
The first chairman of the National Government, Tan Yanmin

author:A record of life
The first chairman of the National Government, Tan Yanmin

Tan Yanmin (1880-1930), Zizuan, Fearless, Cut Zhai, Hunan Chaling people. Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, he was a famous politician, calligrapher, and founder of Xiangcai during the Republic of China period.

Tan Yanmin served as the overseer of the two Guangdong armies, and three times served as the overseer of Hunan, the governor and the commander-in-chief of the Xiang Army, and was awarded the rank of general and the grand marshal of the army. He was the chairman of the National Government in Nanjing and the president of the Executive Yuan. On September 22, 1930, he died in Nanjing. After his death, the government of the Republic of China held a state funeral for him. Tan Yanmin is known as "Modern Yanshu Everyone", and his authors include "Collected Poems of Kuian", etc., who are good at food, and are the founders of Zuian Xiang cuisine. Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling married, with Tan Yanmin as the introducer.


His father, Tan Zhonglin. According to Zhu Baojiong and others' "Index of Ming and Qing Jinshi Inscriptions", Tan Zhonglin was admitted to the tenth jinshi of the second class of the Chengchen Branch in the sixth year of Xianfeng (1856); according to Zhu Ruzhen's compilation of the "Cilin Jiluo" volume VII, Tan Zhonglin, Zi Yunxiao, No. Yunqing, Hunan Chalingren. Scattered library to teach editing. The official was the Governor of Liangguang, Yu Wenqin. Tan Yanmin is bright and studious, and entered a private school at the age of 5. His father stipulated that he should write an essay for three days, a poem for five days, and practice writing several pages of large and small brush strokes. At the age of 11, he studied righteous literature, and the Guangxu Emperor's master Weng Tonggong called him a "wizard". In 1893, Tan Yanmin went to Changsha to participate in the boy exam, the examination was Xiucai, Tan's father was old at that time, Tan Yanmin accompanied his father to spend his old age, and continued to learn Shiwen and so on from famous teachers from all over the world. In 1904, Tan Yanmin participated in the last examination of the imperial examination at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and the first place in the examination, that is, Huiyuan, participated in the temple examination in April, ranked as the thirty-fifth place of the second class, and was given the birth of a jinshi.

The first chairman of the National Government, Tan Yanmin

Yan Min inherited his family learning, was talented, the teenager Linchi, quite a penmanship, Weng Tonggong saw and loved it, tasted the words Tan Father said: "Three Ling Lang Wei instruments, pen power can be carried." "The consequences are as they are. In the eighteenth year of Guangxu (1892), he entered the government school, the twenty-eighth year of Guangxu (1902) was raised, and in the thirty years, he entered Hanlin, and returned to Hunan to run the school. In her later years, Empress Dowager Cixi personally presided over the reform, the so-called "Ding Wei New Deal", which Yan Min actively echoed, and belonged to the leader of the Hunan Constitutionalist Faction, serving as the speaker of the provincial "Consultative Bureau".

After the Wuchang Uprising in 1911, he served as the president of the Senate of the Hunan Military Government and the minister of civil affairs. At the end of October, after the Constitutionalists killed Jiao Dafeng and Chen Zuoxin, the vice governors, they were elected by the Consultative Bureau as the governor of Hunan Province. In July 1912, he was officially appointed as the governor of Hunan by the Beijing government, and in September he was also the civil administrator of Hunan Province, and joined the Kuomintang as the head of the Hunan branch. In 1913, he participated in the Second Revolution, declared the independence of Hunan, and published the "Discussion on Yuan Yuan" in Changsha Daily, but was removed from his post as governor by Yuan Shikai. After leaving office, he successively lived in Qingdao and Shanghai. In 1915, Yuan became emperor, and Yan Min participated in the Patriotic Movement. After August 1916, he was reinstated as governor and overseer of Hunan Province, and president of the Hunan Senate. In the War of Defense, in order to exclude the warlords from other provinces from controlling Hunan, he put forward the slogan of "Xiang people returning the Xiang people". After Yuan's death, he served as governor of Hunan Province, governor of Hunan Province, and was expelled by Zhao Hengti to Shanghai in November 1920. In 1922, he defected to Sun Yat-sen, rejoined the Chinese Nationalist Party, and in June was appointed commander-in-chief of the Quanxiang Thief Army. After 1923, he served as the minister of internal affairs of the headquarters of the Grand Marshal's Office of the Army and Navy in Guangzhou, the minister of construction, the governor of Hunan Province and the commander-in-chief of the Xiang Army. In January 1924, he was elected as a member of the First Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang, a member of the Central Political Committee and the secretary general of the base camp. In July 1925, he was appointed as a member of the National Government, a standing committee member, a member of the Central Military Commission and a member of the Standing Committee of the National Revolutionary Army, and the commander of the Second Army of the National Revolutionary Army. In September, he acted as Minister of Military Affairs of the National Government in Guangzhou. In January 1926, he was elected a member of the Second Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang, acting chairman of the National Government in Guangzhou in March, and chairman of the Central Political Committee in April. In July, he acted as chairman of the Kuomintang Central Committee. After March 1927, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Kuomintang Central Committee, a member of the Presidium of the Central Political Council, a member of the Presidium of the Central Military Commission, a member of the National Government, a member of the Standing Committee, and a member of the Wartime Economic Committee of the National Government of Wuhan. In September, the three parties of Ninghan and Shanghai established a special committee of the Kuomintang Central Committee in Shanghai, and served as the chairman of the congress. In February 1928, he was appointed Chairman of the National Government of Nanjing, and until October he was transferred to the President of the Executive Yuan, a member of the Capital Construction Committee, a member of the Finance Committee, a chairman of the Finance Committee, a member of the Kuomintang Central Executive Committee, a member of the Central Standing Committee, and a member of the Prime Minister's Mausoleum Management Committee. He died in Nanjing on September 22, 1930.

