
Eating melon seeds is equivalent to drinking oil? How can you eat melon seeds to be healthier? Listen to what the doctor has to say

author:Accompany you on your journey

In my daily outpatient work, I meet a wide variety of health-conscious people who often seek medical advice with little confusions in their lives. Today, I would like to talk to you about a seemingly insignificant, but universal topic - eating melon seeds. Many people enjoy the pleasures of melon seeds without overlooking the health effects it can have.

I remember one time, a middle-aged man came to my office with a confused face. He is a melon seed lover, and he likes to sit in front of the TV every day after work and eat melon seeds while watching programs, which has become a way for him to relax. Recently, however, he began to feel some discomfort, with a slight weight gain and a slight increase in blood pressure. He worries if it has something to do with his melon seed consumption habits.

Through a detailed understanding of his daily eating habits, we found that the key to the problem is not the melon seeds themselves, but the amount and frequency of his melon seeds far beyond common sense. In fact, many people don't know that although melon seeds are small, their fat content is not low. This made me realize that many people may still be unwittingly using this seemingly innocuous habit to potentially affect their health.

Eating melon seeds is equivalent to drinking oil? How can you eat melon seeds to be healthier? Listen to what the doctor has to say

Nutrient composition analysis of melon seeds

First of all, melon seeds are a good source of fat. They mainly contain unsaturated fatty acids, including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These healthy fats are good for the heart and can help lower bad cholesterol levels, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. However, this also means that melon seeds are relatively high in calories, so the amount needs to be controlled when eating.

In addition to fat, melon seeds are also a good source of protein. They contain a variety of essential amino acids that are important for muscle building and repair. The protein content in melon seeds makes it an excellent snack choice for vegetarians or those looking to increase their protein intake.

In addition, melon seeds also contain a variety of trace elements that are beneficial to the human body, including iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium. These minerals are essential for maintaining a variety of functions in the body's health. For example, iron is a key component in the production of red blood cells, while calcium and magnesium are essential for bone health.

Melon seeds are also rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that can help protect the body from damage caused by free radicals, which are a factor in many chronic diseases and early aging.

Eating melon seeds is equivalent to drinking oil? How can you eat melon seeds to be healthier? Listen to what the doctor has to say

The scientific basis of the statement "eating melon seeds is equivalent to drinking oil" is discussed

Usually, the fat content of melon seeds is between 49% and 53%, which is a fairly high percentage. Sunflower seeds, for example, contain about 49 grams of fat per 100 grams. If you eat 100 grams of melon seeds at a time (although this amount is a bit large for the average person), the amount of fat you consume is almost equal to the amount of fat you get from most cooking oils of the same weight.

However, the expression "eating melon seeds" with "drinking oil", although it seems reasonable in numbers, is actually an exaggeration. First of all, cooking oil is almost 100% fat, and although there is a lot of fat in melon seeds, they are also rich in protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E and zinc, which are all beneficial nutrients for the human body. Secondly, most of the fats in melon seeds are unsaturated fatty acids, especially linolenic acid and oleic acid, which have a positive impact on heart health.

While melon seeds are indeed high in fat, they are not a pure source of fat. Excessive consumption is certainly not good for your health, especially considering that they are also often extra salted, which can lead to excessive sodium intake, further affecting heart health.

Eating melon seeds is equivalent to drinking oil? How can you eat melon seeds to be healthier? Listen to what the doctor has to say

How to eat melon seeds healthily

1. Control the amount you eat

First of all, it is important to control the portion size you eat. While melon seeds are rich in healthy fats and proteins, consuming too much high-fat foods can increase the risk of heart disease and obesity. It is recommended to consume no more than one small handful (about 30 grams) of melon seeds at a time, and limit the number of times you eat them to no more than three times a week.

2. Choose a salt-free or low-salt option

Excessive salt is often added to the melon seeds in the market to enhance the taste, and excessive sodium intake is another health concern. High sodium intake is strongly associated with cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension. When purchasing, choose unsalted or low-salt versions of melon seeds as much as possible to control your daily sodium intake.

3. Eat at the right time

Avoid eating melon seeds when you are hungry, as it is easy to overdo it at this time. A better option is to snack after a meal, so you can control the amount you eat and avoid overeating.

4. Pair with other foods

When eating melon seeds, you can pair them with some low-calorie vegetables, such as carrot sticks or cucumber slices, which can not only increase satiety, but also balance the intake of nutrients and avoid consuming too much fat.

5. Pay attention to your personal health

If you have specific health conditions, such as high blood pressure, high blood lipids or diabetes, you should be cautious about consuming snacks that are high in fat or salt. In this case, consulting the advice of a dietitian or doctor is especially important to choose the right snack.

With these simple yet practical tips, you can enjoy melon seeds healthier while managing potential negative health effects. Remember, everything should be done in moderation, and eating a varied diet is the key to good health.

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