
The doctor reminded that the elderly should touch apples and bananas less, and eat 2 kinds of "food" reasonably and have many benefits

author:Xiao Xu Health Science Popularization
The doctor reminded that the elderly should touch apples and bananas less, and eat 2 kinds of "food" reasonably and have many benefits

Zhang Lin, a retired teacher in her late teens, went to the hospital for a check-up because she was unwell. Zhang Lin has always paid attention to eating a healthy diet, especially apples and bananas. However, the doctor confessed to telling her that as an elderly person, she should reduce her intake of apples and bananas in moderation and choose other foods reasonably.

The news left Zhang Lin confused, and she decided to communicate further with the doctor for more information and explanation.

The doctor reminded that the elderly should touch apples and bananas less, and eat 2 kinds of "food" reasonably and have many benefits

The doctor carefully checked Zhang Lin's physical condition, blood tests, and medical history, frowned slightly, and then said, "Ms. Zhang Lin, according to your examination results, your blood sugar and blood pressure levels are relatively high. In the elderly, especially those with chronic diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure, excessive intake of high-sugar fruits may have certain health effects. While apples and bananas are both nutritious fruits, they are rich in fructose, and consuming too much of them may cause an increase in blood sugar and blood pressure. For you, reducing your intake of apples and bananas in moderation and choosing other nutritionally balanced foods will be more beneficial to your health. ”

Zhang Lin was a little confused after hearing this, and she asked, "Doctor, I have always heard that fruits are good for health, why can't I eat more apples and bananas?"

The doctor reminded that the elderly should touch apples and bananas less, and eat 2 kinds of "food" reasonably and have many benefits

"It's true that fruits are very important for health, they are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber," the doctor patiently explained. However, for older adults with chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure, excessive intake of high-sugar fruits may negatively affect blood sugar and blood pressure control. Apples and bananas are relatively high in sugar, so we recommend that you reduce your intake in moderation and choose other fruits such as blueberries, strawberries, citrus fruits, etc., which are also rich in nutrients but lower in sugar and help maintain blood sugar and blood pressure stability. ”

Zhang Lin nodded slightly disappointed, indicating understanding. She decided to take her doctor's advice and adjust her diet to focus more on a variety of fruit options.

The doctor reminded that the elderly should touch apples and bananas less, and eat 2 kinds of "food" reasonably and have many benefits

In addition to fruits, the doctor also advised Zhang Lin to pay attention to her daily diet.

2 meals that are reasonable and have many benefits:

As an elderly person, gastrointestinal function may be somewhat reduced, and zucchini and bitter gourd are two vegetables that are very suitable for consumption. They are rich in nutrients and have the effect of promoting digestion, clearing away heat and detoxification, and helping to lower blood sugar and blood lipids. Moderate consumption of zucchini and bitter gourd can improve digestive issues and maintain healthy gastrointestinal function.

The bitter gourd has a slightly bitter taste, but this bitterness comes from the bitter gourd bitter in it, which has certain medicinal properties. Bitter melon, which is rich in bitter melon, has the effect of promoting gastric juice secretion and digestive enzymes, which helps to improve indigestion and loss of appetite. In addition, bitter gourd is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin B, minerals and dietary fiber, which is also beneficial for protecting the liver, regulating blood sugar, and lowering blood lipids.

The doctor reminded that the elderly should touch apples and bananas less, and eat 2 kinds of "food" reasonably and have many benefits

Zucchini, which is rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, helps to promote intestinal peristalsis and relieve constipation, and is also a low-calorie, high-water vegetable, suitable for the elderly to maintain weight and water balance.

Older people have relatively weak gastrointestinal function, and excessive consumption of zucchini and bitter melon may cause gastrointestinal upset or digestive problems.

On the road of pursuing a healthy diet, we should maintain moderation and balance, and make reasonable food choices and consumption control according to individual circumstances.

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