The first chairman of the National Government, Tan Yanmin

Tan Yanmin, together with Chen Sanli and Tan Si, was called the "Three Princes of Huxiang" at that time, and was given hanlin editing. The first of the four major calligraphers of the Republic of China, the calligraphers of the Republic of China once had the true grass seal belonging to the four masters, they are the truth of Tan Yanmin, the grass of Yu Youren, the seal of Wu Zhihui and the subordinate of Hu Hanmin. It is known as "South Tan North Yu". All four were veterans of the Kuomintang, and they were all top literati active in politics.

Tan Yanmin's daughter, Tan Xiang, married Chen Cheng, who later became the deputy leader of the Taiwan region.

Calligraphy achievements

Tan Yanmin's characters are also like his people, his calligraphy points are like falling stones, paintings are like Xia Yun, hooks are like Qu Jin, Ge is like a crossbow, vertical paintings use the hanging needle method, the starting pen is calm and steady, the setback is powerful, making people feel rich and strong, and the taste is thick and hidden. A cleansing of the first book world posture, those who are insufficient, less of their own faces. His calligraphy skills are profound, the changes are dexterous, the pen is sharp, the pen edge can hide the sharp edge on the paper, and there is a majestic momentum, although it is a former Qing jinshi, but its calligraphy has no feminine atmosphere of the pavilion. It is another person who writes the face body after Qian Feng in the Qing Dynasty. It is praised as "so far in the Republic of China, and those who learn to look good are unsurpassed".

Tan's writing style has changed several times, when he was weak, he learned Zhao Songxue and Liu Shi'an, then he studied Falu Gongxing Kai Zhimu, and also studied Dongwu (Yang Zhao) and Song Zen (Weng Tonggong), and at the age of 30, he specialized in Yanshu, participated in Qian Nanyuan's penmanship, and took "Magu Xian TanJi" as a daily lesson, and obtained 220 passes in his life. In April 1929, Tan was recuperating in Shanghai, during which time he was in 203 passes. Tan's "Records of the Immortal Altar of Magu" is full of sharpness, majestic and strong, resembling Qian Nanyuan, and the strokes are thicker, and its majesty is even worse than Qian's, and the upright atmosphere jumps on the paper. Its structure is solemn and exquisite, like the sage arching in the temple, which is deeply rooted in its essence and is admirable. He wrote yan characters advocating "not letting go up and not letting go down" and "leaving not letting go of right". In addition to tan's study of lu gongshu, it flooded hundreds of families, and was also involved in seals, and after the age of 40, he lived in Guangzhou, and was everywhere in the ancient Fa Ti. Extremely indulgent, the study of life and calligraphy has changed greatly. In 1926, Tan Yanmin used his back to the homes of ancient theories such as Huang Valley, Su Dongpo, Mi Xiangyang, Zhao Songxue, Wenheng Mountain, Zhu Zhishan, and Dong Qichang. Tan Linti is fast, the work of strokes, and the people are like it.

