
Li Bai handed down not only poems, but also words. This song "Remembering Qin'e" is Su Shi's shame

author:Poems of ordinary people

Of course not, words existed in the Tang Dynasty, but they flourished in the Song Dynasty and overshadowed the Tang Dynasty. Why did the words of the Song Dynasty begin to become the mainstream of the literary world? I think that all the poems were written by the Tang Dynasty, so the Song Dynasty had no choice but to write words.

Li Bai handed down not only poems, but also words. This song "Remembering Qin'e" is Su Shi's shame

Since there were words in the Tang Dynasty, what was the level of words? Can they be compared with Su Shi, Xin Qiji, Li Qingzhao, and others in the Song Dynasty? In my opinion, the words of the poets of the Song Dynasty cannot be compared with the words of Li Bai. Li Bai's most famous words are this song "Remembering Qin'e", let's enjoy it:

Xiao swallowed, Qin E dreamed of Qin Louyue. Qin Louyue, willow color every year, bullying and hurting farewell.

The autumn festival of the Qing Dynasty in the original Leyou Yuan, the sound of the Xianyang ancient road is overwhelming. The sound is absolutely dusty, the west wind is still shining, and the Han family palace is que.

Translation: The sound of the flute whimpered, like crying, the beautiful woman woke up in a nightdream, she listened to the desolate sound of the flute, looked at the waning moon on the upper floor, and thought about the recruits she had sent away. Liu Se has regained his youth year by year, and has gone back and forth several times, but the recruits he sent other people have not come back for a long time.

Every year during the Double Ninth Festival, she goes to the buildings on the outskirts of the city to look into the distance, but the people who are far away have never heard from her. There is no news at all, only the west wind is bleak, the evening light remains, and a touch of sunset reflects the tombs of ancient emperors.

Analysis: Wang Guowei called this poem "the ancestor of a hundred generations of words and songs" in "Words and Words in the World", saying that it wins with meteorology, and it is difficult for later generations to have such a climate. In later generations, only Fan Zhongyan's "Fisherman's Pride" and Xia Yinggong's "Happy Migration Warbler" can be compared with one or two, but the weather is far behind.

Li Bai handed down not only poems, but also words. This song "Remembering Qin'e" is Su Shi's shame

In Wang Guowei's "Words in the World", the most important thing in his comments on poetry is a weather. So what is meteorology? Weather is the atmosphere in the picture depicted in the poem. The image is the image, that is, the picture depicted. Qi is the bearing, a certain thought and atmosphere of the author reflected in the picture.

Just like in Li Bai's "Remembering Qin E", Li Bai did not express her longing by writing about Qin E's psychological activities. However, through the description of the scenery, Li Bai uses the lyricism of the scenery to combine the magnificent realm and emotions to bring out the atmosphere of the whole text.

In particular, "The West Wind Remnant Photos, the Mausoleum of the Han Family", with only eight characters, not only depicts a lonely and empty sense of the times and space, but also complements Qin E's thoughts. In Wang Guowei's view, Fan Zhongyan's "Fisherman's Pride" in Song Ci can be compared. In my opinion, the Tang poems that can be compared with them should have Wang Wei's "Make it to the Stop": the desert is lonely and the smoke is straight, and the sun sets on the long river.

Li Bai handed down not only poems, but also words. This song "Remembering Qin'e" is Su Shi's shame

The leader of Song Ci's literary world is Su Shi, and Su Shi's masterpiece is "Water Tune Song Head". However, "Water Tune Song Head" is based on meteorology, which is indeed far from Li Bai's "Remembering Qin'e". Enjoy Su Shi's "Water Tune Song Head", let's compare the weather according to what I said:

When is the bright moon, ask the wine to the sky. I don't know what year it is in the heavenly palace? I want to go back by the wind, but I am afraid of Qionglou Yuyu, and the high place is unbearable. Dance to figure out how the shadow seems to be in the world.

Turn Zhu Pavilion, low Qihu, shine sleeplessly. There should be no hatred, what is the long time to say goodbye? People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is cloudy and sunny, and this matter is difficult to complete. I hope that people will last a long time, and they will be together for thousands of miles.

Li Bai handed down not only poems, but also words. This song "Remembering Qin'e" is Su Shi's shame

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