
Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!

author:Health Road Plue

There is a seasonal root vegetable, which looks like a yam but is not as "famous" as the yam, although it is very common in vegetable fields and supermarkets, but because of its unsightly appearance and low popularity, in fact, this rhizome vegetable is a hidden natural "tonic", and it has the reputation of "vegetable ginseng". It's burdock!

Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!

Good natural ingredients

Burdock is an ancient vegetable for both medicine and food in the mainland, and the "Compendium of Materia Medica" details that it "passes through the twelve meridians and removes the evil qi of the five internal organs";

Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that burdock is cold, and has the effects of dispelling wind and dissipating heat, detoxifying and reducing swelling, and relieving the pharynx.

Modern nutrition believes that burdock root contains protein, burdock acid, a variety of minerals, trace elements and vitamins, and polyphenols and aldehydes, especially calcium, dietary fiber and protein content, ranking first among root vegetables and fruits, is a very ideal natural health care products.


Control sugar and reduce fat

Burdock belongs to the Asteraceae family, rich in prebiotic inulin (inulin), which can help maintain the balance of intestinal flora, reduce the body's absorption of fat, delay the rise of blood sugar after meals, and have benefits in many aspects such as sugar control, lipid reduction, and blood pressure stabilization.

At the same time, the plant sterols and plant fiber in burdock root can reduce cholesterol levels and prevent cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.



The dietary fiber of burdock can promote the peristalsis of the large intestine, help defecation, reduce the accumulation of toxins and wastes in the body, and have the function of preventing and treating constipation.


Brain Strengthening

Burdock contains a variety of essential amino acids, among which aspartic acid accounts for 25%~28% of the total amino acids, which has the effect of promoting cell development and enhancing brain memory ability. In addition, burdock is rich in calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, and other substances that are also important for maintaining brain and cardiovascular health.


Brightens the eyes and anti-aging

Burdock is rich in carotene, about 110 times more than carrots. A high intake of carotene can be converted into vitamin A, which helps to maintain the normal functioning of the retina, improves dark vision levels, improves rough and dry skin, and has antioxidant and anti-aging effects.


Boosts immunity

Burdock is known as nature's best blood cleanser, which can promote the proliferation of cells in the body, strengthen and enhance white blood cells, improve human immunity, and have a certain auxiliary anti-cancer effect.

The polysaccharides in burdock root can enhance the body's immune system function and increase the activity of lymphocytes, thereby improving the body's ability to resist diseases and prevent the occurrence of colds and other diseases.

Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!

Delicious recipes

Fish-flavored shredded pork

Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!
Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!


1. After shredding the pork loin, add cooking wine, salt, egg white, and starch to marinate for a while, then slide it in the oil pan and remove it when it changes color;

2. Put sugar, white vinegar, starch, light soy sauce and salt in the bowl and stir well to make fish sauce;

3. In another oil pot, add green onions, ginger and garlic, Sichuan pepper, dried chili pepper and hot sauce and stir-fry until fragrant, then add shredded fungus, shredded lettuce, shredded meat and shredded carrots;

4. Pour in the fish sauce, add the blanched burdock shreds, and stir-fry over high heat for about 3 minutes.

Stewed double cow

Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!
Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!

Ingredients: 500 grams of burdock root, 750 grams of beef ribs, carrots, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, ginger pieces, green onions, coriander, sesame oil, appropriate amount of clear soup

Method: Wash and cut the beef into three-centimeter cubes, wash and peel the burdock root and cut it into hob pieces, wash and peel the carrots and cut them into hob pieces and put them on a plate. Put the pot on the fire, add water to boil, put in the cut beef, burdock root, and blanch it in boiling water. Heat oil in a pot, add ginger and green onions, stir-fry until fragrant, add boiling water scalded beef and burdock root to stew, add monosodium glutamate to the meat, put it on a plate, pour sesame oil, sprinkle with coriander.

Burdock crisp

Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!
Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!

Ingredients: 250 grams of burdock, 1 egg, salt and pepper


1. Wash the burdock root and cut it into shreds, and marinate it with a small amount of salt. Open the eggs, beat them and stir them again with the burdock roots, add a little salt and pepper and stir.

2. Spread tin foil in the air fryer, and bend the edge slightly to form a saucer.

3. Pour in the stirred burdock shredded egg liquid, 200 degrees for 15 minutes, finally sprinkle with chopped green onions, cook for another 3 minutes, take it out and cut it and serve.

Yam radish stands aside, it is the hidden "vegetable ginseng"!

These people are not suitable for eating too much

Pregnant and lactating women: Burdock root contains certain active ingredients that may cause adverse effects on the fetus or baby if consumed in excess, and is recommended for pregnant and lactating women with caution.

People with weak constitution: Burdock root has a cold taste, if the system is already cold, taking burdock root may cause more severe cold, causing diarrhea, waist and knee soreness and other uncomfortable symptoms. Therefore, it is best for people with a cold constitution to avoid it.

People with digestive diseases: Burdock root contains more fiber, and if the gastrointestinal tract is not functioning well, consuming too much burdock root may increase the burden on the digestive system, resulting in indigestion, bloating and other uncomfortable symptoms.

People who are allergic to burdock root: If the patient is allergic to burdock root, it may cause allergic reactions after taking burdock root, and uncomfortable symptoms such as skin itching, redness and swelling, nausea, and vomiting may occur, which is not conducive to physical health.

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