The first chairman of the National Government, Tan Yanmin

Since Yan Zhenqing's book was criticized by Minang Palace, it has not been taken very seriously, and the three generations of the Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties did not produce a person who was good at writing Yan body. The early Qing Dynasty was basically the world of Dong Qichang's calligraphy. It was not until liu shi'an (liu yong) in the middle of the Qing Dynasty and later Qian Feng, He Shaoji, Weng Tonggong and others that Yanshu was revived. However, most of the calligraphers of the Qing Dynasty still wrote cursive writing, and the seal was also quite good, but the rules and regulations were still rare. Qian Feng is a famous artist for a while, learning yan characters is interesting, and the weather is muddy. However, when the horizontal and vertical are straight, the display plate is hard, and it is not as clever as Lu Gong's. Even so, in the field of contemporaries and later generations, Qian Feng was rarely matched. The calligraphy can show the real kung fu, one painting at a time, a slight deviation, and you can see it at a glance. And Tan Yanmin is especially famous for his Yan Ti Kai book. Tan Yanmin can be said to have basically attacked Yanshu all his life. Tan Yan min shan poetry association, the list of books, the fly head xiaokai are very exquisite. Calligraphy works have both artistic and cultural relics values, and most of the domestic folk collections are concentrated in Hunan.

The huge stone stele in the pavilion of the sun yat-sen mausoleum on the mountainside stele reads "The Chinese Kuomintang buried the premier Mr. Sun here" in two huge golden characters, which is Tan's handwriting.

When Tan Yanmin was young, his calligraphy was appreciated by Weng Tonggong, who wrote to Tan's father: "Sanlinglang, Wei Jiye!" The pen can be carried. Mr. Yu Youren always said when he talked about calligraphy: "Tan Zuan has real skills. Ma Zonghuo commented on his book: "The group nunnery imitated Liu Shi'an in his early years, and in middle age, he specialized in The Qiannan Garden and the Weng Song Zen family, and the late Mi Nan Palace, with strong bone strength, can be described as a strong pen." His book is to fuse Liu Shi'an and Qian Nanyuan into one furnace. The plumpness and roundness of its dot paintings and the calmness of its sprinkling are like stone temples, while the hun jian is vigorous, the body is broad and loose, and the momentum is like the South Garden. Tan Yanmin was born into the Hanlin Academy and had a high degree of education. It can skillfully absorb nutrients from the books of the predecessors, thus forming its own broad and gentle, containing spirituality, and majestic and open rhyme. This is said to be a hundred learning can not be reached.

The first chairman of the National Government, Tan Yanmin

Character works

Tan Yanmin devoted himself to Zhang Cao in his last years, visited the old stone carvings, wanted to enrich the changes in calligraphy, and strived to find the expressive language of his calligraphy, but unfortunately, Tan died of illness at the age of 51. Although Tan Yanmin has not yet reached the realm of old age, his dharma exists and is followed by future generations of scholars. Tan has had the "Poetry Manuscript of the Poetry of the Curse", "The Collected Poems of the Group", "The Poetry Manuscript of the Non-Weng", and the "Poetry Of the Ciwei Room", all of which are photocopied from the manuscripts. Those who have obtained it will also appreciate their books by reading their poems. There is a "Chinese Dynasty Book Style Series • Tan Yanmin Book Style" printed, which can be called everyone.

Character anecdotes

Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling were able to marry, and Tan Yanmin was the main contributor. Tan Yanmin's mother was a concubine of Yahuan Na, and whenever she ate, she would stand at the table and add food to the whole family, but could not share the table. In 1916, Tan Yanmin's birth mother, Mrs. Li, died of illness in Shanghai. At this time, he supervised Xiang for the second time, and the political situation was turbulent. At this time, after leaving Xiang, the "throne" of XiangDu had the possibility of gaining and losing, but after he heard the news, he immediately rushed to his Shanghai apartment to mourn. The following year, Tan Yanmin fuling was buried in Changsha and the coffin lotus pond was suspended. The Tan house is located in the back of the Tan ancestral hall, and the coffin must pass through the ancestral hall to go out. According to the family rules, concubines cannot be buried from the gate of the clan shrine after death. Therefore, the clan members urged Tan Yanmin not to break the clan rules, and carried out from the side door of the clan shrine, and some of them were still blocked at the gate, Tan Yanmin saw this, was furious, and in one breath lay on the coffin cover, ordering the husband to lift up the spirit. When the coffin was carried to the gate of the clan shrine, he shouted, "I Tan Yanmin is dead, carry me out of the funeral!" When the clans saw this, they immediately looked at each other and were silent, so they had to give way and let the bearer carry the coffin out of the gate of the clan shrine. Due to his mother's plight, Tan was dissatisfied with feudal customs and vowed not to take concubines. Tan's wife gave birth to a son and three daughters, and died very early, and before dying, she instructed Tan Yanmin, hoping that he would no longer marry and take several children with him, and Tan was quite trustworthy to his wife's will.

