. G with dreams

In an ordinary family, there are three children, sister Lihua, brother Wenjie, and younger brother Minghui. They used to be the kind of brothers and sisters who were like a family, but now, like strangers, they rarely communicate, let alone meet. The relationship between them is not as close as it used to be.

Introduction: The Beginnings of a Family Rift

Lihua is the eldest sister in the family, she is smart, independent, and has always been a role model for her siblings. Wen Jie is a young man with a free spirit, who yearns for a distant place and longs for adventure. Minghui, on the other hand, is a child valued by the family, and he relies more on the family than the other two.

The rift of family affection

As they grow older, the personalities and lifestyles of the three of them drift apart, and conflicts begin to arise between the siblings who once talked about everything. Lihua has little time to spend with her family due to her busy work, while Wenjie feels less and less bound by his family, preferring to explore the world alone. Minghui, on the other hand, felt that both his brother and sister had left him aside.

The three of my sister and brother don't interact with each other now, so it's better to be a stranger, and it's a joke to say that my sister and brother are relatives

Lack of communication

"Wen Jie, where are you going again?" Lihua couldn't help but ask when she saw Wen Jie packing her luggage.

"I want to travel the world and see different landscapes. Wen Jie replied.

"How can you be like this, there are so many things to do at home!" Lihua said with some anger.

"Sister, I grew up, and I have my own life. Wen Jie retorted.

The three of my sister and brother don't interact with each other now, so it's better to be a stranger, and it's a joke to say that my sister and brother are relatives

"You two, stop arguing. Minghui came over to persuade.

Emotional betrayal

Conflicts between family members gradually deepened, and they began to misunderstand each other's behavior, resulting in resentment and suspicion. Lihua thinks Wenjie is too irresponsible, while Wenjie thinks Lihua is too conservative and doesn't know how to be free. Minghui felt marginalized by his family and unable to find his place.

Unexpected revelations

"Someone has written to our house. Minghui came in with a letter and said.

The three of my sister and brother don't interact with each other now, so it's better to be a stranger, and it's a joke to say that my sister and brother are relatives

"Who is it?" Lihua took the letter and looked at it, and found that it was sent by a relative she hadn't seen for many years.

"They said they wanted to get together with us. Lihua said.


After receiving the letter, they decided to get back together. Although there are some estrangements, they are aware of the importance of family and are willing to make efforts to reunite the family.

"Perhaps, we should have more communication and understanding. Lihua said.

The three of my sister and brother don't interact with each other now, so it's better to be a stranger, and it's a joke to say that my sister and brother are relatives

"Yes, family will always be our strongest backing. Minghui echoed.

"I also feel that the problems between us are not unsolvable. Wen Jie also expressed his attitude.

Reversal: Redefining family affection

The trio get back together, and through communication and understanding, they rediscover the intimacy they once had. Although they each pursue different lives, they understand that family is always the warmest harbor.

Conclusion: Enlightenment and reflection for the reader

The three of my sister and brother don't interact with each other now, so it's better to be a stranger, and it's a joke to say that my sister and brother are relatives

The story tells us that conflicts between family members are inevitable, but as long as there is communication and understanding, we can resolve the conflicts and regain the warmth of family affection. Family members need to be more tolerant and understanding of each other, so that family harmony can be maintained.