
Work together to promote the "great speed-up" of industrial development in the whole region -- visit Yin Fabin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of Liangzhou District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

author:Liangzhou Fusion Media

["Three grasps and three promotions" to see the action]

Since the launch of the "Three Grasps and Three Promotions" action, the Liangzhou District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology has adhered to the work requirements of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability with progress, and establishing first and then breaking down, and taking the implementation of the "six major actions" as the starting point to increase industrial forging, accelerate the integration of the park, deepen scientific and technological innovation, strengthen the integration of data and reality, accelerate green transformation, strengthen the cultivation of enterprises, and actively integrate into the high-quality development pattern of "two tractions and five poles". Recently, Yin Fabin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, talked about understanding, problems and practices on the "three grasps and three promotions" action.

Work together to promote the "great speed-up" of industrial development in the whole region -- visit Yin Fabin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of Liangzhou District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

Yin Fabin said: "Carrying out the 'three grasping and three promoting' action is the mission, the expectations of the masses, and the needs of development. The District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology will thoroughly implement the deployment requirements of the District Party Committee and the District Government on building a modern industrial system and promoting new industrialization, and take the normalization and in-depth promotion of the 'three grasps and three promotions' action as an important carrier and powerful starting point for tempering the ability of cadres, changing the work style, and promoting the development of the cause.

The first is to focus on operation and scheduling to stabilize growth. Establish three lists of 'stable production, increase production, and reduce production', implement the responsibility system for leading cadres to grasp key enterprises, implement the 'three-level scheduling' mechanism, and fully grasp the operation situation of enterprises. Pay close attention to key enterprises to grasp full production, guide enterprises to reasonably arrange production plans, expand sales channels, and promote enterprises to stabilize and increase production. Pay close attention to the arrears of enterprises to make up for their arrears, and for enterprises that do not meet the expected goals, analyze the reasons and implement targeted policies to achieve the goal of making up for the arrears with abundance. We will pay close attention to the expansion of new enterprises, further tap the growth potential, support enterprises to produce more and produce faster, strive to make a good start in the first quarter, and strive to increase the industrial added value above the designated size by more than 7.5% year-on-year throughout the year.

Work together to promote the "great speed-up" of industrial development in the whole region -- visit Yin Fabin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of Liangzhou District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

The second is to build a strong foundation for the construction of cohesion projects. Focusing on 8 key industrial chains and 2 10-billion-level industrial clusters, we will develop new quality productivity, promote the extension of the industrial chain and strengthen the chain, establish '3 lists', implement the 'six ones' promotion mechanism, and provide special follow-up services to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. The construction of 40 projects such as Huangyang Pumped Storage Power Station was accelerated, with an investment of 5.2 billion yuan completed during the year; the construction of 28 new projects such as Quanjikang plant hollow capsules was started, with an investment of 2.4 billion yuan completed during the year; the early project services were actively promoted, and 14 early projects such as Sichuan Hanzhou New Energy's MPCVD diamond and TBEA transformer production lines were completed as soon as possible, with an investment of 2.2 billion yuan completed within the year, so as to stimulate the strong impetus of project construction. Strive to complete the investment in industrial fixed assets of 9.8 billion yuan throughout the year, an increase of more than 25%.

The third is to improve the quality and efficiency of the cultivation of potential enterprises. 16 projects such as Bozhenyuan Biology, Rongfeng Silicon Industry, and Huadian Fuxin, as well as 16 growth enterprises such as Yinlu Plastic Industry and Yuda Printing, will be included in the cultivation library for key cultivation, implement the 'one-to-one' cultivation mechanism, carry out monthly monitoring services, and support enterprises to meet the standards as soon as possible. Strive to have more than 15 new enterprises throughout the year. At the same time, we will increase the gradient cultivation of enterprises, and strive to cultivate more than 4 provincial-level 'specialized, special and new' enterprises, more than 2 provincial-level green factories, and more than 5 provincial-level enterprise technology centers within the year.

Work together to promote the "great speed-up" of industrial development in the whole region -- visit Yin Fabin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of Liangzhou District Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

Fourth, aggregate service enterprises to promote development. Conscientiously implement the system of 'Bao Grasp Lian', 'Six Must Visits', 'White List' and 'Entrepreneur Day', organize 5,855 cadres to visit 11,104 enterprises door to door, take the initiative to conduct in-depth enterprise research to understand the situation, and sincerely help enterprises solve practical difficulties. Timely sort out the relevant policy documents issued by the state, provinces and municipalities to support the development of industrial enterprises, form a compilation of policies, interpret policies to enterprises, help enterprises enjoy policies, and actively strive for more than 16 million yuan of provincial industrial support funds. ”

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