The first chairman of the National Government, Tan Yanmin

Calligraphy works

Tan Yanmin went all out to rescue Sun Yat-sen when he was in distress, which made Sun Greatly grateful, and Sun Tan's relationship was even closer. At this time, Song Meiling returned from studying in the United States, and Sun Yat-sen intended to introduce Song Meiling to Tan Yanmin and let Tan Yanmin recognize Song's mother as a dry mother. Tan refused on the grounds that "I can't carry my dead wife and please the second wife."

After Sun Yat-sen's death, Tan Yanmin and Chiang Kai-shek became increasingly close, and in December 1927, Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling married, with Tan Yanmin as the introducer. After Chiang Kai-shek first stepped down and came back to power, Chiang became the chairman of the National Government and Tan Yanmin became the chief executive, and the two often had contacts at work and in private, and his youngest daughter Tan Xiang sometimes accompanied Tan Yanmin to the Chiang family. Tan Xiangzi Manyi, a graduate of Shanghai Girls' School, was a classmate of Song Meiling when she studied in the United States and was a teacher at the Nanjing Army Children's School. Tan is dignified, intelligent, and sweet-mouthed, so he is very popular with Chiang Kai-shek and his wife, tan Yanmin "often goes to Chiang Kai-shek's official residence to talk, and he must take Man Yi with him every time."

In September 1930, Tan Yanmin suffered from cerebral hemorrhage, and during his illness, he instructed Chiang and his wife to choose a husband for Tan Xiang among the young officers, and asked Jiang to take care of the second army officers for him after his death. After his death in the same year, the Nationalist government ordered a state funeral, and his tomb was built a few kilometers east of the mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Hunan Huiyuan

According to Zhu Baojiong and others, the "Index of Ming and Qing Jinshi Monuments" volume, Tan Yanmin took the examination for the thirty-fifth jinshi of Guangxu in the thirtieth year (1904) of jiachen enke; according to Zhu Ruzhen's compilation of the "Cilin Jiluo" volume 11, Tan Yanmin, Zhong Linzi, Hui Yuan. The character Zu'an, the number of the group of nunnery, the unsambled hall, the selection of Shu Jishi, to run the school to teach editing. Yan Min Zhongguang Jiachen Branch Huiyuan, because it is not only a good article, but also an extremely beautiful word, so it is very likely to be pointed out as a yuan. According to legend, just when Cixi Lafayette was about to write his name, she found that Tan Yanmin was both a Hunan native and surnamed Tan, and suddenly remembered that Tan Sitong, the Hunan "chaotic thief" who made her hate the most, changed Liu Chunlin to a champion. One is that Chunlin calligraphy is also good, and the other is the great drought in the world, and the name of Chunlin is very auspicious. Yan Min was demoted to the 35th jinshi of the second division. However, despite this, only one of the Hunan scholars in the entire Qing Dynasty was Yan Min, so he was quite popular in the land of Sangzi.

Medicinal licorice

Tan Yanmin mixed all his life, not only fell the nickname of "licorice in medicine", but also fell the nickname of "Mixed World Demon King" and "Crystal Ball", licorice is not precious, but it is known as the "King of Hundred Medicines" and has the function of reconciling hundreds of medicines. Some people also summed up his behavior as a "mixed" word, which he also openly admitted, and claimed that "mixing is a big deal" for use.

After Tan's death, his old friend Hu Hanmin was hurt by this and wrote lianyun: "The bright moon of Jingxing returns to the heavens, and the spring wind is born in the eyes." In this way, he praised Tan Yanmin's way of neutralization.

A small newspaper in Shanghai published a couplet of "ungrouping", one to analyze Tan Zuan, the other to imply that Tan is dead, accurately outlining the characteristics of his life:

"Mix it up and use it!" Eat and drink, swing, fate, big, big dean;

The ball's instinct to roll only! Roll around, roll in and roll out, roll east and roll west, roll into the coffin. ”

Embedding the Chaos Demon King and the Crystal Ball into the league is a great idea.

The "three noes" doctrine

After the victory of the Northern Expedition and Chiang Kai-shek ascending to the throne of supreme power, Tan Yanmin was very interested and gave up the post of chairman of the National Government to become the president of the Executive Yuan. In the face of Chiang Kai-shek's dictatorship, Tan Yanmin had a whole set of countermeasures, that is, he embraced the "three noes" doctrine: one is not responsible; the other is not to advise; and the third is not to offend people. Every time he held a meeting, he closed his eyes and recuperated, holding a stuffy gourd and not opening a scoop, often dying the emperor in a hurry, but the eunuch was not in a hurry, becoming a rubber stamp, just accompanied by food and painting promises,, anyway, the society has nothing to do with himself. He knew that it was not easy to do things under Chiang Kai-shek, and he was willing to do nothing, be happy, and be a food companion. His only hobby is to go to restaurants. All the famous hotels in Nanjing let him eat everything. He ate exceptionally well, no longer regarded by Chiang Kai-shek as a "thorn in the eye", and became a famous gourmet.


