
The delivery man took a vicious dog to bite through the girl's leg, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and the medical expenses may be sky-high

author:Tomorrow could be better!

"There are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and dogs change their faces every day. This is not an ancient saying, but it vividly reveals a fact that is overlooked in everyday life: even the most docile pets can show their wild side under certain circumstances. A few days ago, a scene of upheaval in Changning, Hunan Province, is like a mirror, reflecting the deep issues of community safety, dog responsibility, and the harmonious coexistence of humans and animals.

On April 13, the calm streets of Changning, Hunan Province, suddenly made waves, and a sudden dog bite incident was staged like a drama, leaving passers-by dumbfounded and making people have mixed feelings.

The delivery man took a vicious dog to bite through the girl's leg, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and the medical expenses may be sky-high

A black dog whose owner seems to be well-behaved and obedient on weekdays, and can sit and stand, turned into a demon in an instant, broke free from the leash in the master's hand, and pounced on the innocent little girl passing by, violently biting her legs, and the pain made the little girl cry to the sky, the picture was extremely worrying.

The delivery man took a vicious dog to bite through the girl's leg, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and the medical expenses may be sky-high

The scene was like a frozen movie shot, and the onlookers were all shocked, and some people described: "The moment the dog went crazy, it seemed that even the air was frozen." The dog owner had no choice but to hold the little girl firmly and pull the little girl's legs. But at that moment, the dog seemed to have lost its mind, and its iron teeth and copper teeth clenched, which made people sigh that "sometimes loyal companions can also become ruthless killers in an instant".

At this time, Mr. Qin, who happened to be passing by, hurriedly came up to help, he grabbed the dog leash, took a stick, broke the stick, and punched and kicked again.

The delivery man took a vicious dog to bite through the girl's leg, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and the medical expenses may be sky-high

In the end, the dog relented and sent the little girl to the hospital, and the doctor said that it was very dangerous, and the little girl would die two minutes later.

The delivery man took a vicious dog to bite through the girl's leg, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and the medical expenses may be sky-high
The delivery man took a vicious dog to bite through the girl's leg, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and the medical expenses may be sky-high
The delivery man took a vicious dog to bite through the girl's leg, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and the medical expenses may be sky-high

Afterwards, although the dog owner immediately expressed his deep apology and sincerely knelt down to apologize, as the old saying goes: "Responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai, and apology is lighter than feathers." "No amount of sincere apology before the law can replace criminal liability and civil compensation for mismanagement.

The delivery man took a vicious dog to bite through the girl's leg, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and the medical expenses may be sky-high

According to the doctor, the medical expenses this time will be at least 78,000, which is still conservative, and if the little girl claims for rehabilitation expenses, mental losses and other expenses, it will be a lot.

The delivery man took a vicious dog to bite through the girl's leg, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and the medical expenses may be sky-high

This incident not only brought great suffering to the injured girl and her family, but also sounded the alarm bell for the whole society - dog breeding is not a simple preference, but also a serious social responsibility.


This incident has also led to heated discussions about urban public safety and dog breeding regulations. Some people say: "If you love it, you must take care of it, and when you walk your dog, you should avoid the crowd peak, which is a respect for the lives of others and a protection for your own pet." ”

More thoughtful people pointed out: "Dog ownership is not a whim, it is a long-term responsibility." If the dog exhibits erratic mood swings or aggressive behavior, dog owners should carefully evaluate and seek professional help in a timely manner if necessary, rather than continuing to keep animals that may endanger social safety. ”

The delivery man took a vicious dog to bite through the girl's leg, knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, and the medical expenses may be sky-high

At the end of the article, we wish this suffering little girl a speedy recovery as soon as possible and a physical and mental recovery. At the same time, this incident also makes us deeply understand that building a harmonious coexistence environment for humans and dogs requires the conscious self-discipline and social responsibility of every dog breeder. After all, "the world will see you the way you treat animals." This is not only an environmental slogan, but also an important yardstick to measure a person's moral level and sense of social responsibility.

This sudden tragedy undoubtedly provides us with an opportunity for in-depth discussion, reminding us that in addition to enjoying the fun of raising dogs, we should always remember: "The joy of loving dogs is not to own but to take care of them, and the disaster of dogs is not to dogs but to people." "Only when every dog owner can truly achieve civilized dog breeding, our community can be more peaceful, and children can grow up with less fear, more safety and joy.


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