
"3 Minutes of Health Education" - about menstrual cramps and efficient pregnancy preparation

author:Zhaotong Radio and Television Station
"3 Minutes of Health Education" - about menstrual cramps and efficient pregnancy preparation
"3 Minutes of Health Education" - about menstrual cramps and efficient pregnancy preparation
"3 Minutes of Health Education" - about menstrual cramps and efficient pregnancy preparation

Zhaotong Radio and Television Station News Comprehensive Broadcast Health Science Program "Three Minutes of Health Education", titled and broadcast by Zhaotong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, famous medical experts in the hospital will "face to face" with you online, and popularize common disease prevention and treatment, life and health knowledge for you. The program is broadcast at 08:15, 09:00, 15:00, and 22:00 every day, welcome to listen!

Health Education 3 Minutes Dr. Feng Lili

"3 Minutes of Health Education" - about menstrual cramps and efficient pregnancy preparation

Feng Lili, resident, bachelor's degree, graduated from Kunming Medical University in 2018, and went to Shanghai First Maternity and Child Health Hospital for a three-year residency standardized training from 2018 to 2021. Proficient in hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and other surgeries, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequent gynecological diseases.


Hello listeners, I am Dr. Feng Lili from the Department of Gynecology of Zhaotong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, many female friends have suffered from dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea is very common and usually underdiagnosed, although the frequency and severity of dysmenorrhea are very high, but most women do not seek medical treatment for this situation, we often choose to take painkillers on their own, so tormenting dysmenorrhea, why?

Dysmenorrhea is the pain that accompanies menstruation, and it is one of the common symptoms of women who experience lower abdominal pain and distension during or around menstruation, and other symptoms include headache, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, low back and leg pain.

1. According to whether there are organic causes, it is divided into primary dysmenorrhea and secondary dysmenorrhea. The cause of primary dysmenorrhea is unknown, mostly occurs within a few years of menarche, without pelvic organic diseases, that is, functional dysmenorrhea, secondary dysmenorrhea has a clear cause, menstrual abdominal pain caused by pelvic organic diseases, such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, pelvic infection, endometrial polyps, submucosal fibroids, intrauterine adhesions, cervical stenosis, uterine malformations, pelvic congestion syndrome, vaginal septum, etc. According to the 2017 Canadian Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Guidelines for Primary Dysmenorrhea, nearly 70% of women who experience dysmenorrhea or chronic pelvic pain are found to have endometriosis on laparoscopy, followed by adenomyosis.

2. So how to carry out diagnosis and treatment?

1. Drug treatment: acetaminophen is an analgesic, it has a central effect, produces analgesic effect by raising the pain threshold, acetaminophen has good gastrointestinal tolerance and does not inhibit hemostasis.

2. Hormone therapy, short-acting contraceptives inhibit ovulation and tissue growth, thereby reducing menstrual blood and prostaglandin secretion. Dienogest is a progestin that is non-inferior to leuprolide acetate in the treatment of dysmenorrhea caused by endometriosis.

3. Surgical treatment: Surgical treatment is recommended for repeated pain, the cause cannot be identified, and various drug treatments are ineffective. Available evidence suggests that a first endometriosis surgery may improve fertility and that treatment of endometriosis lesions by excision or ablation may reduce dysmenorrhea. Minimally invasive hysterectomy is also an effective treatment for women who suffer from menstrual cramps and heavy menstrual bleeding and do not wish to have children in the future.

4. Other treatments: The effect of TCM regulation therapy is also very significant, and you can choose a variety of diagnosis and treatment methods such as high-frequency transcutaneous nerve stimulation, acupoint stimulation, acupoint application therapy, TCM hot packing, TCM directional dialysis medicine, low-frequency biofeedback, desensitization, hypnotherapy and relaxation training.

The Department of Gynecology of Zhaotong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a variety of comprehensive diagnosis and treatment measures for patients with all kinds of dysmenorrhea and severe and intractable dysmenorrhea, and has achieved good results, and welcomes the majority of women suffering from dysmenorrhea for specialized examination and consultation, and professional physicians will carry out personalized guidance and intervention according to the cause, gynecological consultation telephone 0870-2859206.