Some commentators said: "Mr. Linchi, the big pen is hanging high, where the 'skimming' must be frustrated and then out of the front, where the 'straight' must be stopped at the end of the straight, and then bet, so the book is graceful and upright." ”

Kuzuan Shojo cuisine

Tan Yanmin also has a special hobby, that is, food. He is a real gourmet everyone. When it comes to Hunan cuisine, it is necessary to mention The Xiang cuisine of Kuian. At that time, all the Hunan chefs who came from the Republic of China did not know about the Xiang cuisine of The Group An, and the elderly Hunan diners were even more fond of the Hunan cuisine of the Group An, calling it "The Group An Xiang Cuisine". Tan Yanmin is quite "delicious" and is also good at eating.

Founded by Tan Yanmin and his home cook, Zuan Xiang cuisine has won people's favor with the gastronomic concept of "excellent selection of raw materials, fine knife handling, exquisite cooking skills, and precise taste", known as the "source of Hunan cuisine", tan Yanmin and his home cooks founded the prestigious "Zuan Xiang cuisine" as an important part of the famous series of Hunan cuisine and official cuisine.

Tan Yanmin called himself a group nunnery and was called "the first eater of the Republic of China". Tan Yanmin's father is a eater, and this opportunity has created Tan Yanmin's achievements in gastronomy, especially the great innovation and promotion of the development of Hunan cuisine. In a sense, without Tan Yanmin, there would be no hunan cuisine as it is now. To this day, "Kane-an Xiang cuisine" is a famous series and an important part of Hunan cuisine.

When Tan Yanmin's father was the governor of Liangguang, the family kitchen was mainly Cantonese cuisine, most of which came from Chaozhou. Chaozhou was formerly part of Cantonese cuisine, and later came out independently from the Cheng cuisine. Tan Yanmin's ancestral home is Hunan, and he was influenced by Cantonese cuisine when he grew up, so that in the days that followed, he played a great role in the development of Hunan cuisine and the integration of Cantonese cuisine and Hunan cuisine. The Hunan cuisine itself is thick and heavy, and after the light aromatic flavor of Cantonese cuisine is integrated into it, the taste of Xiang cuisine in The Group is more delicious, laying the foundation for becoming one of the eight major cuisines in the future.

The production of the Zuan series of dishes is mainly due to his two cooks, one is The Jiangsu chef Tan Xiting, who mainly cooks Huaiyang cuisine, and the other is Hunan chef Cao Jingchen, who mainly cooks Hunan cuisine. Huaiyang cuisine is light, Hunan cuisine is heavy, Tan Yanmin's love for these two cuisines has an important role in promoting the development of Hunan cuisine and Huaiyang cuisine in the future.

Tan Xiting from Jiangsu was originally the home cook of a salt merchant in Yangzhou, and he made a good Huaiyang dish. From the Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China, the salt merchants and rich parties also liked to eat, and the standards for home cooks were also very high, and the selected home cooks had special skills. Tan Xiting himself is extremely talented in food, and has gained influence in salt merchants, and his cooking skills are naturally superb. After the death of the salt merchant, Tan Yanmin spent a lot of money to hire Tan Xiting as a cook.

There are three reasons why The Xiang cuisine of The Group is famous: First, Tan Yanmin's reputation is prominent. Mou Xiaodong wrote in his article "Literati and Cooking": "Take the Tan family cuisine in Taipei as an example, this Tan family dish refers to the group cuisine that was once the family of Tan Yanmin, chairman of the National Government and chief executive. The two lakes have been rich for hundreds of years, is there no will eat, but Tan Yanmin out of the out of the not only exquisite diet, people think that zong, and many years after his death, some people opened shops in Taipei, but also took him as a call, the dishes are crowned with tan's name, called 'Zuan shark fin', 'Kuian tofu' (Tan Yan Min character group an), and called its chef Tan chef, called his dish Asan Xiang cuisine. Really cooked for tan, the brothers of Cao Xingchen (Cao Si and Cao Jiu) who were instructed by Tan were called Tan Chefs, but some people did not touch the edges and appointed themselves as Tan Cooks, pure fish eyes mixed beads. This is very similar to the Tan family cuisine in Beijing, and now Tan and the chef of comrade Cheng Siyuan, former vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, can assert that he has never been passed down by Tan's family, let alone the relationship between the teacher and the successor, how can he get the true essence of the Tan family dish! Both of these examples show that because tan Qingqing and Tan Yanmin are of high prestige and praise, they are famous for this, otherwise there are a few unknown Tan Zhenqing or Tan Yanmin, and a few bowls of good shark fins, they would never enjoy such a reputation. ”

The second is that Tan is good at the esophagus. Tan always proposes a plan to the chef and determines the menu before inviting guests to dinner.

