
The man used red envelopes to lure a number of minors into having sex, and the law showed his sword and sentenced him to 15 years!

author:Little Lu is secular
The man used red envelopes to lure a number of minors into having sex, and the law showed his sword and sentenced him to 15 years!

Recently, among the typical cases of protecting the rights and interests of women and children jointly released by the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the All-China Women's Federation, and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, a case of a man molesting children, rape, and forcible indecency has attracted widespread public attention. This case is not only a simple criminal case, but also a profound revelation of the potential risks faced by minors in the Internet age, and at the same time, it also reminds us once again that the determination and strength of the law to protect minors are unwavering.

The man used red envelopes to lure a number of minors into having sex, and the law showed his sword and sentenced him to 15 years!

The protagonist of the case, Chen Moumou, used the online platform to lure a number of underage female students to become his "friends" by sending red envelopes and chatting for more than a year. He cleverly used these baits to gradually deceive the trust of these minors. After gaining their trust, Chen began asking the minors to send nude photos or indecent videos to satisfy their personal needs. To make matters worse, he even had sexual relations with some of them, completely disregarding their physical and mental health and human dignity. For those minors who were unwilling to continue their relationship with them, Chen Moumou even threatened to spread nude photos to force them to continue to keep in touch with them.

Chen's behavior not only seriously violated the lawful rights and interests of minors, but also blatantly challenged social order and good customs. Fortunately, the righteous legal net finally brought Chen to justice. The public security organs and the procuratorial organs worked closely together to quickly crack the case and transfer Chen Moumou for review and prosecution.

During the review and prosecution stage, Chen XX once defended his actions, claiming that the victim had sexual relations with him voluntarily and that he did not know that the victim was a young girl under the age of 14. However, in the face of evidence such as the identity profile of the victim's online platform, the group photo of the two parties when they met, and the chat records obtained by the procuratorate, Chen's defense paled in comparison. The procuratorate comprehensively determined that Chen XX should have known that the victim might be a young girl under the age of 14. This determination not only provides strong support for the smooth trial of the case, but also once again demonstrates the rigor and meticulousness of the law for the protection of minors.

The man used red envelopes to lure a number of minors into having sex, and the law showed his sword and sentenced him to 15 years!

In the end, the court gave a harsh verdict to Chen. He was convicted of rape, child molestation, and forcible indecent assault, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. This verdict is not only a severe punishment for Chen's behavior, but also a powerful deterrent to all potential criminals in society. It sends a clear message to the whole society: any attempt to infringe on the rights and interests of minors will be severely punished by law.

This case is also a wake-up call for us. In the age of the Internet, minors face unprecedented risks and challenges. They may be easily exploited by bad actors because of their lack of social experience and discernment. As a member of society, we have the responsibility and obligation to strengthen the protection and education of minors, and help them establish correct values and the concept of the rule of law. At the same time, we should also strengthen the supervision and management of online platforms to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.

The law is a solid backing for the protection of the rights and interests of minors. We should believe in the power of the law and in the power of justice. When we face similar incidents, we should stand up bravely and use legal weapons to defend the rights and dignity of minors. Only in this way can we create a safer, healthier and better future for minors.

The man used red envelopes to lure a number of minors into having sex, and the law showed his sword and sentenced him to 15 years!

The case of a man who lured a number of minors into having sex and was sentenced to 15 years in prison is not only a severe blow to criminals, but also a profound warning to the whole society. Let us pay attention to the growth of minors and use the power of the law to protect their better tomorrow. At the same time, we should also strengthen the publicity and popularization of laws and regulations on the protection of minors, increase the degree of attention of the whole society to the protection of minors, and jointly create a safer, more harmonious and healthier social environment.

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