
Tianjin Wei's fried sauce noodles, fried sauce is the key, the sauce is full of flavor, eat a bite, too addictive

author:The food of the mother of the girl is daily
Tianjin Wei's fried sauce noodles, fried sauce is the key, the sauce is full of flavor, eat a bite, too addictive

Tianjin people will eat, but also pay attention to eating. Although Tianjin Wei's fried sauce noodles are not as exquisite as "four-dish fishing noodles", they are also dishes and noodles.

Tianjin fried sauce noodles and Beijing fried sauce noodles have the same place, but also have their own characteristics, Tianjin and Beijing fried sauce noodles are complete in dishes, there are a variety of small plates with noodles. The difference is that Tianjin fried sauce noodles are basically fried with sweet noodle sauce, and Beijing fried sauce noodles are fried with dry yellow sauce, so Tianjin fried sauce noodles are basically slightly sweet.

Freshly made noodles (which we also call pot picks) are topped with a thick sauce and served with 4 plates of stir-fry: sweet and sour gluten shreds, sautéed shrimp, scrambled eggs, and dried stir-fried meat shredded leeks. At the same time, it is accompanied by a dish code, cucumber shreds, celery, spinach, bean sprouts, green beans, garlic seedlings, water radish, red pink skin, etc. It varies depending on the season. Hey, how fragrant to be.

The meat in tianjin fried sauce is made of fat and lean meat, not pork belly, so that you can first sauté fat meat, and then put lean meat, fat meat can be simmered, lean meat will not be hard. Noodle sauce Choose Tianjin sweet noodle sauce.

Tianjin Wei's fried sauce noodles, fried sauce is the key, the sauce is full of flavor, eat a bite, too addictive

Prepare the fried sauce

Step 1: Cut the pork into dice pieces and cut the fat lean meat separately.

Step 2: Frying oil. Fry in oil with shallots, ginger, and onions until fragrant. Sauté the onion ginger, onion and brown, fish out, and use only this oil.

Tianjin Wei's fried sauce noodles, fried sauce is the key, the sauce is full of flavor, eat a bite, too addictive

Step 3: Add the fatty diced meat and simmer the oil, and then add the lean diced meat and cook it. All the diced meat is fished out.

Step 4: Large clove stew pot, simmer out the aroma, put in rock sugar to fry color, pour in sweet noodle sauce, simmer over low heat, stir constantly with a spoon, prevent the paste pot, add water, add sugar, first put in the fat diced meat, boil until the water evaporates, the oil sauce separates, and then add the lean meat cubes. Sprinkle with green onions before cooking. Our sauce was fried.

When I start cooking noodles, I like to use cylindrical noodles, which are more ribbed than flat noodles.

Tianjin Wei's fried sauce noodles, fried sauce is the key, the sauce is full of flavor, eat a bite, too addictive

During the boiling of the water, add cold water, repeat three times, boil the hot water three times, and fish out the noodles out of the pot.

Sauce: Garlic paste ➕ sesame oil ➕ cold mix vinegar

Tianjin Wei's fried sauce noodles, fried sauce is the key, the sauce is full of flavor, eat a bite, too addictive


1, the dishes are blanched with hot water, except for the cucumber shreds.

2, the sauce can not eat, put in the refrigerator refrigeration, when to eat, and then take out, it will save trouble.

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