Third, there is the role of the chef. There are two people in there. One is Cao Jingchen (cao xingchen), who was a famous chef in Changsha at that time, and he, together with Xiao Ronghua, Song Shanzhai, Liu Sanhe, Bi Heqing, and Luo Fenglou, were all famous chefs in Changsha in the past. Xiao Ronghua opened the Fei Yu Restaurant in Lixiang Street, which is famous for cooking dishes such as "Guoba Sea Cucumber", "Milk Soup Hoof Tendon", "Flower Mushroom Without Yellow Egg", "Fire Square Silver Fish" and so on. Song Shanzhai is in charge of cooking at the Majiawan Shangyu Club outside the South Gate, and specializes in cooking dishes such as "red simmered abalone", "dried mushrooms", "milk soup shark fin soup" and so on. Liu Sanhe runs Sanhe Restaurant, and specializes in famous dishes such as "vegetarian roasted square", "three-layer set of chicken", "seven-star sour meat", "raw stir-fried belly silk" and so on. Tan Yanmin and the governor jiang Jihuan at that time were very appreciative of him, and there were people who invited Tan and Jiang, and non-Liu San and Si Chef Buzhen. Bi Heqing set up Yanqiongyuan Restaurant at the mouth of Dagudao Lane on Nanzheng Street, famous for its "barbecue banquet", and created dishes such as "steamed chicken with lotus leaf powder", "chicken leg lotus clip", "three grain mud" (water chestnut, green beans, black dates), "roasted wild duck with local vegetables", "fried shrimp with bean seedlings", "braised white eel" and so on. Luo Fenglou took charge of the natural Terrace Restaurant on Yutang Street, and later founded the natural restaurant in the old house of Xiao Yifeng Salt In Dongmao Lane, and took care of the family cuisine "Braised Wuyuan" and "Braised Earth Bao". Cao Jingchen followed Tan for many years, because of his excellent cooking skills, but also felt through Tan's good food, under the premise of Tan's general principles of cooking unchanged, he could renovate all kinds of tricks, so that many celebrities praised the festival after eating and became a word of mouth. Legend has it that there was a cloud in Nanjing at that time: "If you want to entertain Dean Tan, you need to invite Chef Cao first." ”

After the death of Tan Yanminxian, Cao Jingchen returned to Changsha and opened a "Jian Paradise" in Pozi Heng Street, publicizing the major events of Xiang cuisine such as "Zuan Shark Fin", "Zuan Tofu", "Zuan Fish Raw", "Zuan Bamboo Shoot Mud" and so on, and the business was booming. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Lin Sen, chairman of the National Government, went to Chongqing by car from Ning, and Zuo Xueqian of the Changsha Chamber of Commerce set up a banquet in Jianyuan to wash the dust, thus making Jianyuan even more famous.

One of the anecdotes: Tan Yanmin, former president of the Executive Yuan of the Republic of China government, is a good shark fin eater, and every meal must be eaten, and the non-shark fin is not full, and it is almost addictive. Once, when I went to a banquet with a certain king, the host of the banquet talked about the lack of shark fin soup, which was metaphorically known as the taste of chewing wax, and Tan's only thing. The wine was half drunk, the shark fin did not see the table, and the host asked the guests to order at will, and when asked about Tan's family, Tan Guan'er replied: "If you don't give up, how about chewing wax?" ”

In recent years, a list of Xiang dishes was discovered, and on the ten lines of paper used in changsha Hesheng Xiangnan Goods Local Products at that time, the ingredients and preparation methods of more than 200 kinds of Xiang dishes were recorded. Later, it was found that Mr. Jin Sheng had recorded a single copy of the "suckling pig shark fin table" for Mr. Kuzuan's banquet, which was copied as follows:

Four cold dishes: Yunwei ham, puff pastry ginkgo biloba, soft crispy crucian carp, mushroom silk;

Four hot plates: sugar heart abalone, tomato shrimp, money chicken cake, chicken fat mushrooms;

Eight dishes: Kazuan shark fin soup, lamb soup deer tendon, hemp seed pigeon egg, duck drizzle powder pine, steamed crucian carp, kale soup;

Table noodle dish: char siu suckling pig (double hemp cake, lotus leaf clip on top);

Four dishes: chili golden hook diced meat, roasted vegetable hearts, vinegar slip red cabbage moss, shrimp steamed eggs;

A "Mandarin Duck Crisp Box" snack in the middle of the table;

The fruits on the tail of the table are four colors.

