
The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

author:Yujian Xiaopo Station


Generation Gap Theater: A war between Zhao Xiaotang and his mother

At Zhao Xiaotang's house, whenever night falls, the peaceful atmosphere seems to dissipate. Once, the show showed a fierce dispute between Zhao Xiaotang and his mother.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

The scene is familiar, Zhao Xiaotang waved the homework book in his hand, his voice gradually increased, and his mother picked up the remote control and pointed to the TV, but it was actually pointing at Zhao Xiaotang, and the words of both sides were like sharp arrows, pointing directly at each other's hearts.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

Zhao Xiaotang blamed her mother for not being able to understand her distress and pursuit, and her mother retorted that Zhao Xiaotang did not know how to be grateful and respectful. There was no smoke of gunpowder in this war, but the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

Netizen A commented: "This is simply a replica of my family, every time I want to have a good chat, but I unconsciously upgraded to battle mode." ”

Nutrition and growth: Not only should you be tall, but you also need to be emotional


In the show, Tao Xinran shared the secret of supplementing her daughter's nutrition, and she chose Diqiao small yellow strip liquid calcium. Not only does it taste right, but it's also portable, so kids get a balanced calcium supplement every day they grow.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

This is not only the care of the body, but also a symbol of the careful care and support of parents for their children's growth. Netizen B joked: "I lacked this when I was a child, otherwise I would have grown to 1.9 meters." Although this description is light-hearted and witty, it is a metaphor for a deep meaning - not only the height of children is growing, but the affection and understanding between parents and children also need to be constantly "replenished" to strengthen their emotional bonds.

Bridging the generation gap: It's not that you can't say it, it's that you don't understand it


In the story of Zhao Xiaotang and his mother, the generation gap has become the biggest obstacle to communication between the two sides. Zhao Xiaotang tried to explain his thoughts and pressures to his mother, but his mother always judged and guided from the perspective of an adult.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

This generation gap is not only an age gap, but also a difference in experience and perspective. If both sides can put themselves in each other's shoes, they may be able to find a more harmonious way to get along.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

Netizen C put forward his own opinion: "Every time I try to communicate with my parents, it feels like I'm telling a story to the wall, maybe I'm also on one side of the wall." ”

Friend mode: Wouldn't it be nice to communicate?


Behind the quarrel, there is actually a lack of effective communication. If Zhao Xiaotang and his mother could be as honest with each other as friends, they might have different results.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

In this fast-paced era, parents and children need to have a relationship like friends, sharing the bits and pieces of life together, rather than simple guidance and obedience.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

Netizen D shared his experience: "My dad and I are iron buddies, we will play games together and discuss problems together, and I feel that everyone is much happier in this way." ”

Final Chapter: The Generation Gap May Be the Only Way to Grow


There is no shortage of humor and witty elements in this story, but the issues reflected behind this are real and profound. The generation gap seems to have become an inevitable topic in every Chinese family.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

But perhaps, it is these generation gaps that have become the catalyst for parents and children to grow together. No one is perfect, and through these frictions and conflicts, both sides can get to know each other more deeply, and perhaps this is the meaning of the generation gap.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

In the story of Zhao Xiaotang and his mother, we see a glimpse of a Chinese-style family. Quarrels may be the norm, but as long as both parties keep an open mind and are willing to try to understand and tolerate, then no generation gap can be crossed.

The Art of Fighting: When Zhao Xiaotang meets his mother, a generation gap drama is staged!

All readers are invited to share your stories in the comment section, and let's discuss how to better cross the generation gap and grow together.

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