
DNF: The new epic set is at the bottom, and the "six popular genres" are ranked in April!

author:Gaming Esports Express


The 4.18 version of the national server is going to launch a new epic equipment, with 3 sets of suits equivalent to 4 entries, so what is the status of the popular genre at that time?

[First place, bleeding scattered TP flow], the relative strength is 107%!

[Second place, deep diving and scattering TP flow], the relative strength is 103.4%!

[Third place, bleeding and scattering flow], the relative strength is 103%!

[Fourth place, sleep flow], relative strength 100.5%!

[Fifth place, deep diving attack speed flow], relative strength 100%!

[Sixth place, equivalent to 4 entries and 11 sets], the relative strength is 99%!

1, bleeding sprinkling TP flow;

This genre has high intensity, but the feel is slightly worse, more suitable for red eyes, qigong masters, swordsmen, and other professions with three vulgar buffs, like the Emperor of Heaven and exorcism, use this genre, if you change directly from the attack speed flow, there will be serious water and soil adaptation, and the feeling of running the map and putting skills is always half a beat slow. Speeding all the way can alleviate this problem.

DNF: The new epic set is at the bottom, and the "six popular genres" are ranked in April!

2, deep submersible TP flow;

With the feeling of exchanging damage, the three-speed has been greatly improved, and the damage loss is about 4%, which is also acceptable, after all, the current version of the operation requirements is extremely high, and the high three-speed can greatly reduce the fault tolerance rate, so the popularity of this genre is also relatively high.

DNF: The new epic set is at the bottom, and the "six popular genres" are ranked in April!

3, bleeding spillage;

As the previous version of the Phantom God, this version also has a high amount of holdings, the damage is also online, and the bleeding flow is also the answer to the current version.

4, sleep flow;

After 2 rounds of epic strengthening, the sleep stream is the fourth, but it's also a wash entry, but the damage is 7% lower, unlike the bleeding flow, there was a lot of retention in the previous version, and now the entry is reshuffled, naturally no player chooses this genre, as long as it's not the top three genres, naturally no player washes the entry.

DNF: The new epic set is at the bottom, and the "six popular genres" are ranked in April!

5. Deep dive attack rapid current;

It's the same answer from the previous version.,Thanks to the super feel.,Although it's not the only gear now.,But the amount of ownership is still very high.。

6. Equivalent 4 entries and 11 sets;

The new genre has been weakened when it comes out, and now it is only the sixth strength, unless it is wild, which player will use the equivalent four-entry epic of changing a crystal or Xiaobai transformation?

Overall: After the 4.18 update, the status of TP, Bleeding, and Attack Speed has not changed, and the new epic genre is also the second choice.

DNF: The new epic set is at the bottom, and the "six popular genres" are ranked in April!

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