The shark fin and tofu in the table are also the famous dishes of The Kuzuan Hunan cuisine. Mr. Kusana has poor teeth after middle age. Therefore, most of the Xiang dishes in Kuzuan are simmered over a low flame. Simmering is also a feature of Hunan cuisine, simmering is to highlight the original taste of the main ingredients, soft soup, fresh and mellow, the silky and rotten shark fin of The Group an is showing this feature. As for The Kuzuan tofu, the water tofu and rotten tofu are pureed, sifted and filtered, and then beaten with chicken mushrooms, steamed in the basket drawer until honeycomb-shaped, cut into dominoes, and then simmered in chicken soup. These dishes are made to match his teeth. [3]

The most famous of the Kuzuan Shonaku series are "Kuzuan Shark Fin" ("Kuzuan Yujie Shark Fin" and "Kuzuan Tofu"). "Zuan tofu" a meal, it is rumored that the founder of the invention is Yang Han (trumpet ShiKe, Wanping people, in the late Qing Dynasty, once served as the prefect of Yongzhou, good calligraphy, love and literati scholars back, once hand repaired Changsha Jia Tai Fu Ancestral Hall and Ding Wutai), Tan Yanmin is inherited Yang Han's tofu making method, so developed. [1] [4]

Memories for future generations

Oral description: Yin Liecheng (55 years old, deputy director of the Chaling County Archives and History Bureau)

Tan Yanmin (谭延闿), courtesy name Kuzuan (字組庵), was a native of Gaolong of Chaling and the son of Tan Zhonglin (1822–1905, Xianfeng Liujinshi). He was not born in Chaling, when he was born, Tan Zhonglin was the inspector of Zhejiang, so he was born in Hangzhou. His mother Li Shi was originally a maid, and after giving birth to Tan Yanmin, Tan Zhonglin took her as a little wife.

Tan Zhonglin was born in Chaling. Tan Yanmin's grandfather Tan Zhiheng was a Guozi supervisor who taught private schools in the Xiangtan area, and he liked to make friends, and several of the money was scattered. Tan Zhonglin was admitted to the Jinshi in his 30s, and initially in Hanlin Academy. He was in his 40s and went out to work as an official. He was well-organized and basically smooth. When Zuo Zongtang recovered Xinjiang, he was the governor of Shaanxi and Gansu, providing logistics for Zuo Zongtang and supplying grain and grass. He also has a credit for recovering Xinjiang. After Xinjiang was reconquered, an inspector was set up, and Tan Zhonglin gave two-thirds of Gansu's grain salary to Xinjiang every year.

After the Viceroy of Shaanxi and Gansu, Tan Zhonglin became the official Shangshu, the Governor of Fujian and Zhejiang, and the Viceroy of Liangguang. After retiring from the position of governor of Liangguang, the family lived in Changsha, and Tan Zhonglin had already bought a house in Changsha.

Tan Yanmin was tan zhonglin's third son. Tan Zhonglin attaches great importance to the education of his sons and invites famous teachers everywhere. In Changsha, Wang Minyun (1832-1916, a native of Xiangtan, had entered the shogunate of Zeng Guofan. After the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the director of the national history museum, and then resigned and returned to his hometown).

Tan Yanmin has been very smart and hardworking since he was a child, he is a filial piety, and from the moment he understands things, he knows that in order to improve his mother's status in the Tan family, he must have a career.

In 1904, when Tan Yanmin was 24 years old, he broke a record of 200 years in Hunan. In the past 200 years, Hunan has produced Yuanyuan, Bangyan, and Tanhua, that is, it has never produced Huiyuan (the first place in the test), and Tan Yanmin has filled this gap. He will try the apse test, he is the thirty-fifth in the second division, and he is born as a soldier.

There are many rules in the Tan family's house, and when eating, the little wife cannot sit at the table, and eats standing on the side. Tan Zhonglin heard that Tan Yanmin had won the huiyuan and announced to the family that Mrs. Lee could enter the main hall and sit down for dinner.

Tan Yan Min Xiaoxiao, there is one more thing. In 1916, Li Shi died in Shanghai, at this time Tan Yanmin had just supervised Xiang for the second time, and after hearing the news of his mother's death, he ran to Shanghai for funerals despite the danger that someone would take advantage of his absence and oust him from power. The following year, his mother's coffin was transported back to Changsha and stopped at his home in lotus pond. On the day of the funeral, their family did not allow Li's coffin to go through the gate, saying that Li was a concubine and could only go through the side door. Tan Yanmin was on fire, lay down on the coffin, and shouted: "I Tan Yanmin is dead, carry me out of the funeral!" In this way, Li's coffin went out of the funeral gate and was buried in the Yuhua Pavilion.

