
From April 15th, the new national standard for electric vehicles will be implemented, is your car compliant?

author:Positive energy small fish z

In this fast-paced modern society, electric vehicles have long become an indispensable means of transportation in cities due to their lightweight and environmentally friendly characteristics. However, with the implementation of the new national standard policy for electric vehicles on April 15, this convenient means of transportation seems to have become "complicated" overnight. The new national standard stipulates that electric vehicle riders need to hold a driver's license, get a license, and buy compulsory traffic insurance, this change has made many people start to feel anxious: can't we ride a small electric donkey through the streets and alleys as we like in the future?

Don't worry, let's find out.

The introduction of the new national standard policy is actually to better regulate the electric vehicle market and improve road traffic safety. After all, in the past few years, with the proliferation of electric vehicles, traffic safety has become increasingly prominent. The proliferation of unlicensed driving and unlicensed vehicles has brought considerable challenges to traffic management.


Now, according to the provisions of the new national standard, electric vehicles are clearly divided into three categories: electric bicycles, electric mopeds and electric motorcycles. Different types of vehicles have different management requirements. For example, electric bicycles are classified as non-motorized vehicles with a maximum speed of no more than 25 km/h and do not require a driver's license, but still need to be licensed, while electric mopeds and electric motorcycles are classified as motor vehicles and require a corresponding driver's license, annual examination and compulsory traffic insurance.

This kind of classified management seems to increase the threshold of riding, but it is actually to protect the safety of every cyclist. Imagine what kind of chaos it would be if the roads were filled with electric vehicles of different speeds and specifications? The implementation of the new national standard is to make the road more orderly and the riding safer.

From April 15th, the new national standard for electric vehicles will be implemented, is your car compliant?

Of course, the implementation of the new policy has also brought some inconveniences. For example, people who used to be able to ride their electric vehicles as they want may now need to spend more time and effort getting their driver's licenses, licensing and insurance. But these efforts are in exchange for a safer riding environment and a more standardized traffic order.

In addition, the new national standard also clearly stipulates some technical indicators, such as motor power, vehicle weight, etc. The introduction of these regulations will not only help improve the overall quality of electric vehicles, but also reduce traffic accidents caused by inconsistent vehicle specifications to a certain extent.

From April 15th, the new national standard for electric vehicles will be implemented, is your car compliant?

In the face of the new national standard policy, we need not be overly alarmed. It is not to restrict our freedom of travel, but to make our riding safer and more orderly through standardized management. At the same time, it is also an opportunity to remind us to pay attention to traffic safety. After all, you only have one life, and every trip should be cherished.

So, how should we, as cyclists, respond to this change?

First of all, we need to understand and comply with the relevant provisions of the new national standard policy. If you are riding an electric bicycle, then please make sure that your vehicle meets the national standards and is licensed in time, if you are riding an electric moped or electric motorcycle, then please be sure to obtain the corresponding driver's license, and go through the annual examination and purchase compulsory traffic insurance on time.

From April 15th, the new national standard for electric vehicles will be implemented, is your car compliant?

Second, we need to increase our security awareness. Wear a safety helmet when riding, obey traffic rules, and do not run red lights, do not drive in the wrong direction, and do not speed. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to road conditions and other vehicle and pedestrian movements at all times to prevent accidents before they occur.

Finally, we need to embrace this change with an open mind. The implementation of the new national standard policy is for the sake of our safety, although it may bring some inconvenience and distress in the short term, but in the long run, it is undoubtedly a good thing for the benefit of the country and the people.

From April 15th, the new national standard for electric vehicles will be implemented, is your car compliant?

In this era of change, let us move forward hand in hand! Use our practical actions to support and cooperate with the implementation of the new national standard policy, use our safe cycling to contribute to the city's traffic order, and use our understanding and tolerance to resolve all kinds of confusion and confusion caused by policy adjustment. I believe that in the near future, we will usher in a safer, orderly and harmonious riding environment!

Now, I would like to ask: are you ready for the new national standard policy for electric vehicles?

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