
There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again?

author:Chen Ai smiled

Find the light in the shadows of time

When we stand in the long river of history and look back, every corner is full of stories. Those dwellings that have witnessed the ups and downs of life bear a deep emotional imprint. The houses left behind by the old man after his death not only carry the memories of generations, but also hide the taboos in the depths of the culture. These taboos are not in the air, but contain the remembrance of the deceased and respect for life. On the margins of modern society, we can still feel the power of these traditions. They remind us that even in the pursuit of the future in the material world, we should not forget the sustenance of the soul and the reverence of the past.

There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again?

Taboo 1: The baptism of the soul in the silent empty house

Purifying space, it is an ancient and universal ritual. Whether it is incense worship in the East or prayer blessings in the West, it is believed that this will dispel the residual warmth of the past life and allow new souls to settle in peace. Imagine a light smoke rising and a faint scent of sandalwood in the air, or the sound of a sacred Bible reading, as if to wash away the silence of the house and paint the walls with new colors. This is not only a farewell to the past, but also an expectation for the future life.

There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again?

Taboo 2: Echoes in the Relic

Every item has a story to tell, especially those that once belonged to the deceased. They are like silent witnesses, recording the bits and pieces of the past. Dealing with these legacies requires a sense of solemnity and sensitivity. Maybe you can gently stroke the old sweater and feel the warmth it once gave, or maybe you need to carefully flip through the yellowed letters to get a sense of the emotion inside. Every time you choose to keep or let go, it's a process of dialogue with the past. Ignoring this process can lead to inadvertently touching sad memories hidden among objects.

There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again?

Taboo 3: The space left by the years has changed

Time is the best painter and it leaves a unique brushstroke between these four walls. When an elderly man dies, his house becomes a canvas waiting to be repainted. Before that, we need to double-check that the background color of the painting is still solid. Maybe the walls are mottled, maybe the windows are no longer seamless, and even the secrets hidden under the floor need to be discovered. It's a radical look at the living environment, both a tribute to the past and a promise to the future.

There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again?

Taboo 4: The intertwined dreams of new faces and old shadows

Give this house a new look, not only to get rid of the shadow of the past, but also to add color to the new life. The process of renovation is like drawing on a blank sheet of paper, where you can choose where to start, how you want to draw the lines, and what colors to fill in. Replace heavy curtains to let sunlight regain access to the room, or remove shelves that are no longer stable to make the space more spacious and bright. Every tap, every smear, is announcing to the world the beginning of a new life.

There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again?

Taboo 5: The quiet healing of the spiritual harbor

Faced with a place that was once immersed in sadness, our hearts may unconsciously resist. It's not just about adapting to the physical space, it's about a journey of the mind. Sometimes, we feel a little lonely in the dead of night, or suddenly recall the warmth of the past in the morning light. At this time, what we need is an understanding, a kind of support, and even professional guidance. Through communication with others and inner dialogue, we can slowly integrate into this new home full of memories.

There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again?

Build a nest in the river of memory

Returning to a space full of past events is a conversation that transcends time. We respect history and cherish those who have been with us, we embrace reality and look forward to writing our story in a new environment, and we look forward to the future and hope to find our place in this heritage and innovation. These seemingly superstitious taboos are actually a bridge between our inner world and our external environment. Walking across this bridge, we not only pay homage to the past, but also open a new chapter in our lives.

There are 5 taboos to avoid when the old man dies in the house again?

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