
The achievements of good-neighborly autonomy are shared, and the "smallest unit" of the community here in Yangpu is renewed

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

The degree of civilization of the community can be reflected by the style of each residential building. Some people say that the corridor is the "smallest unit" of the community. Civilized, harmonious, happy, and with a good neighborhood atmosphere, residents will have a higher degree of recognition of their homes.

The reporter learned from Yinhang Street that combined with the private practical project, the street took the beautification of the corridor as an opportunity to renovate the corridor with high enthusiasm for residents' autonomy, create a "good neighbor building group", and build the public space of the corridor into a micro-space for civilized propaganda and grassroots good governance, and truly realize "I am the master of my corridor", which has opened up a new path for improving the living environment and enhancing community cohesion.

Discuss and brainstorm to formulate a beautification plan

"The walls in the corridor are old and mottled, the skin is peeling, and there are a lot of small advertisements, so I propose to paint the walls. "The wiring in the building is also very messy, so it's better to keep it in order. "Tailor-made, tailor-made. Because the needs of the people in each building are different, it is particularly important to consult the residents before the beautification of the corridor.

For example, the three buildings No. 155, No. 156 and No. 158 in the third residential area of the three villages of Gongnong have completed the installation of elevators under the leadership of the autonomous group, but the environment in the building is old and messy. At the meeting, the residents put forward their own suggestions word by word, and finally formed a beautification plan.

The achievements of good-neighborly autonomy are shared, and the "smallest unit" of the community here in Yangpu is renewed

The city famous garden community is a demolition community, 33 and 38 buildings are two ladders and three households of 30-storey high-rise buildings, due to the large space on the ground floor, some residents put the battery car in the ground floor space or push to the floor corridor, and there are piles of things in the corridor, so residents in and out of the ground floor hall and public corridor, often bump and unpleasant.

Through a variety of ways such as the democratic meeting of the residents of the community building group and the telephone consultation, the city park widely solicits the ideas and suggestions of the residents in the building for the renovation of the corridor, focusing on the "one floor with one theme, and the building has characteristics", everyone brainstorms and names the corridor "Ankang Yuehe Building" and "Warm Recreation Building". Today, the residents of the building are happy and warm.

The achievements of good-neighborly autonomy are shared, and the "smallest unit" of the community here in Yangpu is renewed

Jointly prepare and build, clean up debris and arrange and beautify the corridor

In the above two typical cases, the general party branch of the third residential area of the three villages of workers and peasants played the role of a "troika". Unified understanding, unity and cooperation, reasonable division of labor, leading and driving neighborhood committees, property committees, and property management to actively participate in the construction of corridors. During the activity, the volunteers also educated and guided the relevant residents, emphasized the danger of the corridor pile, guided the residents to develop good living habits, cultivated the residents' sense of "ownership" in the corridor, and made the residents become the "main force" in maintaining the environmental sanitation of the corridor.

The achievements of good-neighborly autonomy are shared, and the "smallest unit" of the community here in Yangpu is renewed

After the rectification action was carried out, the neighborhood committee, together with the property company, volunteers, and the corridor cleaning team, carried out a "retrospective" look at the passage of the original building with piles of objects, checked the effectiveness of the rectification, registered the debris stacked in violation of regulations again and posted a rectification notice, and jointly summarized the results after the action, and discussed the next governance plan and long-term governance mechanism. On the basis of the renovation of the corridor, the corridor wall and stair handrails were fully painted, the wires were regularized, and the entire corridor took on a new look.

The residents of Building 33 of the City Famous Garden spontaneously formed a volunteer team to publicize the work through the creation of the whole work with the intervention of the building committee, and then the building team leader pushed the notice of cleaning up their own debris in the WeChat group of the building group.

The achievements of good-neighborly autonomy are shared, and the "smallest unit" of the community here in Yangpu is renewed

With the mobilization of volunteers from the building team, the difficult problems in the corridor were dismantled one by one, and more public space was released. The self-governing masters in the building took the lead in raising funds for the construction of public spaces, and formed a self-funded group to manage the self-raised funds, and began to post art paintings for the corridors, design children's learning areas, and share umbrella platforms...... Everyone also transformed the first floor into the "Lanmeng Living Room", which was used for gatherings, tea and chatting, giving the building a taste of home.

Polishing the business card of Yangpu of "three micro governance".

The corridor is beautified, and the follow-up corridor environment also needs to be maintained by the residents. The Residents' Convention is indispensable. The street has uniformly made a good-neighbor building group civilization billboard for these corridors, which is used to post residents' conventions and other daily notices.

The achievements of good-neighborly autonomy are shared, and the "smallest unit" of the community here in Yangpu is renewed

It is reported that Yinhang Street has carried out the beautification work of the corridor, using "visible changes" to bring the neighborhood closer and rejuvenate the building group. From the consultation of the corridor beautification plan, the joint planning and co-construction, the participation in the renovation process to the follow-up daily maintenance, the residents participated, consulted, acted together, and maintained together, which fully activated the residents' main consciousness and changed the community governance from a "one-man show" to a "chorus". The residents have not only dressed up the "face", but also made the "lining", and the residents really felt the harmonious atmosphere brought by "co-governance, co-construction and sharing", which further enhanced the sense of identity, gain and belonging to the community.

Text/Image: Wang Xinyu

Editor: Zhou Mengzhen

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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