
It's the weekend, do you want to make an appointment?

author:Hohhot Fire Protection, Inner Mongolia
It's the weekend, do you want to make an appointment?
It's the weekend, do you want to make an appointment?

Dining establishments are where the "fireworks" of the world are

It is also a high-risk area for fires

Looking at the "sparrows are small"

In fact, it is "all the organs"

Not only a large number of flammable and combustible materials are piled up

And the use of fire and electricity is concentrated

There are many fire hazards due to many reasons

If you are negligent, it is easy to start a fire



Case 1

On April 3, 2024, a fire broke out at the "Fang Brick Factory No. 69 Fried Sauce Noodles" restaurant located at No. 104 Xiheyan, Dashilan Street, Xicheng District, Beijing. It is understood that the fire was caused by the ignition of combustibles by the illegal fire operation of the roof waterproof construction personnel.

It's the weekend, do you want to make an appointment?


Case 2

On March 15, 2023, in Hengyang, Hunan Province, the external range hood of a hotel suddenly caught fire, and the fire was caused by a fault in the external wiring of the kitchen, which ignited the grease on the range hood, and the fire spread along the range hood pipe to the second floor of the house.

It's the weekend, do you want to make an appointment?
It's the weekend, do you want to make an appointment?

Safety is no small matter, and you must pay attention everywhere

In order to make everyone feel at ease to eat

Take a look at these items

Fire safety tips for food and beverage establishments

Be sure to remember!

It's the weekend, do you want to make an appointment?
  • Source: Inner Mongolia Fire Department

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