
The construction of food cold storage needs to pay attention to the following points

author:Shanghai Lengdi cold storage construction manufacturer

The following points need to be paid attention to in the construction of food cold storage:

1. Selection of cold storage location: In order to ensure the freshness and taste of food, food cold storage should be built in a ventilated, dry and high place, and should be kept away from flammable and explosive materials to ensure safety.

2. The capacity and scale of cold storage: Choose the capacity and scale of cold storage according to the type and demand of food. If the storage volume is large, a large-scale cold storage should be selected to ensure the quality and quantity of food storage.

The construction of food cold storage needs to pay attention to the following points

3. Selection of insulation materials for cold storage: The selection of insulation materials is crucial for the temperature control of cold storage. Materials such as polyurethane insulation board or polystyrene foam board are often used to build cold storage.

4. Temperature control of cold storage: The temperature of food cold storage should be kept in a constant range to ensure the freshness and quality of food. Under normal circumstances, the cold storage of meat should be controlled at about -18 °C, and the cold storage of fruits and vegetables should be controlled between -10 °C and -5 °C.

The construction of food cold storage needs to pay attention to the following points

When using food cold storage, you need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Strictly abide by the safety operation procedures, pay attention to safe use, and do not overload operation.

2. Pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance of cold storage to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

3. Strictly implement the food sanitation law, and regularly clean and maintain the cold storage to prevent food from rotting and deteriorating.

The construction of food cold storage needs to pay attention to the following points

4. Pay attention to control temperature, humidity, light and other factors during storage to ensure the quality and taste of food.

5. It is necessary to make reasonable use of cold storage space, reasonably stack goods, and avoid wasting space.

6. In the process of use, pay attention to saving electricity, reasonably adjust the temperature and lighting intensity, so as to prolong the service life of the equipment.

In general, the construction and use of food cold storage need to pay attention to safety, hygiene, efficiency and environmental protection to ensure the quality and safety of food.

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