
Long-term high blood pressure, beware of brain atrophy! Eat a few of it every day, have a strong memory, and protect blood vessels!

author:Health Road Plue

Brain decline is a common problem after middle age, which includes memory loss and cognitive weakening. According to a study by a research team from Capital Medical University in the journal Communications Biology in Nature, they put forward the idea that brain aging will fall off a cliff at a certain age.

Long-term high blood pressure, beware of brain atrophy! Eat a few of it every day, have a strong memory, and protect blood vessels!

Studies have shown that middle age (the second 1/3 of life) and the last 1/10 are two important brain aging transition nodes. Based on an average life expectancy of 80 years, brain aging begins at age 54 and accelerates at age 72. In addition, external factors can also directly affect brain function, causing the brain to age prematurely and increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Can an increase in blood pressure cause the brain to shrink?

A recent study by the Max Planck Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience in Germany showed that even if the increase in blood pressure is not large enough to be diagnosed with high blood pressure, the brain of young adults with excessive blood pressure can shrink compared to their peers with normal blood pressure. For middle-aged and elderly people who have suffered from high blood pressure for a long time, brain atrophy will be more severe.

To prevent brain decline and enhance memory, there are a few things you can try.

Nourishing the liver is one of the common health regimens in spring, as TCM believes that problems such as increased blood pressure, insomnia, irritability, and dry eyes are often related to poor liver function. In addition, intake of some brain-strengthening foods in the diet is also one of the common methods.

Walnuts are rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids and α-linolenic acid, which can provide the brain with the nutrients it needs, but walnuts are high in oil and are not suitable for consumption.

Long-term high blood pressure, beware of brain atrophy! Eat a few of it every day, have a strong memory, and protect blood vessels!

A small egg that fills the whole body

In contrast, quail eggs are a better choice because it is rich in lecithin and brain phospholipids, which are beneficial for brain health. In addition, quail eggs also contain lower cholesterol and are highly nutritious, and are known as "animal ginseng".

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that quail eggs have the effects of strengthening the spleen and kidneys, nourishing the five organs, nourishing qi and blood, strengthening muscles and bones, etc., and are suitable for physical weakness, spleen and stomach weakness, lack of food and fatigue, insomnia, palpitations, soreness and weakness of waist and legs.

Intellectuals and brains

Quail eggs are high in lecithin and brain phospholipids, which are nutrients needed for higher neural activity, and regular intake can help improve memory, reduce apoptosis of brain cells, and enhance brain function. For people who use their brains regularly, as well as children, adolescents, and the elderly, eating quail eggs in moderation every day can help promote mental and intellectual development.

Maintain blood vessels

The lecithin in quail eggs is not only beneficial to the brain, but also metabolizes cholesterol in the blood and helps regulate blood lipids, thereby protecting blood vessels and preventing arteriosclerosis.

Protein supplementation

Quail eggs are also rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B2, iron, phosphorus and other nutrients, as well as other aspects of the body.

Brain health is inseparable from these three things

Long-term high blood pressure, beware of brain atrophy! Eat a few of it every day, have a strong memory, and protect blood vessels!

In addition to dietary adjustments, keeping your body and brain active is also key to preventing brain decline.

1. Exercise

Physical activity can improve blood circulation, increase blood supply to the brain, and improve memory and cognitive function.

2. Games

Engaging in intellectual activities such as reading, puzzle solving, learning new skills, etc., stimulates the brain and keeps the mind flexible and energetic.

3. Sleep

A good night's sleep is also essential for brain function. Sleep deprivation can affect memory and thinking skills, so maintaining a regular sleep schedule and quality sleep quality is important for brain health.

Finally, maintaining social activity and emotional well-being also has a positive impact on brain function. Interacting with others, participating in social activities, and maintaining a positive mood can all promote brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Also pay attention to eating quail eggs:

1. Moderate intake

Quail eggs are small, but they are easy to eat more than one bite at a time. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents 2022, the recommended daily intake of 40-50 grams of eggs is equivalent to 5-6 quail eggs.

2. Choose fresh

When picking quail eggs, look at them in a cup or small bowl of water. If the egg sinks to the bottom, it means it is relatively fresh. If it is not convenient to use water, you can also pick up the quail egg and shake it, and if you can't hear an obvious sound, it means that it is fresh. If there is a noticeable sound of water when shaken, it may have deteriorated.

Note: When storing quail eggs, place the big head up and the small head down, so that the yolk is close to the air chamber to prevent microorganisms from invading the yolk and avoid scattering the yolk or sticking to the eggshell.

3. Easy shelling

Put the boiled quail eggs in cold water, then place them in a plastic bottle or sealed box, close the lid, and shake vigorously a few times to easily remove the shell without damaging the egg whites.

4. Contraindications

People who are allergic to quail eggs should avoid them to avoid triggering an allergic reaction.

People with hyperlipidemia or hypercholesterolemia should consume quail eggs in moderation as they contain high cholesterol and fat, which may worsen symptoms or induce related diseases.

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