Tan Yanmin oversaw Xiang three times and was ousted three times. Among them, the second governor was originally to promote Huang Xing to sit in the overseer of Hunan, but Huang Xing resigned and elected Tan Yanmin as the overseer.

Tan Yanmin saved Huang Xing. After Tan Yanmin won the Jinshi, he was also hired to the Hanlin Academy. He worked in the Hanlin Academy for several months, took a leave of absence, and returned to Hunan. Just at this time, Huang Xing wanted to revolt in Changsha and wanted to bomb Hunan Inspector Fu, but someone reported that he wanted to arrest Huang Xing. Huang Xing's public identity is that of a physical education teacher at Mingde Middle School. Tan Yanmin is a trustee of Matilda. Huang Xing first hid in the house of Long Furui (1874-1952, donated to Hu Yuankai in the spring of 1903, Chuang Mingde Middle School), and then Tan Yanmin and Long Furui made some relations, and Huang Xing left Changsha and headed east to Japan.

Tan Yanmin's first supervision of Xiang was in 1911, after the Xinhai Revolution. This time, some people said that Tan Yanmin was the murderer, killing Jiao Dafeng (1887-1911) and Chen Zuoxin (1870-1911). Jiao Dafeng and Chen Zuoxin revolutionaries, after the Wuchang uprising, they conquered Changsha, established a military government, and became the governor and deputy governor.

They have a Plum Xin under them, a pipe belt. Many sources prove that Mei Xin is the murderer. Mei Xin thought that she had merit and wanted to be a bigger official. But Jiao and Chen did not meet Mei Xin's request. Mei Xin was very angry and led someone to kill Jiao Dafeng and Chen Zuoxin.

As soon as these two men died, they needed one man to be the governor. Mei Xin knew that she couldn't do it, so she called for someone to bring Tan Yanmin. Tan Yanmin was originally the speaker of the Hunan Consultative Bureau, and he liked to run schools, and he had prestige and influence in Changsha. Those under Mei Xin did not know which Tan Yanmin was at that time. Go to the outside of the Lotus Pond Tan family's big house and shout: "Tan Yanmin come out!" Tan Yanmin was forced to be carried to the Governor's Mansion to be the Governor.

Some people suspect that Mei Xin was directed by Tan Yanmin, because after Tan Yanmin became the governor, he promoted Mei Xin. At that time, the situation was that the military government needed talents, and Mei Xin still had some skills. When others doubted, Tan Yanmin did not defend himself. He couldn't argue. I didn't kill people. People don't name names, and as soon as you argue, others will say that you are here without silver three hundred and two.

The Tan family and Sun Yat-sen are quite interesting. Tan Zhonglin arrested Sun Yat-sen when he was the governor of Liangguang.

Tan Yanmin oversaw Xiang for the third time, and it was his subordinates Zhao Hengti and Cheng Qian who drove him down. Disheartened, he went to Shanghai to work as a yugong. He knew Sun Yat-sen in Shanghai.

During his third supervision of Xiang, Sun Yat-sen wrote to him asking him to go on the Northern Expedition, but he refused. He said that Hunan should be autonomous and no one should care. Unexpectedly, he later accepted Sun Yat-sen's ideas.

(1922) After Chen Jiongming's rebellion, Sun Yat-sen left Guangzhou for Shanghai. Tan Yanmin personally went to the dock to pick up Sun Yat-sen. Sun Yat-sen said to Tan Yanmin, you said that Hunan should be autonomous, well, your third time to supervise Xiang is your own people (Zhao Hengti and Cheng Qian) to drive you down, do not count, the first two times, are the Beiyang Army. You want autonomy, you want the people of Hunan not to suffer from war, and people won't let you. Besides, our country has been unified since Qin Shi Huang, and now we want to split? Tan Yanmin thought about it and said, Well, I'll listen to you.

During this time, they came and went a lot. Tan Yanmin became more and more aware of Sun Yat-sen, and everyone said that the leader of the revolution was none other than Sun Gong. The money from the sale of the fields the previous year was given 50,000 Guangyang to Sun Yat-sen as a military salary.

Since then, Tan Yanmin has been following Sun Yat-sen, and Sun Yat-sen has also reused Tan Yanmin. Tan Yanmin was appointed Minister of the Interior and Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Expeditionary Army. At the beginning, Sun Yat-sen of the Whampoa Military Academy also asked Tan Yanmin to run it, because Tan Yanmin would run education in Hunan. The land of the Whampoa Military Academy was leveled by Tan Yanmin's Xiang Army. Later, Tan Yanmin thought that running an ordinary school and running a military school were two different things, so he gave up the principal to Chiang Kai-shek. However, the name of the Whampoa Military Academy, "Army Officer School," is still Tan Yanmin's inscription.

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