
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless

author:Japan Savvy
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
△实拍:最近每天都爱穿的鞋 整面都是丝绸质地,手感光滑细腻。就像抛过光一样非常有质感,看上去就是贵气的千金感,还有藏不住的仙气。👇上脚舒服,吊打普通帆布鞋、小白鞋,堪称鞋履界的“白富美”~
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
上新福利 119元 点击小程序购买      
01.传承35年的经典 轻奢KAISER凯撒 KAISER凯撒这个品牌,在我们这代人的童年时期,就是品质和品位的代名词。
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
02.绸缎鞋面 穿出贵气感       
KAISER 作为以品质在业界闻名的品牌,在每一双鞋的制作上,都非常舍得用料!这双鞋一拿到手,整个工作室的小伙伴都忍不住赞叹,质感和颜值太在线了。
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
03.暴走不累脚 适合亚洲人的鞋楦       
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
上新福利 119元 点击小程序购买
04.2色可选 搭遍衣柜都能穿       
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
👉 香槟粉 它是一个很嫩很仙的淡粉色,完全不是荧光的粉色,穿上之后不显脚黑。本来以为是很难穿得好看的颜色,没想到一上脚真的绝了!显嫩还很有活力感。推荐平常穿腻了黑白常规色的姐妹也可以入手这款,会有惊喜哦~
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
👉 银色 银色的绸缎折射出珍珠一样的光泽。会更加清爽低调一些,平时走休闲风的姐妹也可以入手。
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
上新福利 119元
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This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
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This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless
This pair of shoes is enough for spring! Comfortable and not grinding feet, versatile and timeless

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