A guide to effective pregnancy preparation

Hello listeners, I am Dr. Feng Lili from the Department of Gynecology of Zhaotong Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, improving the quality of maternal health care and reducing the mortality rate of children aged 0~5 years has always been a global health goal, although the level of prenatal health care and prenatal diagnosis in the mainland has been continuously improved, and the neonatal mortality rate has been greatly reduced, but the incidence of low birth weight, preterm birth and birth defects is still high, and the number of birth defects in the mainland is as high as 800,000~1.2 million per year. Therefore, the "Healthy China 2030" Planning Outline clearly points out that it is necessary to improve the whole process of eugenics and childcare services, strengthen pre-pregnancy and pregnancy health care services, and improve the quality of the birth population. Today I will talk to you about those things about preparing for pregnancy~

1. Pre-pregnancy precautions:

1. Pre-pregnancy health care time and population: in a narrow sense, it refers to the first 3 months of pregnancy, and in a broad sense, it refers to the period of 1~2 years or more before the occurrence of unprotected sex that may lead to pregnancy. Special populations with a history of adverse pregnancy, low education level, and financial difficulties are the key targets of preconception health care services.

2. The best age for childbearing: 24~29 years old for women and 26~35 years old for men. Women of normal childbearing age, who have regular normal sexual life, who have not been pregnant for 1 year after stopping contraception, and who have not become pregnant for > age of 35 years and have not conceived for 6 months should be referred to an infertility specialist, and if necessary, assisted by artificial assistance.

3. Reasonable birth spacing: the interval between two pregnancies should not be less than 6 months, preferably more than 18 months.

4. Pre-pregnancy body mass index BMI: it is recommended to keep it within the normal range (18.5~23.9 kg/m2). 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per day, or at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, is recommended.

5. Folic acid supplementation before pregnancy: It is recommended to supplement 0.4 mg synthetic folic acid or multivitamin containing 0.8 mg folic acid every day from 3 months before pregnancy until 12 weeks of pregnancy. For women at high risk of having a baby with neural tube defects (eg, taking anticonvulsants, pregestational diabetes, having a history of birth or family history of neural tube defects, BMI ≥30 kg/m2, etc.), 4 mg of folic acid supplementation is recommended starting 3 months before pregnancy until 12 weeks' gestation.

2. Key points of pre-pregnancy counseling for high-risk groups

1. Patients with anemia are advised to correct anemia before becoming pregnant

2. Patients with chronic hypertension are advised to consult professionally and guide them to adjust their drug evaluation before becoming pregnant

3. Cardiac function III. and IV. maternal mortality rate is high, and pregnancy is not suitable.

4. Diabetes: It is recommended to control glycosylated hemoglobin within 6.5% during pregnancy, and adjust the hypoglycemic regimen to insulin to reduce the risk of congenital malformations.

5. Pregnant women with hypothyroidism need to adjust the dose of thyroxine to make the serum thyroid-stimulating hormone less than 2.5 MU/mL before considering pregnancy.

6. Infectious diseases during pregnancy are recommended for further examination and evaluation before follow-up treatment

7. Pre-pregnancy genetic counseling and genetic disease screening, both of which are professional counseling before pregnancy

8. It is recommended that pregnant women complete vaccination before pregnancy: contraception should be given for 4 weeks after receiving live attenuated vaccine, and it is generally considered safe to use inactivated vaccine and toxoid vaccine during pregnancy. If you are found to be pregnant after vaccination, it is not recommended to terminate the pregnancy for this reason alone.

Pregnant women who have been assessed to have no high-risk factors should be informed of the signs of early pregnancy and the key points of health care during early pregnancy, and instructed to take the initiative to file and follow up with local maternal and child health institutions within 12 weeks of pregnancy. Pregnant women with premature pregnancy who have been assessed to have high-risk factors will be assigned to the corresponding level of hospital for diagnosis and treatment at the risk of pregnancy.

Source: Data collation: Dr. Feng Lili

Audit|Ni Na

Editor|Xu Long (Intern)

Proofreading|Gao Chao

Platform contact information|0870-2153979

"3 Minutes of Health Education" - about menstrual cramps and efficient pregnancy preparation

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